Chapter 29: The Winners & I Love You

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Chapter 29: The Winners & I Love You

When the crowd yelled, it was so loud that I thought my eardrums would explode. I felt the feeling of happiness wash over me.

The host came up on the stage and asked, “Do you guys want more?!”

A chorus of ‘yes’ was heard and the host gave us a smile which clearly said ‘you know what to do’. I turned towards the Winx and smiled and nodded.

"Tonight we are victorious

Champagne pouring over us

All my friends, we're glorious

Tonight we are victorious

Oh we gotta turn up the crazy

Livin' like a washed up celebrity

Shooting fireworks like it's the Fourth of July

Until we feel alright

Until we feel alright

Tonight we are victorious

Champagne pouring over us

All my friends, we're glorious

Tonight we are victorious."


“And...the third place goes to. . .The GV’s from the Golden View School of Fine Arts!”

The Golden View student were a bit sad but happy too. Some of them were even jumping up and down and others were disappointed.

“The second place goes to. . .The Technicals from The Technical Heritage School for Girls!”

Now all left were us and the students from The River Valley School. We all were anxious.

“Now, the first place goes to. . .” The host paused and we held our breaths in anticipation. The River Valley’s students and us, exchanged quick glances before we turned to the host, “The Winx Club from The Alfea School for Fairies! Let’s give them a round of applause!”

We couldn’t believe our ears. My smile was too big that my cheeks were beginning to hurt. In our happiness we didn’t even see the disappointment that displayed on the River Valley’s student.

The Winx and I shared a group hug and laughed before going to get the cup that Miss Faragonda had in her hand to give us. We smiled and took it.

Almost all the students of Alfea were jumping with joy. Out of the corner of my eyes I also saw Sky smiling proudly at me. I felt happier that he was proud of me and I don’t know why.

“It’s time for the After Party!”

After the host announced the after party, we went down. Many people congratulated us on our way. We went towards the boys. Actually, the girls went and I had to follow them. The girls hugged them and talked whereas Sky and I were standing there awkwardly.

Talk about awkward.

“Bloom, can we, you know, talk?” He said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand and I almost found it cute. Almost.

“About what?” My voice came out a bit harsher than I expected.

“About everything. You know not—” He was in the middle of saying something when someone interrupted us.

“Bloom!” I heard a familiar voice behind me.

“Liam!” I greeted, happily when I turned. If you don’t remember he is the guy I bumped into a few days back. I heard Sky groan quietly but paid no mind.

“You guys did great up there!” He praised, breathing heavily like he just ran a marathon.

“Thank you.” I grinned.

After that, he became a bit nervous and said quickly, “Uh. . .Bloom, I want to ask you something. I think it’s probably the best time.”

My grin faltered but it turned into a smile and I asked, “Ok. . .what?”

“I—uh, would you...maybe, like to go out with me?”

I was about to answer, positively but a throat clearing interrupted us. We turned around and I saw Sky glaring daggers at Liam.

“Oh, hey, Sky didn’t see you there.” Liam greeted him.

“You guys know each other?” I asked them, confused.

“Of course, he is my cousin.” Liam answered, shrugging as it was the most obvious thing.

“What?” My jaw dropped and I looked towards Sky. He was looking down. I was suddenly feeling frustrated and angry. He hid the fact that he had a cousin.

It’s not a thing to be angry about. He probably has a lot more. And you just met Liam, Sky didn’t know about that.

For once, I believe my conscious is right. I had no right to be angry or frustrated.

“Anyway, so, back to my previous question—” Liam started but was cut off rudely by Sky.

“No, she’s not going anywhere with you.” Sky intervened, harshly.

“She’s not?” “I’m not?”  Liam and I asked simultaneously.

“No!” He declared, firmly.

“Who are you to tell me what I should do and what I should not?” I retorted, angrily. Who does he think he is? He can’t order me around.

“Your boyfriend.”

My jaw dropped to the ground. What did he say?

Your boyfriend.

My boyfriend.


That word gave me butterflies but I couldn’t let my emotions rule me.

“But, you’re engaged to Diaspro.” Liam spoke, quietly.

“I’m not anymore, Ok! It’s none of your business, anyway.” With that he took my hand led me out into a quiet place. It was quiet outside and few people were there. Sky and I sat on the sand and for a few moments we just listened to the sound of the waves. I didn’t question anything.

