Chapter 1: Meeting

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Chapter 1: Meeting

"I've had enough of rainy days,

Don't say your sorry its too late,

My life has just begun ,

I'll be ok,

That's why I'm walking out the door,

Who could love a heart of stone?

It's me, myself and I,

I'll be just fine,

This is my chance to shine,

So say goodbye."

We just finished singing 'Heart of Stone' and heard many compliments from the crowd. We waved at them and got off the stage.

"Hey, guys did you notice those six hot boys looking at us?" Stella gushed.

"Stella, apparently, everybody was looking at us." Musa piped in.

"Oh, but 'everybody' wasn't as hot and handsome like them." She emphasized the word 'everybody'.

"Stella, we did not notice any handsome boys." I said to her.

"Ughh! Then you guys missed out."

Before anyone us could reply to her, we heard a familiar voice.

"Girls, that was a great show." Roxy said as she came towards us holding six glasses that were filled with delicious smoothies.

"Thanks Roxy." We all said simultaneously. I gave her a quick hug before taking my smoothie off the tray and into my hand.

We all sat down and drank our smooties. Everything was going fine, until..

"Mind if we join you?"

I heard a voice say from behind me and turned to see six good-looking guys standing there with their hands folded on their chest and smiles on their faces. I took a notice of the blonde guy who was staring at me, actually.

"And...who are you?" I managed to ask.

"We are The Spe-" A boy with orange-brown hair and glasses hanging from his nose tried to speak but was cut off by a maroon haired guy.

"Oh, our fault, we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Sky, by the way." The blonde guy said extending his hand towards me to shake it.

When I didn't shake it, he took his hand away and introduced others.

"This is Brandon, Timmy, Riven, Helia and Nabu." He introduced pointing at each one of them.

"So..what do you wa-" I started but was rudely cut off by Stella nudging me. "What?" I hissed rubbing my arm, where she hit me with her elbow.

"They are the 'hot and handsome' boys I was talking about.


"Well...what do you guys want?" This time Aisha asked.

"You all sing here." Sky said ignoring her question.

"No, only Musa and Bloom sing we just play guiter, drum and piano." Flora answered, smartly.

"Great." Helia, the blue haired guy said.

It was completely silent after that. It was one of those awkward silence when nobody knows what to say.

"" Sky cleared his throat before he continued. "can we sit here?"

"And why do you want to sit here?" Tecna asked, who I didn't notice was quiet the whole time.

"Can't a guy just sit with a beautiful girl?" Sky asked, his eyes never leaving mine. I blushed under his gaze and looked down.

"You can sit." My voice came out hoarse.

Each one of them took a seat beside a girl.

Sky sat with me, Helia with Flora, Riven with Musa, Timmy with Tecna, Nabu with Aisha and Brandon with Stella.

"So, what's your name?" was the first thing Sky asked as he sat down next to me.

I looked up and into his bright light blue eyes and answered, "Bloom."

Picture: Bloom

So, I have a plot in mind for this story. I just uploaded it randomly. This chapter was in Bloom's POV. Bloom & Sky are my favourite couple so I mostly write about them. If you want any other Winx' POV feel free to tell me and I'll try my best.

I hope you like this.

Have fun. ;)

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