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Hailey woke up to cold sheets on Jay's side of the bed. She sighed and got up, going out to their living room to find him and Kam on the couch. Kamryn was sound asleep while a random episode of whatever played on the tv.

"When did she get up?" Hailey asked, sitting in the chair for a minute.

"Nightmare around 4. We came out here around 5 and she finally went back to bed," Jay explained, messing with Kamryn's blonde head of hair.

"Maybe we should keep her home a few more days?"

"I think she's ready. She's gonna go crazy if we keep her home another week Hailey,"

"Yeah I guess," she nodded, "I'm gonna go get ready for work,"

Jay nodded and scrolled through his phone for a while before Hailey came back out ready to go. It was only 6 am and Hailey didn't have to leave for another hour or so, so she and Jay talked for a bit while their daughter slept.

"You'll call me-" Hailey started to ask.

"If anything happens. Yes Hailey," Jay nodded, "Go to work. She'll be fine,"

"Okay. Love you both,"

"We love you too," Jay said as Hailey left for work.


"Coffees on your desk," Kim said as Hailey came up the steps.

"Thanks, Kim," Hailey said as she checked her phone for anything from Jay.

They started working on their case, Hailey checking her phone several times.

"Alright, let's go," Voight ordered as everyone got their stuff and got in their cars.

Kim and Hailey went together since Jay was at home with Kam. It was rare for them to be partnered up but every once in a while it happened. Kim drove and Hailey was checking her phone every 3 seconds.

"Okay. Give me the phone," Kim said, holding her hand out for the device.


"You're overthinking this. You will be the first one Jay will call if something is going on. Come on,"

"I just worry about her," Hailey sighed, handing over her phone, "You should've seen her last night. We started making brownies and ended up having a little food fight, and then Jay got home and we chased him outside. Played in the rain for about 20 minutes,"

"Who started it?" Kim chuckled, while they both waited for their signal to go.

"I dropped a little flour on her head," Hailey chuckled, "she threw sugar at me, and then we just kept going. Jay got home and cracked an egg over our heads so we chased him out,"

"Those memories are the best," the other woman smiled, hearing the signal for them to go.


Kamryn was up and down all day, catching up on her final papers for school. She seemed a little nervous so Jay got the keys and found Kam in her room.

"Hey kid, wanna go for a little drive?"

"Your truck or mine?" Kam asked, looking up from her phone.

"Come on, I'll drive," Jay grinned, waiting for Kam before heading out to the matte gray Ram.

Jay and Kam had always gone to Navy Pier. After a hard day, or if Kam was nervous, they'd always go get ice cream and walk the pier for a while. Hailey didn't even know it was their spot, no matter how many times they'd been there as a family.

Once they arrived, they both stopped at an ice cream cart and headed out to look over the water at the bench they sat at every time.

"So what's got you nervous?" Jay asked, turning to Kam as they ate their ice cream.

"I don't know. I've been to school nearly every day since I was 5. Not even,"

"Mom and I put you in daycare at 2. That was when we weren't even in the same unit yet,"

"Exactly. So I should be used to it. It should be second nature," Kam sighed, taking a spoonful of her treat.

"You also never expected to be attacked by a classmate," Jay sighed, Kamryn nodding. "Is that why you're nervous?"

"What if he comes after me?"

"Kiddo, no one's gonna know you were the one to ID him. You didn't testify, all you did was say yes to a picture that I showed you. You're gonna be fine," He told her, pulling her close for a side hug. "And you know you can always call mom or me if anything feels off or if you need us,"

"Yeah, I guess," she shrugged, finishing off her ice cream.

"Come on, let's go," Jay smiled, throwing both of their empty cups into a nearby trash can.

They walked the pier a little bit, stopping in a shop where Kam picked out a ball cap. They usually managed to get something from their time together. Kam had a collection of ball caps in her room, from their times together and when the family would travel.

As soon as they arrived home, Hailey pulled the Jeep up behind them. It was early for her to be home but they had wrapped up the case early. Time with her family before Kamryn went back to school was definitely more important than the piles of paperwork left on their desks.

"What did you guys do today?" She asked, grabbing her stuff out of the car.

"We went for a little drive," Jay smiled, Kamryn nodding.

That's all they ever said, and Hailey didn't ask for anything more. All she knew was it put a smile on Kam's face and that's all she needed.

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