Millipede x Stingray(OCS)

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(Ocs belong to @Ihavethiscuzynot I just didn't have enough space to put it in the title/woulda been cramped)

Millipede stalked along the ground, scales flashing amongst the greenery.
Her blind eyes were fixed on a moving creature in front of her, body stiff and muscles tense.

I'll share this fawn with Stingray!

Also I wonder why it's along?

She shrugged mentally, leaping at the fawn, poisonous claws extended.
She hooked them under the baby's stomach, flipping it over and nipping it's neck.

She ran her claws along its soft fur, trying to figure out why it was alone.

It seemed plump and healthy, fur thick and fuzzy; teeth sharp and strong and hooves sturdy.

She felt for its eyes and felt hollow bumps, flinching away from the baby deer, talons suddenly cold.

It's blind......

Like me....

She jerked away, racing off into the trees, cold terror clinging to her scales.She squeezed her eyes closed, though it didn't change anything.

"Millipede, wait!"a voice called, causing the HiveWing to immediately stop in her tracks.

She whirled around and relaxed as she smelt Stingray, her best friend and possssssbly crush...

"Hello, Stingray, what's up?"Millipede stood there, completely forgetting about the deer.

"I saw you running by, you looked scared, so I thought you might've wanted to see to me."he scratched his chin nervously.

"Oh-no, I'm fine."she meant to say they to the 'looking scared' bit, but could tell
he took that the wrong way.

Stingray's face fell. "Oh, okay! I'll just be going then-"he backed up, eyes locked with Millipede's blind ones.

She reached out and grasped his forearm, yanking his closer to her. "No, that's not what I meant, you dolt."she snorted.

"Oh, sorry."Stingray shifted anxiously, eyes flicking back and forth between her and the grass beneath his talons. "What did you mean?"

"I meant I wasn't scared,"she shrugged. "I was just running.I so want to talk to you."

"Oh, that makes sense."Stingray smiled, grasping her talon and twining their claws together. "Shall we go for a fly?"

"Sure,"Millipede shrugged. "Not much else to do, I suppose.Lead the way."

They flew up into the sky, wings beating and talons held together.

Stingray guided her through the air and explained what he saw to her.

After a bit they stopped on a small mountain to rest, and walked inside to see it was very cramped inside.It appeared that someone had lived in her, old scrolls and ink pots lying around, but no longer did.

"Wonder what they did here?"Stingray murmured, fiddling with a small rusty chain that was on a table.

"What's this?"Millipede asked, holding up a weird shaped lump of metal.
"It's heavy."

"It looks like a chunk of metal.Mabye whoever lived her planned on melting it and shaping it into something?"

"Or tried and failed."Millipede whispered, setting it back down.

"You know, I bet we could fix this place up real nicely,"Stingray observed. "Mabye even live in it."

"Really? Wouldn't it take a long time?"

"Not really.If we got some help, it would be clean in no time at all! Then we could move our stuff in and wham- a cozy little cave."Stingray nodded.

"Sounds nice.It's worth a try."Millipede smiled softly, running her claws along a old bookshelf.

There was a click, and the bookshelf slid sideways, revealing a slide.Surprised, Millipede slid forward, screeching as she disappeared into darkness and the bookshelf was pushed back into place.

"Millipede!"Stingray shouted, rushing over to the books and frantically pushing them with his claws.

Finally he found one and pressed down, the bookshelf moving once again.He flew down the passage way, claws slipping on the slide under him.

It led into a large room that was so dark, Stingray couldn't even see his own feet in front of him.

"Millipede? You down here?"he called, voice bouncing and echoing off the walls.

"Yes."she replied, voice across the room. "And I think I found a light switch."

A second later light filled the room, so bright it took Stingray a minute to adjust. As he did he gasped, gaping at what he saw.

"Did they work? Can you see?"Millipede asked, finding him.



"This room is full of treasure!Golds and emeralds, rubies and bronze! Jewels and metals! Necklaces and rings! Everything!"Stingray laughed, leaping into the treasure.

"We're rich!"

"Now we can fix up this room and the main cave!"Millipede beamed.

"We can live together in here."

A/N: Sorry it was so short, Ihavethiscuzynot

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