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Zayn was upset because Liam was upset.

It had been about 2 weeks since Liam's mother died, and he was started to get back to normal. Or at least, as normal as you can get after you lose your mom.

"You know what today is?" Liam asked, grabbing Zayn's hand. Zayn nodded. "Happy 4 months." Liam smiled, leaning in to kiss Zayn softly on the lips. Zayn grinned.

"I got you something." Liam said, and Zayn looked curious as Liam pulled something from under his pillow. It was a small box.

Zayn gasped as he saw a dog tag. The front was a picture of the two kissing, and the back was the date they got together engraved into it. Zayn smiled and kissed him sweetly, hooking it around his neck. He put it under his shirt and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get you anything." Zayn said, and Liam shrugged. "It's alright, baby. You being here is my present." He smiled, though the moment was ruined with a knock on the door.

Liam got up and answered it. "Are you Liam Payne?" A tall man stood there, and Liam nodded. "Hey. I'm the lawyer you spoke to on the phone."

"Hi. Come in!" Liam said, beckoning him in. Liam sat down on the couch and the man sat across from him. "So tell me your situation."

Liam then explained everything that had happened to him and Zayn that year, and the lawyer nodded along. "Hm. You really are in a sticky situation. What family do you have left?" He asked, and Liam shook his head.

"All grandparents passed a while ago. " Liam said, and he nodded. "Uncles or Aunts?"

"One. They're Amish."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Liam said, and he put his head in his hands. "We're gonna have to find some family. Lucky for you, you only have about 6 months until you're 18, and then you can do whatever the hell you want. I doubt this whole case will even be over by then."

"Thank you."

"Hey Z?" Liam asked, sitting down next to Zayn after the lawyer had left. "Yeah?"

"What's gonna happen to us...I mean, most of my family lives super far away." Liam said, biting his lip. "I can't lose you, too." He whispered, looking up at Zayn with tears in his eyes.

"Li...that's not gonna happen." Zayn said, grabbing Liam's hands. "Remember what that guy said? This case most likely won't even be over by the time you turn eighteen. We just have to wait it out." Zayn finished, shrugging. Liam nodded, giving the boy a small smile. "Let's just, go out. We need some fresh air." Zayn said after a while, and Liam nodded.

They decided on going to the park. Liam laced their fingers together as they took the closest trail, both of them just being happy in the other's company. Zayn let go of his boyfriend's hand and giggled, running to the swing. "Push me." He whined, pouting. Liam chuckled lovingly at him, going over to push the boy.

"Yay!" He exclaimed, kicking his feet out. "Okay Imma jump." Zayn said, and Liam nodded, running out to catch the boy. "Weeee!" He yelled, jumping into Liam's arms.

Liam caught Zayn, and they spun around, grinning. Liam held up his boyfriend by under his thighs, and they kissed passionately for a few moments. Zayn giggled, kissing Liam's hair before he let go.

Zayn got down, and Liam grabbed his hand, them skipping home.

"Fück school." Liam grumbled, picking up his backpack. "Aw, Li. You'll be fine. There's like, a month left and then it's summer!" Zayn said excitedly, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"How are you this excited? It's too early for happiness." Liam pouted, opening up the door and leaving it open for Zayn to slip past.

They drive to school, Liam basically falling asleep the whole time there. "Li! We're gonna get in an accident! Wake up!" Zayn yells, smacking Liam on the back of the head. Liam shakes his head, attempting to wake himself up.

"'M sorry. Didn't sleep much last night."  Liam shrugs as he pulls into the parking lot. "How come?" Zayn asks, worry clear in his voice. Liam licks his lips. "I dunno. I just didn't I guess." He gives his boyfriend a sad smile.

At lunchtime, Liam was nothing like his normal self. His friends were more than worried, but knew the last thing he wanted was the attention from them. So Harry, Louis, and Niall joked around like they normally would. Liam laughed along, though all of them could see the far-away look in his eyes.

Zayn frowned, scooting closer to Liam. "Wanna talk about it?" He said quietly to the boy, so only he could hear. Liam turned a tad, so he was facing his boyfriend. "I had a nightmare, that's why I didn't sleep. After it, I took a shower and just kinda hung out until I woke you up." Liam said, looking down, embarrassed. Zayn bit his lip, placing his soft fingertips on Liam's cheek, turning his head so their eyes were locked. "I've had nightmares since my Dad started...you know. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I learned it's better to talk about it." Zayn said honestly, and Liam blinked away tears that were filling up his eyes. "Later?" He asked, and Zayn nodded. "Of course. I'll always be here."


After school, Liam brought up the subject once again. They were at Starbucks, sitting across from one another after they had both gotten their drinks.

"Do you wanna know what the dream was about?" Liam asked, and Zayn took his hands. "Only if you wanna tell me." He said, and Liam muttered, "Okay."

"I was in my house, the living room. A man came up to me with-with a gun. He handed me the gun and said, 'Shoot.' I looked over to see what he meant, a-and I saw you and, my mum. I had to choose one of you to shoot. I put the gun to my own head, but the man shook his head. He pointed to both of you again. I closed my e-eyes a-and." Liam choked on a sob, wiping his eyes. "And shot my mum." He says in a whisper. "Then I woke up."

Zayn's eyes dropped. "Aw, love." Zayn cooed, moving to the booth where Liam was. Liam shook his head, wiping his eyes again when the boy snaked an arm around Liam's shoulders.

"Can we go home? People are staring." Liam said with a smile, and Zayn giggled, nodding.


Liam and Zayn were lazily making out in bed when a phone call drew them apart. Zayn giggled as his boyfriend whined, answering the phone.

"Hello?" Zayn said, not recognizing the caller I.D.


"Oh my god really?"

"Where are you?"

"He's gone, mum."

"Are you serious?"

"Okay, I guess."

"Bye. I love you."

Zayn hung up, and Liam looked at the boy curiously. "My mum is one hundred percent cancer free. But, after she left the hospital, she was scared of my dad, so she went far away. She wouldn't tell me where she went." Zayn said, pouting.

"Aw, Zee." Liam said, kissing the boy's cheek. "Eh, it's alright. I haven't seen her in like a year anyways. And this is so typical of her." Zayn said. "You don't deserve any of this." Liam answered, pulling the boy into his lap.

"I'll be okay. As long as you kiss me again."


I really don't wanna write smut smh

but like, it's getting to that point and that's the only thing that'll make this story interesting again lmao

I don't think I can😂

but whatevs,

Ziam is real💓

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