Liam and Zayn were on the bed watching tv when a knock on the apartment door brought them both out of their separate daydreams.
Zayn walked up to the door cautiously, looking through the peephole. He saw a woman whom he had never seen before. Zayn swung the door open and stared at the girl. "Hi. I'm-Oh hey." The woman's tone seemingly instantly changed from friendly to flirty. "Um. Who are you?" Zayn asked, and the girl giggled. "Gigi." She said, placing a hand on Zayn's bicep.
Liam couldn't handle it anymore. "Who's there, babe?" He asked, getting up from his spot and standing behind Zayn protectively. "Oh." Gigi said, almost disgustingly. "Liam." Liam stuck out his hand, and Gigi took it. Then her attention turned back to Zayn. "So...I heard you were new to the building. I live right across the hall. You must be Zayn?" She asked, biting her lip. Liam tried not to scoff. "Yeah. I'm Zayn." He shrugged, and Gigi nodded. "Okay. Well I just wanted to say welcome and if you need anything..." She trailed off, staring into Zayn's eyes. This time, Liam did scoff. "I think we're good. Thank though." Liam mocked, shutting the door in the girl's face.
"Li...what was that?" Zayn asked, and Liam shook his head. "She was hitting on you." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Nuh uh." Zayn disagreed, and Liam shook his head. "Seriously She was basically drooling over you!" Liam threw his arms up, and Zayn shrugged. "It's not my fault I'm so damn sexy." He said, and Liam chuckled. "Not a lie."
(Just a bit of a time skip to get the story rolling)
Three weeks had passed since Zayn and Liam moved into their apartment. Nothing bad happened, except for in Liam's case, when he Gigi kept coming over and trying to talk to Zayn.
It was Monday morning, Liam and Zayn were on their way to school. Zayn looked over into the street. "Oh my god." He muttered, as a car passed by ever so slowly. "Holy shit we have to go." Zayn said a bit louder this time, and Liam looked at his with curiosity. "In a second. We have to go this way." Zayn said, grabbing Liam's hand and pulling him the opposite way from school. Liam protested.
"Just trust me." Zayn said, and Liam clamped his mouth shut. Zayn took them the long way, making the boys late for first hour. In the classroom, Zayn turned around in his seat. "Well?" Liam said, arms across his chest. "What?" Zayn asked, playing dumb. "Don't 'what' me. What was that? Why did we have to go that way?" Liam asked, putting his hand on Zayn's bicep.
"'s really nothing. I just-I saw somebody in a car and-ugh." Zayn said, feeling embarrassed admitting it. He put his head in his hands. "Hey." Liam cooed, putting his hand under Zayn's chin and tilting it slightly. "It's embarrassing to say out loud." Zayn mumbled, and Liam shook his head no. "It's not, baby. If there's something going on with the person in that car then you most likely can't control it. It makes sense to go the long way if you feel threatened." Liam shrugged. And Zayn smiled half-heartedly "Thanks, Li. You always know what to say. That made Liam grin.
"Zayn, turn around." Ms. P said from the front of the class, giving Zayn and Liam both a stern look.
It was right after second hour, and Liam had to stop at his locker to grab something. As soon as he did, though, a note fell onto the ground. He looked to his left, and then to his right before picking up the paper.
Liam didn't think much of it at first, it was probably just something from Zayn. Or one of those girls that had been crushing on his for a while. Liam shrugged it off, but was only a little confused. This note must be pretty recent, he would have seen it before school when he put his bag away. Liam climbed up the steps to gym class, opening the note as he did so.
He doesn't really love you.
Was all it read. Liam read it over a couple times, but soon stuffed it in his back pocket as he stalked into the locker room. He got changed quickly, going by the showers to examine the note more carefully. He opened it up again, scanning both sides, but those 5 words in red ink were the only thing on the paper. At first, he thought of his friends' handwritings, seeing if any of them matched. It definitely wasn't Zayn's, or Niall's, or Louis'. Liam huffed, it was probably for somebody else anyways.
