Chapter 3

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I look at the students, as some of them munch on bowls of popcorn. The others stare at us in awe, wondering what would happen next. "Are you sure that you want to go first, Aisha?" I ask, as she nods lightly.

"Aisha: Enchantix!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I carefully watch her, as she quickly glides through the course with ease. She creates a surfboard out of her Morphix powers. I chuckle to myself, knowing that she loves surfing. As she makes it through the course, a smile forms on her face.

"Okay, it's my turn! Aqua: Enchantix!"

I look over my shoulder at Aisha. "Try and beat me," she challenges, as I shoot a smirk in her direction. I hurry through the course, being surprised at how it easy it was. I didn't even stop at the next part; instead, I zoom past it and soon realize that I'm standing next to Aisha and Bloom.

"Wow! That was really fast!" Aisha says in astonishment. "Tecna, who went faster?" Tecna checks her timer, before smiling in her direction. Aisha looks at me, as a frown forms on her face.

"Aqua won," Tecna states, as Bloom starts to go through the course. Bloom dives over the bars, doing a nice move. She makes it through, before looking at us. The students start to cheer, as I nod in Bloom's direction.

"Thank you for coming!" I proclaim, staring at the students. "Class dismissed!" Bloom looks at me, as the girls start to hurry back to their dorms. It was about five minutes after the class ended, but I didn't care too much. I release my transformation, as a smile forms on my face.

I head back to my room, before unpacking my stuff. I unpack my room, enjoying the under-the-sea theme. Of course, I'd love that sort of stuff. "Aqua, do you want to take a walk?" A voice asks from behind the door.

"Sure!" I call, before opening the door and being face to face with Flora. I follow her outside, as a genuine smile forms on her face. "You know, I cannot wait to teach at this school," she admits, with a bright smile on her face.

I nod. "Agreed."

All of a sudden, four wizards appear in front of us, with stern looks on their faces. "Who are they?" Flora asks nervously, as we hide behind some bushes. I frown, knowing that they could be serious trouble. If anything, I'm terrified of being tortured by a wizard once again.

"We need to see what they want," I whisper, looking at Flora through the corners of my eyes. "You head inside, and I'll confront them." She looks at me, with worry creasing her forehead. I nod in her direction, as fear forms in the pit of my stomach.

"Okay. Be safe, Aqua," she says softly, before sneaking inside. I nervously glance at the wizards, as my heart hammers within my chest. I clench my trembling fists, knowing that I have to be strong no matter what. "Hello!" I call, before forcing a smile. "What are you wizards doing at Alfea?"

I frown, feeling their energy. It could easily overpower my own, and I know what has to be done. If I cannot overpower them, then I have to outsmart them. "Hello, fairy," the one with red hair says. "We're looking for a fairy named Bloom."

"Hmmm..." I hum in response, before putting my hand up to my face. "I'm sorry, but there isn't a fairy named Bloom at this school." They look at me, with frowns forming on their faces. I stare at the ground, hoping that they would believe my lie.

"Get away from her!" Bloom declares, before rushing towards us. My eyes flash dangerously, as I turn to stare at her. Oh no! This can't be good! Well, there goes my plan. I back away from the wizards, before rejoining my friends.

"We're looking for a fairy by name of Bloom," the red haired one states. I look at Bloom through the corners of my eyes, wishing that she would shut the hell up. Instead, she was extremely stupid and had to say something.

"I'm Bloom!" She states, as I roll my eyes in annoyance. Obviously, we're screwed. I look at Rena, as she nods in my direction. "Gravity control!" She murmurs, making them unable to move.

"What is this!?" One of the wizards demand. I smirk, knowing exactly what Rena was doing. "We need to transform!" I proclaim.

"Winx: Enchantix!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I nod in Rena's direction, as they remain stuck before us. "Water stars!" I yell, sending powerful beams at them. Although they were launched back, they were hardly wounded. They fire a spell at us, as I gasp in shock.

"Fairy dust!" Rena states, making a shield of fairy dust in front of us. The fairy dust successfully protects us from their spell, as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. "Rena, freeze them in the sky!" I state, as she nods in response.

"Gravity control!" Rena proclaims, successfully controlling the gravity around them and trapping them in the sky. She clenches her fist, before the gravity pulls them to the ground. The red haired wizard smirks darkly, somehow breaking her gravity spell.

My eyes widen in horror. "No..."

"I'll try this as well!" Rena states, using her gravity magic to slam them into the ground once more. A second later, a bunch of powerful spells charge at us and knock us to the ground.

"It's time," the red haired wizard says. They conjure a portal, before sucking Bloom into it. My eyes widen in horror, as anger forms in the pit of my stomach. Bloom plummets to the ground, being rejected. "Magic orb! Send them away from here! As far as you can!" I shout, before closing my eyes in concentration.

Within seconds, the wizards were teleported far away. "Aqua!" Rena calls, as exhaustion dawns upon me. At least that saved us from some humiliation. We immediately head towards the headmistress' office, wanting some answers.

Why were their spells so powerful? Unlike Valtor, our attacks hardly did a thing to them. As we enter her office, I intensely stare at the headmistress. "Four wizards just attacked Alfea," I say sharply, before crossing my arms in annoyance. "Can you please explain to us what's happening?"

She exhales sharply, as I cross my arms in annoyance. "There's a lot that I need to tell you," she admits, as I nod lightly. If it's a lot, then we're ready to hear it.

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