Chapter 10: "We'll Be Counting Stars Then"

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Chapter 10: "We'll be Counting Stars Then"

"Where are you taking me?" I asked Sky for the nth time.


"Somewhere, where?"

"To a place."

I fiddled with the button and turned on the radio.

"Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things that we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been prayin' hard

Sitting, no more counting dollars

We'll be counting stars

Yeah, we'll be counting stars,"

"I know that."

"I see the life,

Like a swinging vine,"

"Then stop asking me questions."


"That's my name, don't wear it out."

"Old, but I'm not that old

Young, but I'm not that bold,"

"Ugh! Sky, for once can't you answer me simply?" I asked, huffing in annoyance as I folded my arms to my chest.

"I am."


"I told you we are going somewhere."

I gaped at him, "And I asked you where?"

"You ask too many questions." He replied with a shrug, not once taking his eyes of the road. I think that's a good thing, perhaps. "

"And you don't answer." I retorted, angrily.

"If you ask too many then I'll be looking at you and then BAM! and we'll be counting stars then." He countered, smartly.

I huffed as I moved my face from him towards the side to the window in time to see that we have stopped in front of,

"The Fair?"

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p' while looking at me with a grin.

I quickly smiled before hopping off, I noticed a big sign outide with 'The Fair' written on it. I have wanted to come here since ever. I mean, me and my girls made plans but we never got a chance. But this is surreal. Oh my God!

"Come on." He said as he took my hand making the tingling feeling come back.

I nearly ran into the fair and saw that Sky was chuckling at my antics. "Let's go to the Ferris wheel!"

"Aren't you afraid of it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I be? And by the way don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Raise your eyebrow at me."


"I can't raise an eyebrow so I hate it when people do it in front of me. I feel so useless." I groaned. "I can only do it if I hold my eye and let the other go up."

He laughed.

"Why did you just laugh?"

"I find you hilarious."

"And why-"

"We're going to miss the fair, come on." He said as he dragged me along.



After a ride in the ferris wheel, he won me a cute teddy bear, in the middle of which was a small heart with 'I love you' written on it.

We talked a bit about me and him, he is 19 years old (same as me), his favourite colour is blue, he likes to ride bikes, apparently, he drove a car here for me. (I personally found that sweet, but I'm not afraid of riding on the bikes, I like it, it's fun.), he has two parents (obviously) Erandor and Samara. And he didn't share much details.

"I want a candy floss."

"Ok, come on."

We brought two candy floss', mine pink and his blue.

"Is it a date?" I asked out of nowhere, this question was clouding my mind for quite a few moments.

"Do you want it to be?" He asked as he stopped walking and turned towards me. I noticed he didn't had the candy floss in his hand, He finished it pretty quickly.

Anyway, so, do I want it to be a date, I mean yes, in a way, but won't it be too early?

"I..." I was about to speak but was interrupted by a cell going off.

"Is that yours?" He asked me.

"I don't think so. I think it's yours."

"Oh." He said as he searched in his pocket for his cell, apparently.

"Hello...We are in the fair...Ok, where are you guys?...okay...yeah, we're coming...yeah...ok, bye." He hunged up and put his mobile in his pocket. "We have to go, Bloom, come on."

"What? Where are we going?"

"You'll know soon."

I frowned and followed him to his car. He opened the door for me, I quickly slid in letting him close the door. He came to his side and quickly hopped in before we were on the road.


"We don't have them anymore. We were young when we all met in an orphanage. We don't know who our parents are." Tecna heaved a sigh, her voice cracking at the end, "When we turned 18, we left the orphanage, we worked in fruity music bar to earn the money and bought this apartment a year ago. And now we live here. That's all."

The boys were silent as were we. The girls had tears in their eyes as well as me. The silence that was developed between us was not awkward but comfortable.


We all looked at each other before looking at Helia whose mobile was ringing.

"Ms. Faragonda." He informed as he picked up the call from whoever this was.

Who is Ms. Faragonda?

" mean now?....tomorrow we'll be there....yeah...ok....yeah." He disconnected the call and looked at us. "Pack your things girls, 'cuz we are leaving tomorrow.

"What? Where?" I asked.

He looked at the boys once before saying, " We have to go to Alfea, there's an emergency. As the witches know now that you guys are the fairies, believe me your life ain't going to be easy."



Hope you like it.

So you know they went on a date and now they are going to Alfea. What is going to happen guys?

Share your thoughts in comments. :)

WinxClubBloom93 (Bloom)

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