Chapter 37: Fought & Kidnapped

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Chapter 37: Fought & Kidnapped

The girls and I transformed as soon as we came out.

"Ah, ah, ah, the same old, pathetic, transformations. Haven't got anything new?" Icy snarled before she smirked, evilly, "Well, we have."

Saying that she attacked.

"Ice spiralling!" Flakes of ice flew but I created a shield around me as it was about to hit me.

The Trix did not come alone this time. They had an army of ugly monsters, who had three heads and not only that, if you cut one head, two grew in its place. They multiplied as the specialists and other fairies tried to fight them off.

I looked at Sky and saw that he was safe. The guys were with him as they all tried to fight the monsters off. One was about to attack Brandon but before I could hit it off, I saw Stella attack him and it completely vanished. I gave her a thumbs up which she replied with a smile and I turned back towards the Trix.

"You're no match for us, Winx. This time, we're more powerful and we'll take over Alfea in no time!" yelled Darcy.

"You're wrong," I said in a strong, firm voice, "Because when you destroyed Red Fountain, it was only the specialists fighting you but this time, we're in this too!" And I attacked.


The fight went on for hours. Everything was in complete chaos. The black clouds lined the sky making it more cloudy and dark. Everybody did their best in fighting the Trix and the monsters. They were more powerful now. Like someone, somehow gave them a boost or an upgrade. I've noticed that they're more confident now.

"Fire burst!" I shot at Icy who was unaware of my attack and flew back.

"Ugh! Is that all you got Bloom?!" she paused, "Now, see this. Frosty Flakes!"

"Dragon Shield!" I tried to resist her by creating a shield around me and put my full force in it but it was draining the power out of me. "Ah!" I fell backward when I lost control of it but I didn't fall down.

I flew back to surface to where the Trix were. I glared at Icy and prepared for my next attack.

Third Person's POV:

The rest of the Winx were fighting Stormy and Darcy. Both sides seemed to be giving the other a hard time. Shouts, strikes flew from here and there.

Of course, the Winx had prepared themselves for this fight but the Trix were stronger this time. More powerful. And fast.

Bloom desperately wanted to know the source of this magic. She knew that the Trix couldn't grow this much stronger on theirselves. They had to have a source of magic.

And she wanted to attack that Magic Source. She wanted to put an end to this all.

Bloom, the Winx, the Alfea students and the Red Fountain, the teachers fought against the witches. Even Ms. Griffin and her students joined this fight.

Fighting off those nasty monsters was not that easy. And fighting the Trix wasn't either.

The strength of the Winx seemed to weaken up a bit after fighting up for long but their determination was not. They would never lose against the witches.

Bloom was worried for her friends but she focused on Icy, solely. She wanted to get rid of her. Finish her off.

The rest of the Winx bravely fought the witches.

"You five and us two and you can't even beat us. Losers!" laughed Stormy and Darcy.

Stella could feel herself getting angry. "You witches don't stand a chance against us! Solar Blast!" The spell seemed to knock Stormy off as she was too busy laughing to even notice what was up against them.

"Go, Stella!" the Winx cheered. But it was short lived.

"You! You brat! Now you'll see what I can do!" she paused and closed her eyes chanting a spell. But before she could actually hit the Winx, Flora worked her magic.

"Nature Vines!" the spell acted sort of like a shield and protected the Winx from Stormy's dark spell.

The witches were, too, feeling angry and Stormy could practically feel her body shaking and smoke coming out of her ears. Darcy's hands were clutched tightly as growls of anger left her mouth.

Both of them moved forward with anger to attack the Winx.

"Wild Tornado!"

"Dark Pyrolyses!"

The dark magic spells were casted by Stormy and Darcy, simultaneously, causing everything to go black for the Winx, while they struggled to get out of the tornado.

"I can't see anything!" shouted Musa, her eyes clenched as like everybody else.

"Me neither!" replied Tecna as she searched for her mini electronic device. "Found it.'' she muttered once she got a hold of it.

"Ah! My eyes are hurting!" cried Flora. Her hands were on her eyes as they flew around by the pressure of the strong wind.

"Flora!" Aisha shouted, "Try to use the your magic to calm down the wind!"

"My magic is not as strong as this wind, Aisha!"

