Chapter 3: Oh No!

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Back at the Tortuga HQ, the rest of the team was busy doing their usual tasks; Aviva was adding a few adjustments to the MIK (Mobile Invention Kit), while Koki was on database typing away something important, and Jimmy was playing one of his favorite video games.

It was peaceful. A little too peaceful.

As she was working, Aviva thought about checking on the Kratt brothers. It has been a few hours since they've left. A quick call wouldn't hurt. 

She went over to her friend. "Hey, Koki!" She turned to her with a sympathetic expression. "How about we call the guys to see how they're holding up?"

"Sure, why not?" Koki replied with a smile before turning to her computer. "Calling Kratt brothers. Kratt brothers, come in."

The screen rang. No answer.

"Calling Kratt bros." She tried one more time. Again, no response.

"Hmm, that's weird. The guys aren't picking up," she said with slight frustration.

"What do you mean?" Aviva was getting a little concerned.

"I don't know, they're not answering our call." Her expression suddenly changed.

"...You think something happened?"

That last sentence gave Aviva an anxiety attack, she started imagining the worst case scenario.

"Oh no!" She knew what kind of trouble those two could get in. But before she could say anything else, an alarm on Koki's screen went off.

The computer expert started typing fast, and in just seconds, the expression on her face changed into an unpleasant one.

"Koki, what's wrong?" Aviva asked with a stressed tone.

"You won't believe this, but there's a meteorological event coming up, and it'll most likely be a storm of some kind!" She turned to her friend with a look of panic on her face. "The guys are still out there, and we can't even reach out to them to get back to the Tortuga or at least warn them! And this isn't just a mild storm. This is not good!" As koki pointed at her screen that indicated landforms of the rainforest, Aviva was beginning to panic too. But she quickly regained herself, not ready to let the Kratts down.

"Koki, we have to go find them. We'll fly the ship over the forest, we can't leave them out there!"

Koki nodded, the same expression of determination on her face.

"Jimmy!" Aviva and Koki called simultaneously.

Startled, the ginger guy turned his head. "What?" he let out with an annoyed tone, almost whining.

"We can't contact the guys and a storm's coming right toward us, we need to find them ASAP!" Koki started.

"We need you to fly the Tortuga over the rainforest, it's the only way we could spot them quickly!" Aviva added.

At this, the pilot of the Tortuga jumped from his seat, and ran straight to the command room. "I'm on it!"

Aviva and Koki went back to their devices to see if they could track down the guys' signal.

Nobody could've guessed this day would take such a wild turn.

But that didn't matter now, the Kratt brothers needed help and it was up to the crew to come to their rescue.

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