C~7: Blood Meet Red

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Hold on a second, let me back this tale up a bit to that whole analogy I gave about the creation of the universe.

I wasn't lying when I said mortals, demons, and angels all eat fruit from the same poisoned tree. The right and wrong ability lies within a creature's perspective for what they see as good or bad.

The same thing applies to any opposites.

Sea or land.

Earth or sky.

Heaven or hell.

Angel or demon.

The definition of a demon is an evil spirit.

The definition of an angel is a good spirit.

But if that's the case, then they are the same.

Demons can be good, angels can be bad. I mean, an angel is just a demon with wings. A demon is just an angel without wings.

You can deny this all you want, but even Lucifer knows it's true.

One hundred and five years ago-

A portal to hell spits out a girl in white pants, white t-shirt her whiteish, silver hair, with a touch of blonde all drenched. Even if in hell I recall how I marveled at the wonder of it, how it was so different from what I knew. My heart ached for the poor souls who wail out to me, for redemption...but it wasn't my job to give it.

"They can't be saved."

Whirling around, I'm meeting with a boy, golden hair, green eyes. He walked forward, and I stepped back. "I-I'm looking for Pandemonium," I interject.

The boy sighed. "Then I'm afraid you are a long ways off course and in an unfriendly place, no doubt."

Something about his voice made him inviting, one thing my siblings warned me against. Taking a breath, I walk past him. "I can find my way."

"It would be unwise to enter there," he speaks up as I continue down my insolent course of action. Hearing footsteps beside me, I face the boy. "You're following me."

"Isn't every day a being like you travels to hell," he smirks on that houses a devil in itself. He wore a black blouse with leather pants, a man of some nobility.

Taking my hand, he places a kiss on my knuckles. At the touch of his lips, I rip my hand away, rousing a chuckle from his throat as he speaks, "I'm Caliban, prince of hell. And you?"

"Are leaving." I quickly stammer as I stumble more profound into the forest, leaving the prince to wipe his lip with his thumb, that beautiful smirk never falling.


"Isobel, Isobel!" whisper Theo shaking my arm. Snapping from my thoughts, I rip my gaze away from the one person who I said I would not run into.

Just my lucky day I run into him!


"Hey!" I shout out to Sabrina, Harvey, and Roz, who had to begin to walk forward. Jabbing a thumb over to the stream of blood, I continue, "This way!"

They look to each other as we group up, me making sure it's a distance from the prince. Harvey is the first to ask, "Isobel, who the hell-"

"Shhhh!" I hush, stepping towards the blood. "Gotta get to Pandemonium, remember!" I state changing the subject. I just wanna get out of here as soon as possible.

Turning to the distance, I call out, "Little Gynt smirked, "someday, you all could find yourself on the path to hell!"

The group glances at each other confused, and Caliban stood still at a distance, but his gaze, I could feel, crawling up to me. Tapping my foot, I wait for a couple of seconds and nothing.

Why nothing?

Come on, Minion, where are you?

"I said! Little Gynt smirked, "someday, you all could find yourself on the path to hell!" I shout once more.

Why is Minion not responding to the call!

Lucifer usually lets him on his break right no-



I forgot!

He works for Lilith now!

"MINION, GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" I scream, earning a motion from Roz, "I don't think your friend is coming-"

"Yeah, no shit!" I snap, turning back. This was supposed to be a quick trip. But no! Nothing is ever easy!

To make matters worse, Caliban has to speak "Excuse m-"

Not looking, I wave my hand at him. I sigh, "Okay new plan, we're walking to Lilith!" I announce, circling to the side of the group, so my back was to Caliban. 

Theo points "What about that gu-"

"We don't need that guy!" I assure before motioning to the path beside the blood, "As I...painfully learned on my first visit to hell, wanna get to Pandemonium you follow the blood red road." I share before firmly asserting, "Never stray from the road! Please!"

On my heels, I begin to walk in the direction, my eyes flicker to Caliban. I was too far away to read his face, but I knew he didn't recognize mine...if anything, we should be strangers once more.

From what I could tell, he hasn't changed a bit.

Meanwhile, everything about me has.

"Hey, wait-" Caliban starts before I shout over him, keeping to the start of the path, "Blood red road!"

The group joins me while the prince shouts out again, "But-"

"We're off to go see Lilith!" I sing, pushing Harvey along, "The horrible Lilith of hell da duh da duh la la la..." I trail off, making sure none of the mortals ask any more questions and the bastard can't get another word in.

Of course, I have to throw one more look back at Caliban, who had continued building a sandcastle.

...100 years...I sat and wondered why what happened, happened!

My only conclusion was Caliban.

I had 100 years to run into him, to yell, to scream, to shout, to cry, and now I see him again...when I don't care anymore. 

When I have already achieved what I desire, to go to the mortal realm, to leave hell.

That's what I want.

It has to be.

Because there I can take control of my immortality, spend it how I want, not following some stupid orders or will of another.

I have the power over my fate.

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