Truth or Dare (If only for a second)

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Moonwatcher's POV

Moon stood outside of Kinkajou's class, waiting for the Bell to ring. She had had a substitute for 7th period and gotten dismissed a few minutes early. I really hope I'm not making a mistake by doing this. Maybe if I say I need to study, or- 

"RING!" The bell rung with the force of a thousand sirens, disrupting her thoughts. A streak of bright pink burst out of the classroom and ran straight into Moon. Why does this keep happening to me? 

"Moon!" Kinkajou bellowed. "You ready for some pillow fights? And truth or dare? And scary stories? And-" 

"About that." Moon interrupted. "Maybe we shouldn't do this..." She faltered when she saw Kinkajou's dismayed expression. "Until we get the rest of your friends!" Moon finished, trying to sound more upbeat. 

"You mean our friends." Kinkajou pointed out. Catching Moon's sour expression, she added, "Don't fight it." Moon rolled her eyes. 

The pair walked down the halls of busting students. On the way, they caught up with Tamarin, or more so Tamarin caught up with them. It still confused Moon about how she could do that with her sight taken away. Carnelian eventually followed when Kinkajou pointed out there would be snacks. Lots of snacks. Sora and Peril were both found in the library, reading silently.

Kinkajou had instructed each and every one of them to bring their things they would need for the sleepover to school so they wouldn't have to go back to their houses to get them. 

"Aren't we gonna start walking to your house?" Carnelian asked as they all stood by the lockers. 

Kinkajou simply stated, "No." Moon raised an eyebrow. 

"Why? Isn't that where we're staying tonight?" She asked. 

Kinkajou shrugged, a smile stretching across her face. "Did I forget to tell you? We're staying here. My sister's the principal, so we can do that sorta thing." Carnelian smiled slightly, one of the first times Moon had seen her do so. 

Sora slunk back against the lockers. "Are we sure that's a good idea? What if we get in trouble?" She asked in her quiet voice. 

Kinkajou's face flashed to that slightly annoyed expression that Moon had seen her do sometimes before, but if only for a second. She always slipped her happy mask back on. "Because I made sure we won't get in trouble 'cause I asked Glory. So... Where are we gonna sleep?" 

"Maybe the library?" Peril perked up. "There's a lot of couches and it's big enough for us to have our own space." 

"Perfect!" Moon and Kinkajou blurted at the same time. Peril blushed slightly. She must not have been regarded as much more than just another person before. That was kind of sad to Moon. She'd gone through that stage before. 

"Onward!" Kinkajou said as she walked towards the library, head held high as she was followed by her friends. 

+ + + 

The group sat in the calm library as they waited for the rest of the students to leave, ignoring the occasional "Shh" that Starflight would give them. Kinkajou had chatted with him for a few minutes before getting bored and plopping down in one of the chairs. 

Moon sat quietly with her computer, her fingers flinging across the keyboard. After hitting some inspiration a few days ago, she had begun to write a story. About dragons. Some people might have found it sort of kiddish, but Moon thought it was just the opposite. 

She couldn't come up with any unique characters, so she decided to put in people she knew. As dragons. She created a version of herself that was a combination of what she was and everything that she wanted to be and put in snippets of things that she desired. 

Kinkajou peered from behind the back of the couch at her screen. "Whatcha writing?" She asked, craning her neck to see. Moon jumped and closed her computer in one swift move. "Hey, I wanted to see! Why are you so secretive about it? Is it a diary?" 

Moon gave her a sour look. "No! I don't write all my feelings on a piece of paper!" 

Kinkajou's mouth quirked into a small frown. "I do. I tell my diary everything. Like who I have a crush on-" 

"Who do you have a crush on?" Moon interrupted. Kinkajou gave a small smile. 

"Maybe someone will ask me when we play truth or dare. And speaking of the amazing game..." The library was now empty, leaving only the five girls. "It's time to play!" 

Carnelian groaned. "We're no six years old anymore. We don't 'play.'"

Kinkajou laughed. "It's a game that I'm sure you'll love. Now, who's ready for truth or dare?" 

The girls gathered on the green leaf-shaped rug in the center of the library, some happier than others. 

"So, who wants to go first? No one? Ok, I will." Carnelian turned to face Kinkajou. "Truth or dare?" She asked. 

"Dare, obviously!" Kinkajou said. 

"Alright then. Let me look through your phone for two minutes." 

Kinkajou laughed nervously as she signed into her phone and passed it to Carnelian. "You can't post anything. You can just look through it," She reminded her. Moon watched as Carnelian's face went through way too many emotions, all the way from disgust to false sympathy. 

"What are you looking at?" Moon asked. 

"Her diary. She has a really big crush on someone." Kinkajou's face went slack. 

As much as Moon didn't want to make Kinkajou mad at her, her curiosity felt more important. "Who is it?" 

"Some guy named Turtle. Never met him and I don't care to," Carnelian said dismissively. Moon smiled slightly. 

"I've met him once. I think it was in gym. He seems really nice," Moon pointed out. 

"He is. I first met him in second grade," Kinkajou mumbled. 

Someone's watch beeped, and Peril said, "Times up! It's your turn Kinkajou." 

Heaving a sigh of relief, Kinkajou turned to face Moon. "Truth or dare?" She said with her familiar smile. 

Here we go, Moon. "Truth."

"What is the silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?" 

"Um..." Moon pondered this for a few seconds, then gave her answer. "Probably my first stuffed animal. For some reason, I just can't get rid of it, and to make matters worse, I still sleep with it every night. It's a rabbit I named Peter after my favorite book at the time." Kinkajou giggled and Moon blushed with nervousness. Too much information or too little? Did I say something wrong? 

Carnelian let out a sigh. "That was weak. Couldn't you have done something more fun for us Kinkajou?" 

"I was trying to be a good friend," Kinkajou pointed out. 

"Maybe we shouldn't play this anymore," Sora mumbled. 

Kinkajou shrugged. "Ok. I have something better anyway." She ran over to her vibrant green and lavender bookbag and pulled out a nerf gun. "It's time for war!" 

Moon was bewildered. "You brought Nerf guns?

"Sweet!" Carnelian yelled as she ran over to grab a gun from Kinkajou's bag. 

This is gonna be interesting, Moon thought as she ran over to grab one herself. Might as well partciapte if she didn't want to be slaughtered with no defence. 

Author's Note

Finally! SOOO Sorry that took so long. Kinda lost my groove for a second. Ok, more like a month, Since I had some writer's block, I began to write a new fanfiction that has nothing to do with Wings of Fire! *Gasp!* Anyway, I would love if you could come over and check it out some time if you're into Jurassic World! It's called "Stay Stong Blue" by yours truly, a story about Blue's journies alone on Isla Nublar! (Positive, right?!) I've been trying to post a new chapter on that as well today. 

So vote and comment if you enjoyed! It tells me I'm at least I'm doing something right!

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