The Journey of a Butterfly

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Once a caterpillar, crawling on the ground
Never knowing the beauty, that it had yet found
But with patience and time, it spun a cocoon
And inside it changed, to something new

Emerging from the shell, a butterfly took flight
With colors so bright, it was a magnificent sight
And as it fluttered, on wings so light
It embraced the world, with all its might

It soared through the air, with grace and ease

And danced with the flowers, and the gentle breeze
And with every beat, of its delicate wings
It brought a sense of wonder, to all living things

For in this journey, from earth to sky
The butterfly learned, how to truly fly
And in its beauty, it showed us all
That even in the smallest things, greatness can be called

So let us remember, the journey of a butterfly
And the lessons it taught us, as it flew by
For in the midst of change, there is still beauty
And with wings of hope, we can all take flight, like a butterfly.

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