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One thing about Olivia McCall was that she was anything but ordinary. She had beautiful brunette hair, with highlights all resound (which she was constantly changing the color of). Her eyes were brown with specs of gold. She couldn't sit still for more than five minute at a time. She constantly needed to be moving otherwise she felt stuck. Not just with movement but with life. She was an oddball to say the least. But everyone loved the hyperactive girl. She was kind to every she met. And she remained that way until you hurt someone she loved. Then things got pretty ugly. But despite that she was still cool.

Olivia was actually born a Hale in the city of Beacon Hills. Unfortunately when she was little she lost most of her family in a fire. A short while after she passed her family packed up and moved away leaving Olivia behind. She didn't know why her family left her. She just knew they were gone.

Olivia, being a born were-coyote, didn't have an alpha anymore since her mother passed in the fire. She didn't have anyone to help her control herself. So when the night of her first full moon came, it wasn't a shock when her amber, beta eyes, turned into the cold steel blue eyes of an omega. The next day when the sun came up Olivia was in Devenford. She wandered towards the temple. A buddhist temple at that. And that's how she met her new alpha, Satomi. The woman told her she'd protect her and help teach her control after seeing her eyes were already blue. She accepted seeing as she had no where else to go. She stayed with the woman and her new back for about two months before taken to the sheriffs office in Beacon Hills.

Once there, her alpha told the sheriff that she was the girl's aunt, and that her parents had disappeared and she didn't believe she could care for the child seeing as she had three children of her own already. That wasn't the truth but he didn't need to know that. Once he searched her name in the system he realized she had no family left. So he called dcfs. While the young girl waited she met the sheriff's son. He was a few years older than her but they got along well. While waiting, the two created a bond. An almost unbreakable bond. From an outside perspective you would think they they were brother and sister. And within the few hours they knew each other, they basically were.

The sheriffs son had grown fond of the girl he met at his fathers work. So when the dcfs worker came, the boy begged, kicked, and screamed for his father to adopt the girl. While he loved seeing his son happy he just couldn't afford two kids. So he turned to the parents of his son's best friend who happily agreed to adopting the girl. And from that day foreword the young girl was Olivia McCall.

Over the years, Olivia and the sheriff's son Stiles, had grown closer, despite her being two years younger than him.She even grew closer with her adoptive brother, Scott. The three of them being practically inseparable though the young girl still had other friends, such as Lydia Martin, who Stiles had a crush on, Brandon Martin, Lydia's younger brother, Jackson Whittemore, who just liked the younger girls company, and Danny Mahealani. But despite having other friends, her brothers always came first.

Olivia and Stiles even learned how to play lacrosse together, along with Scott. The younger being better than both of them combined, so she played with Jackson and Danny. She still played with her brother and Stiles but it wasn't the same. She preferred to play with Jackson and Danny.

Over the years, the girl gained more friends, such as Erica Reyes and Vernon Boyd. Olivia found it funny how all her friends were her brothers age but she didn't mind seeing as they didn't treat her differently because she was younger. Olivia became friends with Erica, when the girl had a seizure and she told everyone that if they said anything to her she'd break their arm. The Reyes girl was thankful, no one had ever stood up for her, and the McCall girl would do it again in a heartbeat. And she did many times. That's how their friendship started. With the baby McCall knocking heads of the people who bullied the Reyes girl. Over time their friendship grew. They became sisters.

Olivia became friends with Vernon Boyd when she saw him eating alone at lunch one day. No one would sit with him. So she walked away from her table with her brother and sat down across from the boy and just started talking nonsense. At first the boy was scared of her seeing as she was just nonstop rambling and he didn't know what she was talking about but eventually he got used to it. So he just smiled and listened. From that day forward hey always sat together at lunch, until he went to middle school and eventually high school.

So yes, Olivia was somewhat popular, though she hated that term. No matter how many friends she had she always found time for all of them. But she slowly stopped hanging out with Stiles and Scott. She didn't seem to notice until the sixth grade. She caught her brother staring at her one day at lunch when she was laughing with Boyd, and by reading his chemo signals she could tell that he missed her. So when they got home that day, she ran into her room, set up a blanket fort, then ran to her brother and pulled him into her room to have a sleepover. Needless to say her plan worked.

About a week after that incident Olivia met Isaac Lahey, he was a shy boy who didn't have many friends. He looked like he got scared easily and his chemo signals were radiating anxiety. So when she approached the boy she made she to move slowly and speak softly. It took a few days for him to warm up to her but they became quite close. He started playing lacrosse with her (when she wasn't playing with Danny and Jackson or Stiles and Scott). About a month after meeting her he helped put pink highlights in her hair, which her father was not happy about, but he moved on once he saw how happy his daughter was..

A few years went by and Olivia, her friends, and her brother were all in high school and everyone was about to be in for a crazy surprise once the supernatural world revealed itself to her friends and family. Will Olivia be able to help her friends survive the supernatural world? Or will everything come crashing down end life as she knows it? Read to find out.

Author speaks: Hey Hi hello. Yes i'm rewriting this story because I got bored of it and didn't feel any motivation to do anything with so I'm restarting it. Anyway enjoy. I don't have a love interest set yet but....yeah. Enjoy.

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