Chapter 12

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I hurry to the fruity music bar, hoping to see Jax. We were planning on hanging out today. He finally gets a day off from work, and he really wants to hang out with me for the entire day. As I arrive, I notice that it's not open yet.

"Hello..." A voice comes from behind, as Jax stands there. "You look amazing!" He hugs me, as I stare into his yellow eyes. He looks at me for a moment, as a smile forms on his face. "What are we doing today?" I ask.

He smiles. "I found this gorgeous place on the first day here, and I really want to take you there," Jax says. His gaze lingers on me, as a smile appears on his face.

"Oh, really?" I say, arching a brow. He takes my hand, as I feel the lighthearted energy around us. As I glance all around, my eyes widen in amazement. We appear at a private beach, as he grins. "I've always loved the beach," he states.

I smirk in his direction. "Alright," I say, before snapping my fingers. My clothes are replaced with a blue bikini, as Jax's face turns bright red. "A-Aqua..." He chokes out.

He snaps his fingers, as his clothes are replaced with black swim trunks. I stare at his muscular shoulders and toned torso in astonishment. He even has a six pack! "Do you like what you see?" He teases, as I bury my face into my palms.

"U-Um, yes..." I stammer. As I remove my hands from my face, he smirks in amusement. I cross my arms in annoyance and start to pout, as he slowly approaches me. "You're so adorable," he states, as my cheeks turn bright red.

"Thanks..." I say softly. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him, as I rest my head on his chest. "Aqua, I promise I'll always protect you," he murmurs.

"Jax," I state, capturing his attention. "Someday, I'll become strong enough to protect you as well." Jax squeezes me closer to him, as he runs a hand through my hair.

"Okay. I'll hold you to it."

A second later, we're running towards the water. He picks me up bridal style, before holding me tightly in his arms and diving into the water. As we both come up for air, we burst out laughing.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!"

"Do you want me to do it again?"

I stare at him in alarm. "Let's have a splash fight instead!" I state, as he raises his eyebrows in astonishment. I chuckle to myself, as he shakes his head no.

"How about we have an actual fight?" He asks, with a smirk. I stare at him with wide eyes, as my heart hammers within my chest. He can't be serious, can he? "Okay, but don't expect me to take it easy on you," I say.

Jax makes his way towards the shore, as I follow right behind him. As we leave the water, he turns to face me. "Let's do this!" He states, before racing towards me.

My eyes widen in surprise, as he appears right behind me. Before I have time to react, he punches me in the stomach and launches me across the sand. I instantly get to my feet, as Jax appears behind me.

I roll to the side, barely evading his attack. I gasp for breath, as he charges at me and kicks me in the side. I land roughly a few feet away from him, before breathing heavily.

He's extremely fast, and I'm pretty sure he isn't even using his magic. "Are you okay, Aqua?" Jax asks worriedly, standing a few feet away from me. I nod slowly, before narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yeah..." I say softly, knowing that he stopped attacking for my sake. Because of everything that happened with Valtor, the last thing he wants to do is hurt me. "Are you sure?" He questions.

"Yeah!" I declare, before clenching my fists in desperation. As tears form in my eyes, worry forms on Jax's face. "Aqua, I..." He starts.

"I'm fine!"

"Aqua, let's stop this," Jax says, as I look at him with wide eyes. "I don't want to hurt you..." I purse my lips and squeeze my eyes shut, being tired of people underestimating me.

"Why do people always look down on me!?" I proclaim abruptly, as tears stream down my cheeks. "I'm trying my hardest to get stronger, but I always fall short! I'm too weak!" I fall on my knees, before beginning to sob hysterically.

"Aqua..." Jax says softly. He hurries towards me, before pulling me into his arms. I sob into his chest, as he carefully runs a hand through my hair. "P-Please... Tell me why..." I beg.

"Aqua, you're not weak," he says in a reassuring tone. "You're the most powerful fairy I've ever seen. You're really amazing! You're intelligent and strong. Your friends really look up to you and aspire to become stronger because of you. You constantly think of others and continuously push yourself to your limits. Aqua, I love you, and I'm so proud of you!"

A smile forms on my face, as I tightly wrap my arms around him and smile. "Thank you so much!" I say, as he brushes his hand through my hair.

A few seconds later, he pulls away and stares into my eyes. "If you want to, we can continue to fight," Jax says sweetly, as my eyes light up. I shoot him a thankful grin, before we get to our feet.

"Aqua: Believix!"

I turn to stare at him, as a smirk forms on his lips. He raises his eyebrows in amazement, checking out my new transformation. "You're going down!" He states, before lunging towards me.

I backflip and fly into the air. "Raging water!" I state, as a beam of water races towards him. Jax puts up a shield and blocks my attack, as I quickly zoom towards him.

He reacts immediately, before grabbing my leg and pinning me to the ground. I struggle against his grasp, before he starts to tickle me. I burst out laughing, as a smirk forms on his lips.

"It looks like I won," he says, before stepping back. I sigh heavily, getting to my feet and releasing my transformation. Although I didn't beat him, I still had a lot of fun. Jax sets up a towel on the beach, before we start to eat our lunch.

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