Cliff x Auklet(Cliffet)

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"No, no, no, Cliff!"Auklet cried, slapping his talon away from her tea set. "You're holding the cup ALL wrong!"

Cliff looked startled, and his eyes started to water. "B-buh-but I can't hold it with my pinky out! What when is a pinky?"

Auklet frowned. "I think it's only for RainWings, cuz they can turn pink."

"But in not a RainWing!"Cliff sobbed.

"Let's just play with your model mud."Auklet sighed, pushing aside her tea set and looking expectantly at Cliff's chunk of clay.

"It's called modelling clay."Cliff sniffled, putting it between them.

"I know, but my sister's friend's name is Clay, so it's weird!"Auklet giggled.

"True!"Cliff agreed, mushing the mud into two piles and handing her some.
"MudWing Clay, and modelling clay!"

"I wish queen Ruby would let you come and play with me everyday."Auklet huffed, forming her mud into a seashell.

"Me too!"Cliff nodded. "It's really fun playing with you."

"Auklet, honey, time for bed soon,"Coral smiled sweetly, entering the room. "Ruby is here for Cliff, time to go."She scooped up her daughter.

"But Cliff and I are still playing!"Auklet protested, wriggling out of her mother's arms.

"I'm sowwy, Auky,"Cliff frowned. "See you next next next day?"

"Yah! We can play with my pet dolphins."Auklet grinned, hugging Cliff.

He giggled. "Fun! See you!"

"Bye bye!"


Auklet sighed, slipping two seashell necklaces over her head and flying down the stairs.She landed in the kitchen and watched the royal cooks cooking.

"Hello, Princess Auklet, what can we do for you?"The main chef, Oyster, asked politely, bowing.

"I need to pick up breakfast for Anemone, Turtle and I.And I need a snack for when prince Cliff visits."she ordered.

"Coming right up."Oyster clapped his talons; food from thin air popping up and being dropped into Auklet's talons.

"Thanks."Auklet nodded, hurrying into the dining room where her siblings were.

"Here, guys."she set the food down on the table.

Anemone greedily scarfed it down, while Turtle watched with mild disgust.

"So, when is Cliff stopping by?"Turtle switched his gaze to Auklet, biting into a mackerel.

"Real soon!"Auklet grinned, her heart fluttering. "He said he's bringing his favourite game."

"Cool."Turtle nodded. "Kinkajou is stopping by, but I'll take her up to my room so we don't disturb you."

"It's fine."Auklet said, just as the door was knocked on.She hurried to answer it and saw that it was Cliff.He had a sack in his talon.

"Hi!"Cliff smiled.

"Hi! Come in!"Auklet led him to the living room, and they flopped down on the carpet.

"I brought my marble collection,"he poured out several different coloured marbles, which rolled over to Auklet. "This one is my favourite."He pointed to a red and orange one, that was slightly bigger than the rest.

"Wow! I like this one."Auklet grasped a small, pink one with yellow and blue specks.

"You can have it, if you want."Cliff said shyly, glancing at his talons.



"Thank you so much, Cliff!"Auklet laughed, hugging him.She pulled back and inspected the marble. "What do we do with these?"

Cliff had a slightly dreamy look on his face, but as she spoke, he shook himself, staring at her. "Simple! We roll them."He demonstrated, rolling his marble over to her.She caught it and rolled it back, along with hers.

Cliff grasped both easily, then rolled them back, adding another.Auklet squeaked, missing the third and grabbing her and Cliff's.

"Three is too many!"she giggled, rolling three back to him.He caught them all with ease, and Auklet's eyes widened.

"How'd you do that!?"

Cliff's face turned red. "It's easy once you practice a lot.I can grab five!"

Auklet grabbed two more and rolled them over to him, and he caught them, rolling them back.She managed to catch three, then collected the other two and rolled them back.

"Wow!"she gasped, as he grabbed all five. "That's awesome."

"Kinda."Cliff shrugged. "What do you want to do?"

"Let me take my marble up to my room, then I'll be back."she gently took it from him, their talons touching for a bit longer than they needed to.

"S-sure!"Cliff nodded.

She took it to her room and then returned, a small blue shell clenched on her talon. "Here."she placed it in his. "This is for the marble."

"Really? Thank you!"Cliff smiled, causing Auklet to look away.

"You're welcome.It's the least I could do."she mumbled.

Kinkajou and Turtle walked by, and Kinkajou whispered, "Ship." causing them both to blush.

"I would like to date you when we're a bit older,"Cliff admitted, gazing into her eyes.

"Same,"Auklet nodded. "Just not right now.Some may say being six is the right age, but I think mabye eight or nine."

"Yeah.But I guess we'll see."Cliff smiled at her, and she returned it.

"Totally.And I'll wait."


Okay, that's a pretty cute ship.
>:))) Thanks for requesting, @snowfalldaqueen8932 !

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