C~20: Clashed Traditions

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And all shall fade

The flowers of spring

The world and all the sorrow

At the heart of everything

I listen to the covens beautiful music as the white of their clothes reflects the little sun dripping through the dew green leaves of the afternoon.

My legs are folded to the side on a cushion next to one of the ground tables as the coven moves to sit with me. Not too long ago, Sabrina wearing a flower crown and holding a rabbit, went off into the woods to release it as says tradition.

Ambrose moves to sit across from me, his hands folded. "Isobel, I have been dying to know about what you mentioned earlier."

Setting my glass down, I grip my ankle. "You mean the Trial of Birth?"


Smiling, I offer my history, "Well, the angels' trials are as such, Trial of Birth, Call of Fall, Peace in Immortality." I name leaning forward "Trial of Birth is the first in which an angel must pass. A version of the angel sorta is sent forward or backward to a point in time to a person in which needs them most."

"That is why you need the pure moon." figures Ambrose thoroughly interested "W-where were you sent?"

I've often wondered that, but I can be comforted with the thought I successfully completed the first task "Angel's never remember, but since I wasn't damned when I woke, I must have done something right." I giggle.

"Aunties!" Sabrina calls, rushing back to us all, "We have to go right now!"

"We can't. We just got started." Hilda reasons parting for Nick to step through. "Look who's here." she motions as me and Ambrose stand. Sabrina sighs. "Nick, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to be part of this." he justifies.

"No, you don't understand." Sabrina tries once more. Narrowing my eyes, I step up, putting a hand out as Hilda questions her, "She's right." I say.

This ominous spark rounded my senses, dark, eerie, and then the sight. Mismatched fabrics and monstrous wooden masks coming from the treeline.

One steps forward from the group, causing me to retreat one back, his hands reach to the mask unveiling his identity, at which I stare "Forgive us." Professor Carosa starts, "We did not mean to disturb your celebration. We have come in search of a place to celebrate as well."

"Celebrate what?" Zelda interrogates, leading our side.

"Ostara." Carosa trails with an accent, "And what is it you are celebrating?"

"The Hare Moon."

Carosa's eyes scan Zelda, his nose scrunching a bit at the rest of us. Two groups ever the more different; silence is the only command thread.

"I mean, we were just, um, about to have a spot of lunch." smiles Hilda trying to defuse the tension. "We've got Nutella and bread and cheese and wine and cold cuts if you all want to join us?"

After a second of turning to the two women at his side, Carosa grins, causing his own group to all remove their masks. A sign of acceptance...hopefully.

Bringing out the teas, cakes, and fruit, I retake my seat, the strange feeling clinging to my spin "Mistress Spellman, should we say a prayer of thanks to Lilith first? O-Or Isobel because she's with us?"

The muttering comes to a stop at Elspeth's words, only the ringleader's voice wondering, "Lilith? And Isobel?" he starts, eyes flickering to me. "You pray to them and not your Dark Lord?"

Well, if it was anything, this coven recently found out I ruled Hell. Ignoring this statement, Zelda raises her head, "No, Elspeth, no prayers are necessary. Whatever the case, I don't believe our guests pray to Isobel or Lilith. Do you?"

"We do not. We pray to...others."


"How long have you and your people been in Greendale?"

"Generations." Zelda indulges, pouring me another glass. "We're from the old country," she adds, turning back to Carosa. "Very old, old, old, country." stammers Ambrose on end.

"Where does your clan hail from?" I politely question. Carosa faces me kindly "All the Earth is our home."

"You're driters then."

Come on, Zelda, I'm trying to make things less awkward!

"My family and I, we follow many roads."

"So Greendale is just one of your many stops, and you'll be moving on soon?"

"Well, there is something about the land here that makes one...wish to set down roots." dreams Carosa. Zelda touches Ambrose's shoulder, signaling to stand as she gives me a stay put gaze.

Now it's just the professor and me. After taking another sip, I hear his voice in wonder, "So you and your coven indulge yourself in mortal affairs as well?"

"Oh no." I state, placing my glass down, "I mean, they do, I don't, I-I'm not a witch."

"No?" he raises a brow in surprise.

"The only family I have here is my brother; the rest of our siblings reside in the celestial realm."

"Celestial realm?" Carosa wonders, folding his hands. "You are an angel then? Fallen?... Their Dark Lord's sister." he figures out. Nodding, I shrug. "As it seems."

"And the traditions of the Hare Moon, do you partake in most of the fornication?" he chuckles. At the sudden words, my eyes widen, and I shake my head. "No, no, no, I wouldn't-no. As an angel, never and then 100 years of waiting for my body to heal doesn't exactly make it so convenient-just the though-"

Pausing, I shake my head. "I'm sorry I'm rambling." I laugh out, letting Carosa join me in the fit of giggles. "I-I must say I've never heard of a virgin demon."

"We are rare, aren't we?" I playfully add on.

"Help me! It hurts!"

I spot Nick against a tree and Dorcus on the ground; a nasty bite stained her skin. Nick rushes off as Melvin kneels down beside her, the rest of us gathering.

Hilda begins listing ingredients in a frenzy, unaware of Nagaina's hair flip as she lowers herself to Dorcus's wound, clamping her teeth upon it. All is still as her slurps and swallows ring upon us all, rise a few seconds later, poison extracted as if nothing.

"That snake won't be hurting anyone else." Nick's voice states as he comes back over. My eyes widen at the sight of the severed snake in his hands, Nagaina's response being as expected. "Murderer!" she cries, standing, "We are the guests in this place. It is the snake that lives here. It was its right to protect its territory."

Carosa motions, "We should leave."

"Yes, perhaps that's best." Zelda agrees, "We were here first."

"No, we were here first, before the False God, before your Dark Lord. The Old Gods reigned, and we worshiped them. Now, something has happened, it's clear, and our time has come around again."

Raising his hand, Carosa leads his group away with the horrid tension looming over again. Their intention is to bring back that before God, back before the time of celestial.

And after what Nick has killed, the Regalia suddenly isn't the only thing that troubles me.

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