Even so, it stayed in his back pocket the whole day, along with the back of his mind.
Zayn greeted Liam at the end of the day, but he seemed off. They walked home, and it's like Liam wasn't even there, he was so distant. Zayn couldn't handle it anymore. "What's wrong, love?" He asked, and for a split second, Liam was going to tell Zayn about the note. But he knew he couldn't. "Nothing. I'm fine." Liam smiled, grabbing Zayn's hand and entwining their fingers. Zayn mustered up a small smile, trying to figure out if he was the cause of Liam's sudden attitude.
Back at home, Liam was quiet. He read on his bed after his homework, and Zayn was beyond worried. Zayn walked up and sat next to the boy, and he put his hand on Liam's knee. "You know that no matter what, I'll always be here for you, right?" Zayn said, after a comfortable silence. "Of course, Zee. But it's really nothing." Liam said, and Zayn nodded, but stayed right next to him, which made Liam happy. He still couldn't get the note out of his head, though.
Liam came to school on Tuesday with Zayn, but they parted ways when Liam went to his locker. He did the combo and braced himself when yet another note flew to the ground. It felt like deja vu as Liam picked up the note. Reading it at the spot this time. "Oooh. A love note from Zayn?" Niall came up from behind Liam, and Liam jumped, stuffing the note in his pocket. "Jesus Ni, you scared me." Liam said, putting a hand to his heart.
"Whatever. Anyways, let's go to class. We're gonna be late."
Liam anticipated reading this second note all through 1st hour. He finally was able to go to the bathroom. And he opened the note as soon as the door closed behind him, after he made sure no one else was in there, of course. It read:
Your boyfriend. He's fake.
Liam bit his lip. These must have been for him. Who else? But Zayn was one of the most real people he knew. How could Zayn be fake? It just didn't make sense.
This time, Liam was mad. He didn't know if this was all some joke or what. He crumpled up the note and threw it in the trash, along with the other one. He stormed out of the bathroom and to his locker, just in time to see someone slipping a note into it.
"Lou?" Zayn asked, walking across the classroom to sit by Louis. "Yeah?" Louis asked, looking up from the game he was playing on his computer. "Where's Liam? He's been in the bathroom for a while..." Zayn trailed off, and Louis shrugged. "Why don't you look for him?" Louis suggested, and Zayn nodded his head, getting a pass from the teacher.
Zayn walked out the door and into the hallway, going to the nearest bathroom. He went in to see nobody in there, so he decided just to go down to Liam's locker. But what he found there, he wasn't expecting at all.
"Sophia?" Liam asked, taking long strides up to his locker. "You were the one putting those notes in? Why?" Liam asked, confused as ever. "Umm. I thought I was obvious? I want you to stop liking Zayn and start liking me again." Sophia said, as if it really was that obvious. "That's fücking insane. I guess it makes sense, 'cuz you are." Liam said, making a fist and trying his best to calm down. He wasn't going to hit Sophia, he was just trying to find something to occupy his hands.
"Um. Excuse you." Sophia said in a bratty tone. "Fuck off." Liam mumbled, and Sophia made some whiny noise before storming off.
"Liam?" A familiar voice asked from behind Liam, and he turned around. "Hi Zaynie." Liam smiled, and Zayn nodded in response. "Why were you talking to Sophia...?" Zayn asked, and Liam shrugged. "She had some psychopathological plan to somehow get us to break up so I'll like her again." Liam said casually, and Zayn's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't." He said, tearing up slightly. "Ohmygod baby of course not. Come here." Liam held out his arms, hugging Zayn. He rocked them back and forth until the bell rang, and they went their opposite ways.
Liam was so lucky to have Zayn.
Little did Liam know that Zayn was thinking the exact same thing.
sorry this chapter was so short aha
love you guys sm😭
14k is unreal
Ziam is real💚
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