Chapter 26: The Music Contest & Meeting Liam

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Chapter 26: The Music Contest & Meeting Liam

Ignore my mistakes. Please.


Sky's POV:

"It's a very rare spell and can be casted when it is stolen by or given by someone to the person casting it. As it is a rare spell it's cure is also rare. I would say very rare. According to the profecy, a prince with a true heart will come and with pure love he will give a kiss to her. That is the only cure to it. Warmth. Warmth of love." Miss Faragonda told us, worriedly. Who wouldn't be? Bloom is lying here. I'm really worried as well but I'm relieved that it's not something else.

"But who will be the Prince in true love?" Stella groaned, almost whined. She was obviously worried about her best friend.

"How are we going to save her?" Flora asked looking at her friend, worriedly.

"In fact there is no Prince at all." Musa sighed as she took a glance at her.

"I am." I stood up.

They all stopped for a moment and stared at me as if I'd grown two heads and a few moments later they started laughing, hysterically but stopped when they saw how serious I was.

"Sky, you can't be serious." Tecna said as she took out her mobile.

"It's true, I am the Prince of Eraklyon."

Stella gasped, "You lied!"

"You lied to us as well as Bloom, do you know where that could lead?" Aisha asked with look.

"She knows." I told them quietly but added quickly, "And we'll talk about this later."

"Your right. Girls, please leave the room." Ms. F told us.

They all did as said.

"Sky are you sure you love her? It's not something that can be taken lightly. It's a very serious matter."

"One hundred and ten percent, Miss Faragonda."

She smiled and before leaving said in a whisper, "Then be her Prince." She's really understanding.

I walked towards the bed and sat down. I looked at her beautiful and now paled face. She was really cold. She needed warmth. Warmth of love. Now that I look at her, I realized that I love her more than anything in the world. We may have not been in many dates or not been together at all but at the masquerade might that kiss did ignite something. The Fire of Love. I know that I love her and I can't bear to lose her.

I love her.

I'm certain.

And with that belief, I bent down and placed my lips on her pink plump lips that were still cold. I kissed her with full love and passion and felt the warmth spread all over. I felt sparks and electricity flow through me as I kissed her.

I know that I want to make her mine. I will one day but now is not the time. I walked out of the room after the kiss.


Bloom's POV:

My eyes felt heavy. I couldn't open them, I was unable to. I felt something on my lips. It felt really good and I felt warm instead of cold. I remember everything, my fight with Sky, the trix's arrival, me fighting and collapsing by a spell off casted. But I don't know where I am now. Am I dead?

No. It can't be.

What I felt before was pain but what I was feeling now took all the pain that I had been feeling, away. The first thing I felt were sparks and then the warmth. It felt like it was familiar like I've felt it before but where? What is going on? The warmth that I felt moments ago was not gone. I still couldn't open my eyes but I know that I am not dead. In a few seconds I heard rushed whispers and voices.


"Oh, dear, Bloom!"

I slowly opened my eyes but felt blinded by the lights. Slowly, I adjusted my eyes to the lights and opened them.

"W-inx." I called them but my voice was hoarse.

"Here, some water will help." Stella passed it to me and I was thankful for that.

"How?" I tried to ask.

"Um...Miss Faragonda used a spell." Stella stuttered.

"Oh, okay." I said though I know she's lying.


Three Weeks later...

You look as good as the day I met you

I forget just why I left you,

I was insane

Stay and play that Blink-182 song

That we beat to death in Tucson,


I know it breaks your heart

Moved to the city in a broke-down car
And four years, no call

Now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar

And I, I, I, I, I can't stop

No, I, I, I, I, I can't stop

So, baby, pull me closer

"I think we should totally participate! It's gonna be fun! You know I get to decide our out outfits. Oh! Oh! I've gotten the designs in my head. I just can't wait to try them, already!" Stella, jumped up and down excitedly ever since she's heard that there is going to be a singing contest in Alfea. She's really excited that we all participate.

"I think we should participate, guys. We know how to sing and play. We've done it in Gardenia and I think I really miss singing." I proposed, really interested in it. It has been so much time since we last sang and I would say I really miss singing. Being a vocalist along with Musa is really inspiring. She's a music master, knowing almost all instruments to play. She plays guitar while singing and that's a talent I would say.

I just sing. I know how to play a guitar, a piano and a violin but I'm not exactly what you would call a master. I would give all music related credit to Musa. She was the one who taught us those instruments. Pretty cool, huh?

"Yeah! That's cool with me." Aisha agreed.




"Then let's enter our names." I grinned.


"I listed all of our names. Now all left to do is the designing the outfits!" Stella chirped.

We all sighed, "No Stella not only the outfits but the practice as well."

"Oh, yeah." She said in a small voice.

We all shared a laugh. She loved to design and sit back and watch but not doing the practical work. She was always this kind. Always thinking that she's a princess. But she is for us. She's a year older than us except Aisha but we still treat her as our younger sister. What else would we do? We only have each other and we love each other to bits!

