Asteroid(My OC) x Auklet (Asterlet)

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Auklet and my OC, Asteroid!

Requested by a kinda fellow Asterlet shipper(and an all around amazing person), the one, the only........ neon_asterΒ  !!!!!!


Asteroid parted her jaws in a large, bored yawn.She glanced around the small hut that she lived in with her adoptive mother, Leafy.Her mother was a LeafWing and RainWing hybrid.

Leafy walked in from the small bedroom area, a small, warm smile on her muzzle. "Hey, Aster,"she ran her wing down Asteroid's back. "Are you going to play with your friend today?"

"Not today,"Asteroid said sadly, wings drooping. "Auklet has royal guests over today.She told me tomorrow, though."

"Then that's alright."Leafy murmured. "I'm heading out for a bit, tomorrow, so you should head out early, Kay?"

"Yes, Mum."Asteroid nodded. "Can I go wake up my pet now, though?"

"Of course.Just don't wake up Marmalade, alright?"Leafy turned to pick up a item that Asteroid didn't recognize.

"Sure!"Asteroid beamed, trotting down the small hallway to her room, her small wings barely brushing the walls.

She pushed into her room and floated over to where her mother and her kept their pet sloths.They were both asleep, Marmalade's fuzzy orange arm draped over Meteor's stomach.

"Hey, Meteor,"Asteroid cooed softly, reaching her chubby talon in to scoop up her pet sloth carefully.He let out a chirp, clambering sleepily around her neck. "How are you?"

"Zrrrrrable!"Meteor grumbled, resting his chin on her head.

"Mother said I shouldn't wake Marmalade, sorry."she giggled, as he pointed toward the still sleeping sloth.

There was a knock on the door and Asteroid whipped around to see Leafy standing there.

"What is it, mother?"

"Someone is here to see you,"Leafy whispered softly. "She's having a bad time.Can she come in?"


Leafy sidestepped out of the way, allowing a small SeaWing, who was the same age as Asteroid, stumble in.
Her green scales were wet with tears as she flopped on the floor.
Leafy dipped her head, backing out of the bedroom and leaving them to talk.

"Auklet? What are you doing here?"Asteroid asked, voice shocked.

"M-m-mama t-told me I w-was being annoying and r-rude to the guests...b-but I wasn't!"Auklet cried, splaying her wings out across the mat on the floor and sobbing into it.

"Shhhh! Aukie, be hush!"Asteroid stepped forward and wrapped her best friend in her wings, their faces mere inches apart.Auklet suddenly giggled, feeling much better.She wrapped her wings around Asteroid and they were encased in an igloo of wings.

"Thank you, Aster."Auklet grinned toothily. "The truth is, I didn't really want to be at the fancy table with the fancy people doing fancy things.So when I got upset with mama, I flew away to here!"

"Well you can come back here ANYTIME!"Asteroid promised. "My mommy always likes visitors, especially pretty SeaWing princesses."

"Since when do you have pretty SeaWing princesses visiting you?"Auklet frowned, sitting back slightly and folding her wings in close to her.

"Since whenever you started visiting!"Asteroid giggled, causing Auklet to giggle as well.

"I'm not pretty, Aster! Mama calls me adorable, and Tsunoomi calls me cute, but I'm just me! I'm just Auklet!"
Auklet snort-laughed, eyes twinkling with laughter.

"No, you're pretty! I wish I had dark and light green scales."Asteroid sighed dramatically, flopping on the ground and gazing up at her friend through large, sad blue eyes.

"Aren't you a RainWing? Can't you change colour?"

"No....I'm a three-hybrid! I'm 50% NightWing, 30% SeaWing and 20% SandWing."Asteroid frowned.

"Cool! That's amazing! But isn't Leafy a LeafRainWing?"Auklet gasped.

"Yeah, but she isn't my real mom, I was adopted by her when I was only 1 year old." Asteroid explained.

"Well that's really cool! My daddy is dead, but my mommy is queen Coral,"Auklet beamed. "Which makes me a princess!"

"Will you get to be queen one day?" Asteroid gaped at her.

"Probably not, but mabye!"Auklet giggled. "Tsunami is first in line for the throne, and then An-emeney...But then me!"

"Queen Auklet!"Asteroid grinned. "I like it! Much better than queen Tsunami or queen Anemone."

Queen Auklet and queen Asteroid.......

Asteroid shook her head to clear that ridiculous thought.

"So, wanna get something yummy to eat?"Asteroid asked, tilting her head.

"Sure! I'm starving! Have any clams?"
Auklet leapt to her feet, running for the door.

"Yeah! And a banana for Meteor!"Asteroid laughed, following her out.

Well...when we're older, we can think about what will happen next.

Soon, but not now.

Right now, I just want to play with Auklet!

A/N: Alright, that was it.Hope you enjoyed it.

Auklet x Asteroid. :D (You have no idea how many times I put Asterlet instead of 'Asteroid')

Btw, if I was a dragon, I'd probably be a Leaf/Rain hybrid. So...that's me. :)

- Leaf/y πŸ’š

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