Winter's POV
Winter didn't know what to think of Moon. She was... interesting, to say the least. When he ran into her- wait, no, she ran into him. He had to remember she was the bad guy here, not him. He didn't know why Qibli had to get all up in his face. He could be so dramatic.
Winter walked through the halls with his sister Icicle, keeping an eye out for Moon. Didn't she say she liked to volunteer at the animal shelter? Maybe she'll stop by later today. Wait, no. I don't want to see her.
She didn't talk much during science, but when she did, it sounded like they had some of the same interest. Volunteering at the shelter, occasionally popping open a good book, even if he didn't do it in public. Moon seemed nice enough. All her features were rather simple and non-threatening, which of course, tended to put him on guard.
He shook his head vigorously to get Moon out of it and saw Icicle knit her eyebrows together as she paused the conversation on her phone. "What's wrong with you? You look like your trying to shake snow out of your hair," she said. "Wait, it looks like that anyway."
"You just insulted your own hair color. We're twins, remember? Just drop it."
She shrugged. "Fine," Icicle said. She went back to talking with her friend, so basically pretending Winter wasn't there. He walked in silence beside her until they reached the bustling lunchroom.
It was chaotic and extremely loud with all the conversations going on everywhere within every group. Posters hung from walls all around the room advertising different things, from eating right to school spirit. They were really pushing that this year. Of the many tables left in the room, there were only a few open seats.
Winter spotted one near one of the large windows that made up the back wall in the far corner with only a few people. That could work. He was about to point this out to Icicle, but she had already gone to sit with a group of other girls. Guess I'm on my own then, he thought.
He got his food from the counter and headed over to the empty seat, but stopped in his tracks. Kinkajou was sitting there one of her friends and a short kid with shaggy green hair sitting awkwardly beside her. He quickly scanned the room for another seat, but the only one he saw open was next to Changbia and Qibli, who he despised equally, if not more.
Having no other options, he headed over. Kinkajou spotted him and went all dreamy eyed and the boy followed her gaze and frowned. Oh brother, Winter thought. He sat down across from her and glared at Kinkajou while he ate.
She waved at him cheerfully. "Hi Winter!" she said. He didn't answer. "Have you met Turtle and Tamarin? I don't think you have. Guys, this is Winter" Turtle gave him a small smile.
"Hi, Winter. Uh, what brings you here? Turtle asked him.
"I'm here for my education," he said.
Turtle laughed. "Oh, no. Sorry, I mean, what brings you to our table?" he asked.
Winter continued to eat his mashed potatoes, or more so spread them around his tray with his fork. "This was a last resort," he said. Turtle's smile shrank, but Kinkajou still beamed. Tamarin barely paid any attention. When he studied her more closely, he realized she wasn't even seeing him at all.
"What's wrong with her?" he asked, nodding his head toward Tamarin. Anger flashed in Kinkajou's eyes but quickly vanished, forming back into a smile again.
"That was probably not the way I would have put it, but I'll let it slide as long as Tamarin doesn't mind." She looked over at Tamarin. "Do you mind?"
Tamarin turned in the direction of Kinkajou's voice and shook her head. "It's fine Kinkajou." She turned toward Winter. "I was born blind. No big deal. I've gotten used to the comments," she said.
"OK then," Winter said. I wonder what it would be like to not be able to see at all. Not being able to see Moon's shimmering green eyes- He stopped his thought abruptly. Kinkajou continued to ask him questions and he continued to ignore her, so she went back to just talking to Tamarin and Turtle. Probably for the best.
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