C~14: A Better Time

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"What do you mean she's not here?"

"Her and Roz haven't come back since we found out who the missing kid is," Harvey tells. Theo pushes his back hands on the bleachers propping himself upon his knees. "Why did something happen to her?"

"It's either something did happen to her, or it will." I sigh, running a hand through my hair. Staring through the fence, my eyes don't leave the ice cream truck of death. "We can't wait for Platt to tell us I gotta drag him now."

"Come on, Is, can't hell wait a bit longer," says Harvey. Rubbing my arms, I bite my lip. "Hell will wait as long as I wait it's...Caliban, that I know will just jump at the chance to stick his greedy fingers into the opportunity."

The two raise a brow at my sneery remark. Theo stands. "You mean that guy who wants to take the crown?"

Nodding, I toss my arms out. "I mean, really, the guy waits 100 years to go through with this. What kind of coward does that?"

"Hold on a sec." Harvey pauses, motioning with his hand, "You know this guy?"

"I-I never said that."

"No, your mumblish ranting did," states Theo gripping his knees. "If you know the dude, why not talk to him? Tell him to back off or something."

Chortling, I roll my eyes at the idea. Me talking Caliban into not pursuing the throne? Out of so many impossible things, this universe still holds that has got to top the list!

"That's impossible." I chuckle, causing Harvey to respond, "More impossible than being alive and serving hell?"

"Believe it or not, yes!" asserting this, I tap my foot, knowing this can't be good, and sooner or later, they're gonna start asking questions, "I'm gonna go find Roz."


As the fire envelopes Isobel leaving scorching grass where she once stood. Theo sits back down, crossing his arms. "Might be just a hunch but Is really must hate that guy."

"Wonder what he did?" speculates Harvey. Theo stares down for a second before jumping to his feet. "Why don't we just go ask?"

Side eyeing his friend Harvey shakes his head. "She's clearly not gonna tell us."

"No, but someone else might...A.K.A Dorian."

Harvey raises at this as Theo holds out his arms with a smirk. "What do you think?"

"That she's gonna kill us if she finds out we snooped into her life?"

"She's Queen of Hell; if we die, she could get us a recommendation into heaven." Theo jokes, I mean, if so much was possible, how could that blatantly untrue scenario not actually be true.

One car ride later, the two are walking down the gold railed steps of the Gray Bar. Peering around, Dorian's brow furrow. "Oh, it's you two, what do I owe the pleasure?" he sighs, going back to cleaning glasses.

Still tentative about this, Harvey stands while Theo pops himself into one of the highchairs leaning forward in anticipation. "What's the deal with Isobel and guy trying to take the throne?" he rushes.

Dorian freezes, causing the glass to slip from his hands and shatter behind the bar. Tossing the rag aside, he rubs his temple. "I've got to stop making a habit of that." he begins before smilingly at Theo. "How do you know that?"

"She seemed pretty worked up about it." Harvey explains, "It's clear there's some history."

Eyes darting around, Dorian leans on the bar. "I don't know the full story," he whispers, beginning to mix another drink. "What happened?" gives in Harvey, sitting down as well.

"As you both know, Isobel was an angel and not just any angel." Dorian begins to spin a tale, "The first angel to fall from grace since Lucifer, the angel Thirteen..."


105 years ago, we had a small group very much similar to your own

Dorian pours another drink for a wayward soul as the band of ghouls takes a break. Taking his own break, Minion sits at the bar, cap off his head from a long day of serving the Dark Lord.

I would mind the bar. Minion would finally have a break from Lucifer's nagging. And Isobel, she was learning everything from heaven and hell; she could figure it out for herself with us.

"Dorian, pour me another!" cheers Isobel, her legs swinging from the height of the stool. Laughing, Dorian shakes his head. "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine." she smiles, leaning on the counter as Minion sets his drink down. "By the way, did you crash into hell this morning or actually land?"

Doing a so-so, Isobel shrugs, "Flyings a lot harder than it looks, you got the wind, the...the...go ahead, laugh, I'm still learning."

"You're getting better, though."

Turning around with a giant smile, Isobel jumps up, throwing her arms around Caliban, who stumbles a little shocked "Whoa, Thirteen." he starts looking at Dorian. "And how much has she had to drink."

"Only one." Minion shakes his head, nodding to an empty glass. "Stop her before she hurts herself."

Scoffing, Isobel grips Caliban's shoulder, swaying a bit, "I'm fffffine Minion!"

"Well, she is better behaved than Peer Gynt." joke Caliban causing Minion to shake his head and Dorian to laugh along as well.

We were the most unlikely of friends, an undead servant, an immortal, a prince of hell, and an angel.

The music begins to start back up with a cheery tune. Isobel turns the bar. "Dorian wanna dance?"

"I'm serving drinks."


He quickly shakes his head. "I'm drinking the drinks."

"Will I be getting asked?" Caliban suggests bowing. Isobel nods, taking his hand, the two moving out to the dance floor to where Caliban holds her hand, spinning her. Her dress flying out like ocean foam atop the waves as the prince slips an arm around her waist.

Caliban was her guide through hell.

That didn't last as the guide became a friend.

"She can't go back to heaven like this." Minion sighs, referring to the passed-out angel in the white sundress asleep across from him on the couch. Dorian scoffs, wiping down the bar. "And you think an angel is gonna survive a night in hell?"

"I'll stay with her." Caliban motions. Minion doesn't see the harm and leaves without question, but Dorian watched as Isobel fell to the side atop Caliban, and he was so comfortable with letting her sleep on him like that.

From what I could tell, a friend was very quickly going to become something more.


"Then one day, she took a portal to the Celestial Realm, and she didn't come back." Dorian finishes causing Theo to flips his hands. "What t-that can't be the end, she just left?"

"Actually, I always thought she was reassigned in heaven." placing the final clean glass down, Dorian sighs, "I would have never guessed that she fell."

"Was it Caliban?" Harvey asks.

"Most likely, in heaven, it's forbidden for a demon to touch an angel, and it's not like Isobel was allowed to break any rules."

"How do you mean?" Theo questions.

"She's the first since Lucifer. She was a test to see if angels could be created again without going evil." Dorian explains, causing Harvey to disagree, "Is, isn't bad though."

Dorian meets their eyes in the sense of disgust. "Heaven has a stupidly twisted sense of good and bad. Isobel wasn't perfect, no one is, but she certainly had good intentions." continuing to wipe down the bar, he sighs, "But love, even with a demon, apparently, heaven sees that as a true evil."

"So they broke up?"

"I have no idea; you want to find out either ask the queen of hell or the man himself." grins Dorian at the thought of the two getting very angry at the question.

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