"At least try," Aisha tried to hold herself, "even a few moments can be useful for casting a spell. We just need to see through the dust."

"I can try!" Soon the air was cleared but the Winx could still not see.

"Let me use my powers!" Stella said, "Illumatus Solinatus!" Suddenly, a bright light surrounded them and they were able to see.

"Girls! Quicker! I'm not able to hold. . .this any longer," the vines that surrounded us were weakening. We had to act quicker.

"Girls, I say we converse," suggested Aisha. "The conversion spell we were taught might be helpful!"

"You're right," agreed Stella and the others nodded.

"Let's do this," said the Winx in unison before they concentrated on the conversion spell.

"Light Voult!"

"Flight Notes!"

"Morfix Waves!"

"Electrical Voltage!"

"Leaves Sorb!"

The conversion spell seemed to work and soon the illuminating light brightened the atmosphere, creating warmth all around and happiness seemed to flow through the air.

The shrieks of Stormy and Darcy were heard as they fell down and collapsed. The Winx breathed a sigh of relief as they looked around. Most of the creatures were dead and vanished. The Alfea students and Red Fountain boys and the Cloud Tower's witches all cheered as the Winx flew down.

Remaining creatures were being faught off by the students. All the Winx flew to help the others.

"You did great, Stella!" commented Brandon as he faught off the monster.

"Thanks, Brandon!" she replied and hugged him once she hit the monster off of them.

Flora and Tecna flew towards Helia and Timmy who were in the ship, shooting the monsters from up.

Both of them stared at their boyfriends and even helped them in fighting off the creatures whenever they tried to come near. The boys looked up casting a smile at their respective girlfriends before getting back to work.

Musa flew towards Riven, thinking he might need some help. She tried to hit the monster that was about to hit him but before she could, Riven casted it off. "Didn't need your help."

Musa rolled her eyes and stood behind him. Both of them stared at each other before Riven smirked and pulled her to him, "I might need your help in other things." he winked and pecked her lips, causing her to hit him on his chest.

Aisha simply stared at Nabu who was busy in defeating the creatures. He didn't need help as he already had magic.

"Aisha, come here," he called her.

They embraced as soon as they were near.

"Finally," whispered them both. "Finally."


Bloom threw different kinds of spells at Icy to defeat her. But she seemed almost unfazed.

Bloom and Icy stood glaring at each other, waiting for the other to attack. The fight was intense and nobody was up for defeat. Of course, the Winx would never let the Trix win. They would fight tooth and nail to make them lose.

"Blizzardly wind!" attacked Icy. The spell she threw blew her away but not as much. Bloom resurfaced and attacked her.

"Lava blast!" As her spell hit Icy, she flew down, screaming. She hit the ground but soon resurfaced.

"Ice Spiralling!" Bloom dodged the spell and it nearly hit her but she was safe.

"Fire Bubble!" A bubble of fire surrounded Icy and she kept yelling and shrieking. Sure enough, it was hurting her and weakening her ice powers.

Fire and Ice. Opposite and very dangerous for the other.

But she was angry now and wanted to defeat her. It was enough.

Bloom had enough.

Thus, she went for another attack but this time using all her power to summon her Dragon. "Dragon Fury!"

This seemed like the final attack. As Icy was already weak, Bloom's spell sent Icy down and she collapsed. She smiled in victory that finally it happened. She had defeated Icy.

Most of the ugly three-head monsters disappeared. They i.e The Trix were the source of them, Bloom realized. She stared at the Winx and saw that they had, too, defeated the Stormy and Darcy. Now, all the monsters had disappeared.

Everybody cheered and shouted in happiness. After all, the witches have been defeated.

Bloom was happy as well and planned to go and join the Winx but before she could move, she felt something hit her from behind. The force of the spell was strong and before she could decipher anything, she was falling town.

The last thing she remember before blacking out was the screams of the Winx and Sky and shouts of others and someone catching me.

"I finally got you, love," the voice whispered, softly before I blacked out completely.



Hola Señor and Señorita's!

So, Andy kidnapped Bloom. What will happen? Your thoughts?

I'm so sorry for updating so late but if you read my author's note in Gangleader's Girl, you must know why I didn't.

Happy Reading. :)


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