Chapter 13: A New Start

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Chapter 13: A New Start

"I'm an angel with a shotgun,

Fighting 'til the war's won,

I don't care if heaven won't take me back.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I wanna live, not just survive tonight.

Sometimes to win, you've got to sin.

Don't mean I'm not a believer.

And major Tom will sing along.

Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer....."

Agh!! I want to kill the person playing the song right now. I mean I know I like that song but I certainly do not like it at this time of the day. I mean, come on.


If that's the song, then...that's my phone!

I quickly got up at that thought and looked around in search of my mobile. I looked at the side table to see my phone lying there, blaring. I quickly picked it up from its place and blinked four to five times before clearly looking at the caller. It was Roxy. I pressed the receive button.

"Hey, Rox." My voice came out a bit hoarse.

"Hey, Bloom," she sighed, perhaps in relief, "Where are you? I mean the guys informed me and dad but I wanted to know myself that you guys are safe."

"Rox, we are perfectly fine, you need not to worry about us. Now tell me how are you and Klaus and Morgana?", I replied, a bit guilty for not telling her properly, "I'm really sorry we did not get the chance to talk before leaving but as soon as everything's fine I'll come back, I promise."

"It's okay, Bloom, I understand, and dad, mom and I are just fine." She spoke with the hint of longing, "And I miss you guys."

"I miss you guys, too, but I don't have the slightest idea on what to do." I replied, looking at my night suit, feeling a bit sad.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"I hope so, too, Roxy." I said, "I hope so, too." I heard some shuffling sound behind me and turned around to see that Flora was awake and now getting out of bed.

"Bloom, dad's calling me, I gotta go, see ya." She said as I heard some shuffling behind with her name being called.

"Bye, Roxy." I ended the call before I stood up, still in an oversized t-shirt -which I bought for myself for night. It is really comfortable, if I tell you-and shorts that reached till mid-thigh, so they were not too short. I yawned and then greeted Flora, "Good Morning, Flora."

"Oh, good morning, Bloom. I didn't see when you ended the call. Was that Roxy?" She asked.

"Yeah, she was just worried, I told her that there's nothing to worry and we'll come back soon."

"We, actually, don't know when we're going back." She pointed out as a matter-of-fact.

"Ah-huh. But I said it so she would avoid taking tension." I spoke, quietly as I sat beside her. "I don't want them to be worried."

"You did the right thing, Bloom, we don't want to see her worried." Flora said, as she hugged me, sideway.


We walked through the crowded hallways and towards Ms. F's office to get our schedule. We saw many girls pointing at us and whispering. It was getting really annoying, I mean haven't they seen new-comers before? We got to Ms. F's door just in time. I knocked three times on the door, softly.

"Come in." We heard.

I slowly pushed open the door and we entered in. "Good Morning, Ms. Faragonda."

"Ah-Good Morning, girls." She greeted as she looked at us through her glasses and leaned at the table and asked, "What can I do for you?" in a polite manner.

"Uh...we are here to get our schedule." Flora answered.

"You will all be having the same magic classes girls. Here are your schedules." She said as she handed to us our schedules.

"Thank you." Aisha thanked.

"Don't worry girls, you'll be fine. I know it is a little early but you will feel at ease, soon." We nodded and exit the office.

I looked through my schedule that there were only 5 classes. Only the teachers name was mentioned as well as class number but no subject. Are there subject? I mean it's a magic world.


"Ah...Professor, can you explain that one more time." Flora asked, in a low voice.

"Of course, girl, as I have already explained it three times, I'll tell you again that you just have to follow the voice of nature, and you face everything that comes in your way bravely and you cannot use magic. You got it?" Professor Palladium explained for the fourth time.


"Ah...What did the professor say?" Stella asked confused and terrified as we all looked at the creature in front of it. It was not too small and not too big, nothing we couldn't handle.

"Stella, calm down." I comforted. "We can probably handle it." I looked around and found two thick sticks. "Ah...guys I found two sticks here."

"Give me one!" All of them shouted in unison.

I looked at them with wide eyes and raised one of the stick in their direction and suggested, "I think Aisha should have since she's pretty good with fighting and martial arts."

All of them nodded. Aisha took the stick from me as we leaped on that monster and started to hit him. The girls found some rocks lying here and there and attacked the monster with it.


"I'm tiirrreeeddd. What is the point of listening to the voice of nature? Nature can't speak and we can't get that into the brain of professor Paladia. If only he'd knew it can't speak." It was most probably the sixth time I heard Stella complain. Others were also resting.

"Ah, Stella nature doesn't speak but we can feel its energy in our heart and its Professor Palladium not Paladia." Flora reasoned.

"Ugh! Whatever."

It had, indeed, been a long day.


After a long and tiresome journey we were back at Alfea grounds.

"Great work all of you. So, you get 39 points." He pointed towards the first group. "You get 37 points, girls." He pointed towards the second group and then finally to us. "You girls get 42 points."

"Professor, why did they get more points? We got here before them." One of the girls called.

"Yes, but while you came, they were facing a monster, so I'd say it wasn't easy for them. You didn't have to face a monster, did you?"

"No." They murmured.

At the same time, we saw a ship coming towards Alfea and landed on the ground. As soon as it landed, the boys came out. Not any boys, but the boys from Red Fountain. I recognize the ship as well as it came to Earth once.

"Hey, Girls." They greeted.


"Boys, what brings you here?" Professor asked.

"Professor, we came here to tell that the witches are trying to attack Red Fountain and we need to talk to Ms. Faragonda." Brandon explained.

"Oh, you can go, boys, and as it's a mission for you girls too, you can go as well." Professor told us.

We nodded and left with the boys.

I don't know if I'll like this new start or not.

>>Don't know what is going to happen next, but I do know that I'm determined to face it.<<


Long wait? Sorry.

So I hope you like it. And yes Angel with a Shotgun is one of my favourites. :)

I hope you are all in good health and I want to give a "Special Thanks" to all my fantastic readers and voters. I love you! :) ❤❤

Picture: Winx Club: Wow

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