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This story is written for Open Novella 2019.

The prompt which inspired me was the the first prompt for Thrilling called Saved. The prompt is, "An army sergeant is making his way home from the war overseas, and more than anything he is looking forward to seeing his wife and children for the New Year. Rather than taking the flight home with his comrades he opts to fly commercially, and that decision saves his life. But why did he make that decision? Was it just dumb luck, or is there something more sinister afoot? "

The story is also fanfic for Voltron: Legendary Defenders (VLD). For those who don't know the VLD fandom the series is of the space opera genre. Voltron is a flying robot comprised of five robot lions which combine. Allura is an alien princess who is humanoid in the way she look, which will be important later on. The Voltron continuums include GoLions, the original Voltron which was derived from GoLions and the newest Voltron: Legendary Defenders.

Ryo is a character from the original GoLions who was combined with his brother Takashi Shirogane to create the character Sven. Shiro appeared in VLD, but Ryo did not. VLD touches upon Keith being Shiro's brother, though never in a biological manner, yet even the final season left this one open for the possibility of half or full siblings, plus I like working with that dynamic a lot. I'm also fond of working with the headcanon that Keith is blood related to Shiro, but more specifically Ryo's twin.

This particular fanfic is also a crossover with One Day at a Time (2017). For those who don't know the fandom, it is a slice of life series which follows the lives of Cuban family. The mom is ex-military with PDHD (Penelope), her daughter comes out as a lesbian, her son is dealing with his father not being in his life, a grandmother who is proud of being Cuban and their Canadian landlord who adopts them as his official family.

As such there are LGBTQ themes in this story. I also brought in Adam who is Shiro's boyfriend in VLD canon, yet he is still killed off. However, unlike VLD where his existence and death were minor plot points they play a bigger role, but in canon Adam was one of the people Shiro served with and would logically be on the flight. Elena is another LGBTQ character from the other series, but her significant other is Syd who is non-binary gender wise.

Also, the ODaT characters don't show up until the third chapter, but Lance from VLD is Penelope's nephew in this, but there is another connection I've worked into the story line. She is serving as a mentor to Shiro of sorts regarding parenting and dealing with PTSD.

The mystery for the story isn't your traditional mystery in part because of the addition of the sci-fi element.

Other prompts which have ended up worked into the story in some variation or another
- Suspense 2 – At Gunpoint – While there are no guns in this there is someone who does dream of the future.

Word Count

Chapter 1 - 1,659
Chapter 2 - 2,711
Chapter 3 - 4,130
Chapter 4 - 5,173
Chapter 5 - 6,207
Chapter 6 - 7,816
Chapter 7 - 9,802
Chapter 8 - 10,906
Chapter 9 - 12,724
Chapter 10 - 14,221
Chapter 11 - 15,380
Chapter 12 - 16,731
Chapter 13 - 18,067
Chapter 14 - 19,119
Chapter 15 - 20,615
Chapter 16 - 21,779
Chapter 17 - 22,709
Chapter 18 - 22,820
Chapter 19 - 24,835
Chapter 20 - 25,700
Chapter 21 - 26,731

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