He honestly wasn't sure he was doing the right thing despite the fact it felt like the right thing.
One thing which stood out in Keith's mind was hearing Lance complain from the backseat which in turn reminded Keith of what Lance said the other day; it was Keith's fault Shiro's life was so messed up. In the back of his mind he knew Shiro's life changed drastically when he became Keith's legal guardian, but Ryo – unlike Keith – could easily navigate his way through the intricacies of social life.
Despite the negative feelings Keith couldn't shake the fact Allura was calling out to him but leading him towards the place they needed to go. He overheard their landlord call Alex and Elena's mother to let them know something was changing which was when Matt got onto the phone to converse with her, but then he said, "It's likely going to be all over the news, so I'll be upfront with you that my parents received a message regarding alien invasion."
"Are you kidding me!" Lance's voice strained. "Is everyone crazy?"
"Aliens?" Hunk's voice trembled.
Elena and Syd squealed in delight and one of them said. "Aliens are real."
"You two do realize these aren't the good kind of aliens?" Alex asked.
"Maybe they mean an alien invasion from another country?"
"Yeah. I don't think so, Schneider."
Keith glanced up in time to see Alex shake his head before concentrating on where they were going. Eventually, he recognized a mountain which always interested him whenever he went out on the hoverbikes with his father or later on Shiro. The place was in fact near where his father's place in the desert, but for some reason he found himself getting closer.
He pulled the vehicle to a stop just outside of the mountain and got out. Lance made quite clear the fact he was annoyed. "Seriously. We're in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing here."
"There's something here." Keith found himself walking the edge of the sharp mountain face.
Hunk cleared his voice. "Hey. Isn't this the mountain that was never mined because the minors always saw ghostly things happening."
"Those were ghost stories Hunk." Lance rolled his eyes. "Things such as ghosts and aliens do not exist." Keith wasn't sure until he heard the voice in his head and found himself reaching out for the spot the voice told him to. For a brief few seconds, nothing happened and Lance of started scoffing about how nothing happened.
A glow suddenly appeared under his hand and spread out over the rock space. Keith heard Schneider speak from nearby. "Oh, wow."
The earth began shaking and the rock fell away revealing a doorway. Keith's mouth opened as Lance walked forward with his hands shoved into his pockets. Lance leaned forward. "Well. I guess there is something here."
Lance started in while Hunk muttered something about traps. Keith shook his head but went in without hesitation. Elena and Syd were, of course, living out their wildest dreams, but Matt sent another message to his father while his sister looked on wide-eyed. Alex hurried forward. "Keith, do you know what is going on?" Keith looked at Alex in confusion. "You don't, do you?"
"I just know Allura called out, but that this is important."
After getting scanned at one point they traveled along the hallway which slowly lit up until they came to a room with circles on the floor. Keith walked over to the console in the middle and pushed a button just as Schneider said. "Wait! Don't..." Something started coming up from two of the circles. "... do that. We don't know what it will do."
Keith watched Lance key in on a feminine shape in one of the tubes which were frosted over, but the tube released, and a young female fell out. He found himself wincing at her reaction to his flirtations and Lance's ugly ears, but she was the person he dreamed about. Elena and Syd squealed with delight upon seeing her.
"Hey! Let go of the princess!"
Lance, of course, didn't like the person with orange hair, but the princess looked right at Keith before going to the monitor. A video feed came up and her mouth widened. "Oh no. They're here."
The other person came over and pulled on his mustache. "Not surprising. It's been ten-thousand years."
"Coran..." Allura looked right at him. "This means the previous paladins are gone?"
"Yes. It looks like yet another generation, but..." Coran pointed at Schneider. "Wait. Are you the only adult here?"
"No. He's not."
Keith's head darted up and looked right at his brother, yet the look on Shiro's face screamed he was in fact in trouble. "Shiro..."
Lance swallowed. "Veronica..."
"Okay. So what is this Voltron that is supposed to defend us against the Galra?"
"Lord Alfor hid Voltron away."
"Yes, but we don't have any other option." Allura closed her eyes. "This isn't good."
Her eyes snapped open as a hologram of five different colored lions appeared and she looked right at Shiro. "Apparently the Black Lion has chosen you to pilot it because you are the one with the most leadership skills at this point."
"Hold on..." Shiro's eyes widened.
She then looked at Matt. "The Green Lion picked out because of your intelligence, but you also have some piloting skill."
"Hold on..." Veronica looked up. "That's Voltron."
"It doesn't look..." Alex pushed his lips together.
Allura ignored the comments and turned towards Elena. "The Blue Lion picked you because it looks for a pilot it can nurture and let grow."
"Hold on..." Lance's throat tighten.
"I agree. I'm not a cadet at the garrison and have absolutely no experience with this kind of thing."
"The Blue Lion still chose you, but Voltron is needed..."
A loud resounding thud was heard from the outside and Allura pulled up another screen revealing a giant ship. Shiro cleared his throat. "Princess, what about the two other lions."
"The Yellow Lion likes a pilot who is kind for their paladin," Allura pointed right at Hunk.
"So, that leaves me with the red one? You know, the best pilot?"
Keith watched Allura's eyes narrowed as she glared at Lance. "Red is particular."
"In other words the most handsomest?"
"No. The one who relies on instinct."
Keith stiffened when everyone looked at him. "Wait? Why is everyone looking at me?"
Alex's eyes widened. "Didn't you find this place on instinct."
"Well..." Keith swallowed. What Alex said was true, yet Lance did not like the fact Keith was picked over him. Of course, Lance wasn't the "best" pilot like he claimed either.
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