"So, let's get the details first!" Aisha pointed out, "I'll go and bring a pamphlet. We can read details from there."

"Wait, Aisha, I can bring the pamphlet, I'm also going to bring some snacks for us, so I can bring that too." I said, as I stood up from the sofa.

"Ok." They shrugged and I walked out of the lounge.

I actually wanted to be alone, too. I wanted to think about Sky's and mine relation, I have been ignoring Sky for the past three weeks. I just couldn't bring myself to face him. At first, I thought that I love him, but now I know that I love him. But I know that too that I am not his and he is not mine.

He had lied to me. About his fiancée and about him being the Prince. How could he hide such important things from me? Did I not matter to him? I thought we had become friends. If not friends, acquaintances. But he broke my trust. I don't know why he did that. And no matter how many times he apologize, he already broke my trust.

Forgiving someone is easy, but being able to trust them again is very difficult. Because we can never be the same person again.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice someone bump into me. I was falling backward and braced myself for the impact, closing my eyes, but it never came. Someone caught me by putting their hands on my waist securing me. I put my hands on their shoulder and slowly opened my eyes. I looked into the familiar blue eyes but I couldn't bring myself to pinpoint the person no matter how hard I tried.

He was looking in my eyes and I was his. I blinked my eyes once they could no longer resist being open and he did too bringing me up. I looked up to see that his face was really close to me. I now realized how handsome he was, but something about him seemed familiar. I saw something pass his eyes too but wasn't so sure. A blush crept onto my cheeks and I made move to move back but his arms stopped me. My eyes widened and he seemed to realize this too and quickly removed his hand taking a step back.

He cleared his throat, "I'm Liam."

"I'm Bloom."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He spoke in his deep voice.

I blushed at the compliment but smiled, nonetheless. I also took this time to take a clear look at him. He was wearing branded clothes. A full sleeves t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He had muscles and looked like he worked out well. Overall, he was a good-looking guy but not my type.

Of course, Sky's your type.

Shut up!

"Done checking me out?" His voice roused me from my thoughts.

"Of course, not! I wasn't checking you." I said, nonchalantly as to not give him a clue that I was actually checking him out.

"Sure, sure." He said, sarcastically not believing me but smirked. "So, where are you headed?" He questioned, curiously.

"Nothing important." I answered, shrugging. What would I tell him, 'I am going to get a pamphlet and some snacks to fill my stomach'? No. That definitely does not put up a good impression.

"Then let me accompany you to nothing important." He joked.

I laughed, "Sure."


Liam's POV:

I came to Alfea today. I have to take Diaspro back to her Kingdom. And she couldn't come alone and Sky was here as well so he couldn't come. Thoren was busy too, so I had to come pick her. I wanted to see Sky as well, how well he was doing with the snobby princess.

I was walking when my mobile beeped in my pant pocket. I took it out and saw that it was a message from my mom. It was nothing important so I put it back in my pocket. I was done tucking it in my pocket when I bumped into someone.

Beautiful red hair flew everywhere and I instantly reacted on it, putting my hands on her waist. She put her delicate hands on my shoulder to steady herself. When I got a clear look at her face I saw that she was really gorgeous and looked too innocent but smart. Like a fallen angel. Slowly, she opened her beautiful eyes which I was dying to see. I looked in her big blue orbs and felt lost. Something about them seemed familiar but I had no idea nor have I seen her before. Something in her eyes captured me and I felt unable to remove my gaze from her.

She blinked her eyes, suddenly and I realized what was happening. I blinked them too and brought her up, still in my arms. She was too close and I liked it. She tried moving back but my arms kept her there. Suddenly, I realized what was happening and removed my arms from around her that were keeping her caged.

I cleared my throat and spoke, "I'm Liam."

"I'm Bloom." She spoke in her soft voice.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady."

She blushed at it and smiled. I saw her looking at me and smirked, "Done checking me out?"

She blushed again, "Of course, not! I wasn't checking you." Of course, she lied.

"Sure. Sure." I replied sarcastically and smirked, "So, where are you headed to?" I asked, curiously.

"Nothing important." She answered, shrugging.

"Then let me accompany you to nothing important." I joked.

She laughed obviously understanding my lame joke and said, "Sure."

Her laughter was really beautiful.


Andy's POV:

They were talking too comfortably and they just met. First that other guy and now him. I won't let them take my honey. My beautiful princess. My Bloom.

No matter whatever happens, you are mine Bloom and you always will be, love. I will get you back. And one day you will be in the arms of the right man.



So what is going on between Bloom and Liam? Will Andy ever let her go?

Which Winx Club couple do you like the most?

Did you like Liam's return? Will there be more problems between Bloom and Sky?

I really hate Andy! Do you?

Give me your thought in the comments.

Hope you like this chapter.

I would like to give special thanks to all of the people who are supporting me. Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it.


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