Qinter Wedding

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I have barely any knowledge in weddings, so I looked this stuff up. I've been to two weddings before, one when I was, like, 5, and the other was a family one.

But I hope you enjoy!

Qibli was probably the luckiest dragon in the world.He stood in a hut in the RainWing village, at least three RainWings making sure he looked perfect.They were cleaning his scales from literally every single speck of dust, shining his horns and scales and dressing him in some sort of clothes.

"Here, let's put a tie on him."Kinkajou yelped, handing a black tie to the middle RainWing, Navy.Navy nodded, slipping the loop over Qibli's head.

"What is a tie? I've never seen one before."Qibli looked down at the black piece of fabric around his neck.

"Scavengers use them, and us dragons just made them bigger.You look nice."
Navy smiled.

Meanwhile Orchid was busy shining his scales till they gleamed.Then she sharpened his claws and wrapped his pouch back around his ankle.

"Thank you guys so much for doing this for Winter and I,"Qibli smiled at Kinkajou. "It really means a lot to us."

"It's fine! Weddings are amazing, and you two deserve this."Kinkajou grinned.There was a knock on the door and Moon entered, hurrying over to Kinkajou's side.She whispered something to her, and Kinkajou grinned widely.

"He isn't? Oh- I'll come help.Sorry Qibli, there's a problem with the bride- I mean, your groom."Kinkajou giggled and let her girlfriend lead her out of the room.Qibli merely frowned at them.

"Is everything set up and the dragons all here?"Qibli asked Orchid.

"Yeah.Some dragons from the other tribes are still arriving, but mostly they are here.Everyone is super excited.Well, except for yours and Winter's families."Orchid looked apologetic.

Qibli peered out of the hut and saw a huge banner hanging between two large trees, with the words, "Happy Wedding" written on it.In front of the banner was a bunch of chairs filled with dragons of all colours.Cobra, Rattlesnake and Sirocco were arguing in the back row, with Hailstorm, Tundra, Narwhal and Icicle in front of them.The IceWings seemed to be complaining, except for Hailstorm who was deep in conversation with a pink-scaled RainWing.

"I don't see Riptide,"Qibli fretted. "He was supposed to be marrying us."

"He'll get here, I'm sure.Tsunami is probably lecturing him."Navy shrugged. "Don't worry.Your wedding will be perfect."

"Thank you, again."Qibli blinked at them. "Can I go out now? And check on Winter and Kinkajou?"

"No!"Orchid yelped, as Navy was nodding. "It's bad luck for the grooms or brides to see each other before the wedding ceremony!"

"Oh- sorry."Qibli snorted. "I'll just stay in here then.It's starting soon anyway."

"You can come and wait under the banner,"Orchid relaxed. "Follow me."

He followed after the RainWing, taking his place beside a rock that was being used for Riptide to stand behind.Everyone stared at him as he did so, eyes wide and happy.

Thorn and Sunny waved wildly at him, eyes sparkling. "Congratulations, Qibli!"they cheered.

Qibli ducked his head in embarrassment.It wasn't like he was the first dragon to marry before.

Cobra looked curiously at him, as if she couldn't believe he was actually marrying an IceWing.

Time ticked by and the crowd grew bored, complaining often and grumbling.Thorn and Sunny tried to look like they were having a good time, but even they were drooping.

"Where's your fiancé!?"Rattlesnake snarled, and Sirocco nodded furiously.

"Yeah, where is he? Did he dump you?"
Sirocco laughed.

"He's coming,"Moon yelped as she and Turtle came down the pathway up to Qibli. "Qibli, he's...not happy."

"Oh no- what happened?"Qibli's eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Kinkajou is trying to get him ready but he isn't agreeing with her...style."
Turtle mumbled, smiling widely.

"HERE COMES THE GROOM!"Kinkajou appeared out of a hut and bellowed, and everyone snapped back away, eyes wide.

Riptide hurried to his spot behind the rock, staring straight ahead with a tie on and a scroll in his talons.

Qibli straightened his posture and Moon and Turtle ran to sit down.

Orchid and Navy had sat down, and everything was ready.

Everything is perfect.

Kinkajou and Ostrich quickly walked up the path and sprinkled flowers down it, then sat down beside Glory in the front row.

Then Winter came walking down the path, his head held high and frown on his snout.His scales were so shimmery and bright with the sun reflecting off them it was hard to look at.He had a crown made of flowers perched on his head and a silky, smooth white covering draping off his back and down to the floor.Definitely Kinkajou's idea.

Winter finally reached Qibli and stood there facing him.Their eyes were locked and Qibli saw pure emotion shining in those dark irises.

Riptide cleared his throat.
"Family and friends, thank you all for coming today to share in this wonderful occasion. Today we are here together to unite Qibli of the SandWings and Prince Winter of the IceWings in marriage."

"Now, Qibli, you first."Riptide turned to him. "Do you, Qibli, take this dragon to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

Qibli lifted his head and spoke confidently. "I do."
Qibli spoke with pure love and affection, eyes soft.He locked these moments in his brain forever.

Riptide nodded solemnly, then turned to Winter, giving him a small smile.
"Do you, Winter, take this dragon to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

Winter's voice was shaky as he replied. "Yes, I do."His throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly, emotion taking over him.

"Ring bearer! The rings."Riptide called, and Turtle scrambled up and held out the two rings, one silver and one gold.
"Qibli and Winter have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of their unending love. As you place this ring on Winter's claw, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever."Riptide told Qibli.

"I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever."Qibli repeated, sliding the ring into Winter's claw.

Then Winter did the same for Qibli, and they both stared at the rings on their claws, Qibli's gold and Winter's silver.

"By the authority invested in me by the three moons, I now pronounce you husband and husband!"Riptide cheered. "You may now seal your marriage with a kiss."

Qibli didn't hesitate for that, leaning forward to meet Winter's lips.They kissed passionately, tongues touching.
The kiss only lasted a couple seconds, but Qibli wished it had lasted forever.

As they stepped back, cheers and yelps of happiness sounded from the crowd.

Kinkajou screeched.

Winter grinned at Qibli and they took each other's talons and stepped down the path together toward the large table where the food was set up.

As the crowd followed Qibli leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to Winter's cheek.

"I love you."

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