Koki X Reader

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Y/n is gender neutral - they/them pronouns used

Summary: Y/n helps Koki with her fear of snakes. If you don't like snakes then I would suggest skipping this chapter. Personally I love them :)

Relationship: dating 


"Koki come on!" Y/n yelled. They asked Koki if they wanted to have a little picnic since it was such a nice day out. And she agreed! But for some reason she wasn't coming outside.

"I- I think I change my mind!" Koki yelled. "Why don't you take Jimmy with you instead?" 
Y/n frowned, picnic basket in their hand slightly going slack. "But I don't wanna go on a picnic with Jimmy... I wanna go with my girlfriend!" 
Koki looked away, nervously rubbing her hands together. "Really, Y/n, you should go!" 
"Did I do something..?" Y/n asked sadly. They couldn't think of anything they had done, but Koki was clearly upset about something. And if they were the reason then they were going to figure it out so they could properly apologize for making her feel this way.

"No! You didn't do anything!" Koki assured, shaking her hands at her partner.
"Well then what is it? If you tell me then I can help." Y/n tried coaxing Koki. 
Koki sighed, rubbing her arm and looking away. "Its um... That..." She pointed down to the ground.
Y/n looked down and saw a little hognose snake, flicking its tongue out and minding its own business. 
"You're afraid of snakes?" Y/n asked, slightly amused.
Koki huffed in response. "It's stupid, I know."
"No no no! Its totally normal! Lots of people are afraid of snakes. Its actually one of the most common phobias people have." Y/n assured her. They didn't want Koki to think they were making fun of them. They sat the picnic basket down and made their way back to Koki, holding their hand out. "Come on, they aren't as scary as you think."

Koki's eyes widened, her arms immediately crossing again. "Uh uh! No way! I am not falling for this!"
"I'm not trying to trick you, Koki." Y/n said. "I wont even make you touch it if you don't wanna. I just want to show you it and explain why you shouldn't be afraid." 
Koki squinted her eyes at her partner, debating whether this was a good idea or not. But she knew she could trust them, so reluctantly she took their hand as they softly guided them near the snake.

Y/n crouched down and gently picked up the snake, Koki on the other hand made sure to stand back and have enough room to be able to run if needed. 
"See this is a hognose snake, which just so happens to be one of my favorites. They usually don't bite people! They resort to intimidation by puffing out their cheeks and hissing. Just like what this little fella right here is doing right now!" Y/n explained.
Koki watched as the snake puffed out the skin around their cheeks and gave out a small hiss. 
"Sometimes if you really make them angry they will do a bluff strike." Y/n then waved a finger in front of the snake, causing it to strike. 
Koki let out a gasp, eyes wide as they danced around, trying to check for injuries.
"See," Y/n showed their finger. "Not even a scratch." 

"So... They're relatively harmless then..?" Koki asked. 
Y/n smiled at her. "Sure are, toots!" 
Koki lightly blushed at the nickname. 
"But they have one last move..." 
Koki braced herself for the worst. She was expecting the snake to jump out of Y/n's hand and slither straight towards her. Y/n used their hand and gently touched the snake on it long back. The snake continued to puff its cheeks and hiss, but when it realized that wasn't going to work it pulled out its final move. The snake rolled onto its back and stuck its tongue out. 

"What is it doing?" Koki asked, moving in front of Y/n. 
Y/n smiled as they watched their girlfriend lean down to get a closer look at the creature. 
"It's playing dead. It will lay like this and release a gross musk smell until the danger gives up and leaves it alone." Y/n answered. 
Koki raised a slightly shaky hand and held a finger above the snakes stomach. She looked over at Y/n, unsure if she should touch it. Y/n smiled sweetly at her. 
"Go on, hun." They encouraged. "It wont hurt you, see." Y/n tried to flip the snake back over, only for it to roll back on its back. It was very determined to make Koki and them think it was dead. 

Koki ran a single finger lightly across the snakes belly, smiling slightly and seeming less tense as she did it. "Its not slimy." She said in slight amazement. 
Y/n giggled. "Lots of people think snakes are slimy, but they aren't!"
Koki touched the snake a little bit more before Y/n eventually set it back down on the dirt. The snake was still very determined to continue to play dead. 
"Come on," Y/n picked up the picnic basket and held their hand out to Koki. "We should leave it alone so it realizes its in no danger and slithers off." 
Koki took Y/n's hand and began walking with them to the big shady tree, where they would set up lunch. 
"I'm really proud of you, honey." Y/n looked over at Koki with a big smile. 
Koki smiled back at them. "Thanks! But don't think this means you can bring any snake you come across to me." She lightly chuckled. 
Y/n lifted her hand up to their lips and kissed her knuckles. "I'll work you up to that." They teased. 
"I mean it, Y/n!" 
"I'm just joking, babe!" 

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