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Blood shed. It's all I can see as I search for her. The stench of blood surrounds me and coats my black matted fur. Where is she?

My stomach stirs in worry and anxiety over comes my mind. I need to find her. My paws melt whatever snow is left on the battle field as I maneuver around dead bodies and fighting wolves. I crouch down low getting ready to attack one of the enemy wolves who was following my sister carefully as she brought down every enemy in her path.

A loud howl rings throughout the crisp cool air. Everyone stops and my target runs off along with it's pack into the direction they came from. What? What's happening?

Moving forward, I push through a forming crowd. There she is. I shift back into my human form, getting ready to rip her from his arms. How dare even lay a hand on her after all he's done.

I take one step forward ready to kill him before I feel it. It's like someone's pouring ice cold water over my entire body. I can't move. The wolves around me begin to drop dead like flies being zapped with electricity.

My eyes refocus onto my mate. Her green forests are filled with fear. My heart breaks and I struggle harder to make my feet move. I need to get to her.

A sinister smile breaks out across his lips just before he sinks his fangs into the neck of my mate. A growl tears through my chest as a biting ache wraps around my heart.

Flying forward I grasp at my chest as I try to regain my breath. I look around quickly assessing the room for any danger. There is none. My eyes immediately search for her, but I know exactly where she is. She's still in the infirmary.

Two weeks. It's been two weeks and she still hasn't moved a muscle. I toss the blankets off my body and stand from my bed. A thin layer of sweat coats my skin and I can't help but heave a heavy sigh. For everyday that goes by the worse my nightmares get. I need her. I miss her.

Unconsciously my feet bring me over to the large floor to ceiling window. The full moon shines down upon the pack lands. New snow has fallen in these past few days, covering the blood stained grass. The bodies where moved and sorted. Enemy bodies were burned and our fallen were given a proper burial.

I press my forehead against the cool glass, relishing in it. I'm going to kill the man who attempted to steal what is mine. My mate.

I have decided to post the prologue in celebration of me finishing all the editing of FMTH!
I may or may not be working on the first chapter of this story right after this...

Please vote & comment, it really helps me feel more motivated to post and keep up with the story.

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