Whirlpool x Rock(Rockpool)

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Whirlpool flapped over to the shore, talons sinking into the sand.He let out a sigh, smiling dreamily at his girlfriend who sat on a picnic blanket a little ways away.

"Oh my moons, baby girl, you looking fiiiiine today."Whirlpool purred flirtatiously, sitting down beside his girl.

His girlfriend didn't reply, giving him a specially stoney look.

"Rat cakes, don't give me the silent treatment! I don't deserve that, surely?"Whirlpool pouted, picking up the rock and kissing her.

"Please, please, please! Just be nice to me for one second? I looooove you!"Whirlpool begged, kissing the rock once more.

The rock seemed disgusted, yet couldn't do anything about it.

Whirlpool threw her up in the air and caught her again, smiling and laughing.
He did it once more, chuckling. "Love you beautiful babe!"

Then Rat cakes fell down on his head and killed Whirlpool.

The end.

A/N: Okay, this was fun.
VCricketTheHiveWingV  , hope you enjoyed this!

-Leaf/y 💚

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