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A/N: Happy Monday!!!! Hope you enjoy an extra chapter for the week!!!!

When Hailey returned to the hospital, Kamryn was sound asleep holding onto the stuffed elephant that Jay had gotten her.

"She okay?" She whispered, sitting next to her husband after kissing Kam's cheek.

"Yeah, she's okay. Fell asleep pretty quick after we got off the phone,"

"Anything about her discharge?"

"Not yet. But hopefully soon. She told me that her head still hurts but not as bad, she hasn't had any more seizures. So hopefully they'll let us go," Jay sighed, sitting back in the chair.

"And what do we do about work? I'm not leaving her home alone," Hailey said, making it known. "Hell, I'm not letting her out of my sight,"

"We do what we did when she was kidnapped. We bring her to the district with us, she can sleep on the couch and you can keep an eye on her," Jay sighed, pulling Hailey close. "She's gonna be fine. Again."

"I know. I just worry. She's my baby,"

"I know," Jay said as both their phones buzzed.

"Oh my god, they got the second one. He's at the district,"

"Go ahead. I got Kam," Jay nodded, knowing Hailey was itching to find the pair that had hurt her daughter.

Hailey nodded and gave him and Kam a quick kiss before leaving.

The drive to the district was full of thoughts that were coming through Hailey's mind and all she wanted to know was why. Why Kamryn? Why the ice cream shop that had less and less visitors as August was ending?

It took her back to her own experiences when she was 10, and robbed at her father's diner. The difference was, that she wasn't alone and Kamryn was. If Kamryn had been hurt worse and wasn't able to it call for help and succumbed to her injuries, she'd never forgive herself.

She sighed as she parked at the district, getting out and heading right up to the bullpen.

"How's our girl?" Kevin asked as he saw Hailey coming up.

"She's resting, pretty quiet still," Hailey replied, going right to the interrogation room where Voight was already talking to the suspect.

"We have you on surveillance and we have your truck at the shop-" he was saying before Hailey opened the door and slammed it shut. Voight just sat back at that point, he knew Hailey needed to have her run at the guy.

"Why?" Hailey asked simply, pulling out the evidence pictures of Kam's bruised face. "Tell me why!"

"She was in the way," the teen shrugged, making Hailey even angrier.

"Oh, you better come up with a way better excuse for why I found my kid laying on the tile like this!" Hailey told the kid, getting right in his face.

"Hailey," Voight warned, ready to pull her back if he had to.

"Well say goodbye to any college dreams. You're Jake, right?" She asked, looking in the file, "yep. Jake Marison. Say goodbye to going to any college, because when my daughter, who's your age and in your classes, picks you out of the lineup, you're done,"

"Good luck with that," Jake started with a smirk, "she's lucky if she survives the week,"

"Kid. She's a fighter and she's fine. Making a full recovery. So. Good luck to you," Hailey growled, grabbing the file and walking out. She took a second and leaned against the wall, before getting another idea. "Hey. Where's the video off Kamryn's truck?"

"Jay told us never to let you see that," Adam spoke, looking at the woman who then stared into his skull, "I'll send it to you,"

"That's what I thought," Hailey mumbled, turning on her heel to go right back to the interrogation room.

As soon as the video file came through, she went right back in and set the phone in front of him. "Watch it." She told him sternly. She hadn't seen the video and was thankful there wasn't any sound so she didn't hear the cries from her daughter.

Jake didn't say anything but the one simple word. "Lawyer,"

Hailey grabbed her phone and walked out, back to the bullpen, "Will someone get that idiot kid a lawyer?"

"Show him the video?" Kevin asked, looking over at the blonde.

"Yep. Didn't phase him. I'm gonna go back to med. Take care of my baby,"

"Give her our love," Kim nodded, picking up her phone to call for the lawyer.

"I will," Hailey nodded, heading back out to her Jeep. She started the SUV sitting for a minute as she pulled her phone out. She pulled up the video file and played it, letting a few sobs escape as she watched. It took a minute for her to calm down, before she went back to the hospital, cleaning herself up before she went in.

Jay was sound asleep on the couch, while their daughter was curled up and off her pillow in her hospital bed.

"Kam, hey baby, get back on your pillow," she whispered, helping Kam roll over and get comfortable again. Kam woke up slightly, letting Hailey tuck her back in. "There's my blue-eyed baby, how you feeling?" Kamryn just shrugged, watching her mom from her pillow.

It was silent for a few minutes while Hailey played with Kamryn's blonde hair. "I love you so much, baby girl. I need you to stop scaring me like this,"

"Sorry mama," Kam mumbled, slightly grinning at her mom.

"You feeling okay?" Hailey asked, sitting on Kam's bed carefully.

"I guess," she answered, "my head kinda hurts but not as bad as before,"

"You're getting there honey, just a few more weeks of rest,"

"What about volleyball?"

"Let's worry about you resting now. Not diving for a ball,"

"But will I be able to?" Kamryn asked, insisting on an answer.

"Eventually, honey. Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I love you mama" Kam mumbled, getting comfy in her blankets.

"Love you," Hailey sighed, kissing her daughter's forehead more than once. "Goodnight baby,"

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