People were playing around, splashing and hugging, walking,...kissing. I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach and couldn’t help but sigh, quietly.

“Bloom, I broke it off with Diaspro.” He spoke quietly, breaking the silence that was developed between us.

I didn’t know what else to say after that other than a why.

“Because, I don’t love her. I never did.” He paused and shook his head. Then took a deep breath and continued, “Our parents were best friends. Diaspro and I used to play together as kids. Our parents took this as a chance and made an alliance with each other. They announced that one day Diaspro and I will be married. As kids we never took it seriously and so Diaspro always dreamed that I was her Prince Charming, and I would one day come on a white horse and take her to my kingdom and we would live a happily ever after.”

I looked at him in awe. Is it possible? Arranged marriages don’t happen now. I didn’t know what to say.

“Slowly, I began to believe that too and we were engaged a few years later. Of course, I didn’t protest because I thought maybe yeah, that’s our fairytale. But I understood then that life ain’t a fairytale.” He laughed, humorlessly before starting again, “You know our fairytale went into drain the day I saw a certain red head singing on the very same stage that I saw today.”

I gasped lightly knowing exactly about who and what he was talking about but I kept quiet.

“It was our mission to rescue you, but instead we all became the victims. It became, Mission Impossible. How could we save you when we were the ones falling? When I saw you, I couldn’t help but admire your beauty, your kindness, your feistiness. You were all I could think about, day and night. My heart skyrocketed whenever I thought about you or whenever I saw you. You became my life. And I couldn’t part with it without dying myself.”

My heartbeat became fast and I felt butterflies in my stomach hearing him say all those things. I never thought someone would say that to me. Let alone, the guy I love. I couldn’t help but let some tears fall.

“And when you came to know about Diaspro, I couldn’t see your heartbroken face. I wanted to tell you any chance I get that she wasn’t the one I love. But then that incident happened and after that you avoided me like plague. And here we are now.”

I let out a shaky breath I didn’t know I was holding and looked at the water that felt soothing and calming. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. Sky was looking towards the ocean too. I guess, we both didn’t know what to say after that.

Suddenly, he stood up and I did too. I turned to go in when he caught my wrist before speaking the words I’ve been dying to hear, “I’m in love with you, Bloom.”

I froze when I heard him say that. It’s like time stopped. Did I hear him right? Did he say it? I couldn’t believe my ears so I turned around to face him. My eyes were wide blurred a little with tears and my mouth wide open.

“Hey, hey, hey. Why are you crying?” He cradled my face in his hands.

“Say that again,” I requested.

He looked into my eyes before speaking again, “I love you, Bloom.”

My breathing was heavy and he wiped my tears away. I smiled when he asked innocently, “Am I forgiven?”

I have forgiven him.

Was there a reason not to? He told me about his childhood, his past and it was definitely not his fault that he was engaged to Diaspro. So I replied, “Of course, silly.” I laughed and hugged him. I felt too happy all of a sudden. He hugged me back tightly. I felt jolts of electricity where he was touching me. I pulled back but he didn’t move his hands, perhaps, afraid of letting go, again. In truth I didn’t want to move either.

He was looking into my eyes, intensely and I did too. His eyes constantly flickered to my lips whereas I couldn’t stop admiring his soft, parted ones. He ones again looked into my eyes as for asking permission and then bend down pressing his lips to mine. I felt sparks and electricity flow through me. I kissed him with fervour and he kissed back passionately. It was like we both were pouring our feelings into that kiss and I just couldn’t stop.

I put my hands into his hair tugging them and then settling my hands on his neck pulling him closer. His grip on my waist tightened and his lips moved over mine, hungrily and softly. A few minutes later I felt out of breath so I pulled away. Our breathing was heavier mixed with each other. He put his forehead on mine and smiled with his eyes closed. I closed mine too, smiling back.

“I can’t believe this is true.” He whispered.

I kissed him once again before replying, “Me too.”

When he opened his eyes, I whispered the three words I knew he wanted to hear, “I love you.”



Aww! They kissed again...Was it fast paced? Too slow?

Hope you like it!

Not edited.

Song: Victorious – Panic! At the Disco. (Suggested by Darkrai-ninja1397


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