Chapter 1

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I rush into Alfea, leading the way. I cannot believe that we're officially teachers! I'm so excited! This is going to be an amazing year! All of the students start to surround us, as amazement forms on their faces.

"I have a question for Bloom and Aqua," a green haired fairy says, as I look at her and nod in her direction. I stare into her grey eyes, being amazed by her appearance. "What's up?" I ask.

"How did the fight against Valtor begin?" She questions, as a chill races down my spinal cord. Valtor captured Jax and I, tortured us, and then turned me evil. I look at the ground, before clenching my trembling fists.

"Aqua," a voice comes, as the student stares intently at me. I stare at her with wide eyes, as my cheeks flush in embarrassment. "Um, y-yes...?" I choke out, as her green eyes seem to stare into my soul.

"Are you okay?" She asks sweetly. I glance around, searching for my friends. Another students stare at me, as I heave a sigh. "How'd you get that scar?" She questions, as I jump in surprise.

"Oh...!" I say in alarm. "You may not want to hear it..." I purse my lips, as they stare at me with pleading eyes. I look for my friends in the crowd, as my heart hammers within my chest.

"Please continue," a white haired student begs. I sigh heavily, before turning to face them. I wish someone would stop their constant questions.

"Okay, here's my story," I start, with a frown on my face. Before I could begin my story, someone taps me on the shoulder. I look in that direction, as Rena stands there. "Mrs. Griselda needs us," she says.

"Good bye, girls!" I call. "We'll talk soon!" I quickly follow Rena into the school, as the other girls stand there and wait for us. All of them turn to look at Mrs. Griselda, with smiles on their faces.

"First, I'll take you to your room," she says. The other girls start to hurry up the steps, heading straight to our dorm from last year. "Stop," Rena states, freezing them using her air magic. "Chances are, we'll have a completely different room."

"That makes sense," I say calmly. "Since we're teachers now, it obvious that we'll be getting a new dorm." Mrs. Griselda nods in agreement, before leading us towards the teacher dorms.

Once we arrive at our new dorm, I look around in amazement. "Aqua, this is your new room," she proclaims, as I step into the room and look around in astonishment. It was absolutely gorgeous! As usual, I had my own room. I snap, as my bags grow in size. I'll unpack them later on.

I walk out of the room, before looking all around. Rena and Aisha share a room, Musa and Tecna share another room, Flora and Bloom share a room, Stella has her own room, and I have my own room.

"Hey, girls!" I call, as they look at me. "How are you liking the dorm so far?" They smile in my direction, before staring at me for a long moment.

"My room is bigger than my old one!" Stella cheers. "I love it!" I meet her gaze, as a smile forms on my lips. She loves it, and I'm so happy for her.

"Girls," Mrs. Griselda says sharply, capturing our attention. "The headmistress wants to see you in her office." I nod, before she leads the way to Ms. Faragonda's office.

"You want to see us?" Flora questions, staring at the headmistress. Ms. Faragonda smiles, before adjusting her glasses. "Indeed," she responds. "Follow me."

She walks towards her mirror, before making it open. My eyes widen in surprise. I never realized that we had a secret place down there! She smiles, before beckoning us to follow her. I nod, before taking a step and following her down the stairs pass the mirror.

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