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London. It took a few seconds for the word to sink in. London. Spirit was in London. My happiness was replace by fear almost immediately. Who was this women and how was she treating him?

Both Robert and Ned turned to me. "Well looks like you know where that wild horse of yours is," said Ned. I turned to him. "Who is this woman? Where in London does she live?"

Ned pointed to Ren, indicating I should listen. The cop questioned him more and it seemed that woman ran a large equestrian club in the countryside. Her name was Mrs Williams and she and her niece ran the academy.

The academy's name was Cassabelle Academy. That name rang a bell. I suddenly remembered it. It was the academy close to the college I'd applied too just a few hours ago. I was stunned. How could this woman have bought Spirit without questioning this man or demanding to see Spirit's papers?

It turned to my dad who was watching Ren with a frown. "So dad when do we fly to London?" Robert turned away from mirror. "Sorry Kate I didn't catch that?"
I pointed to the Ren who was still talking to that cop. "You heard what he said. He'd sold Spirit to that lady Mrs Williams in London. When do we fly there?"

Robert chuckled. "That's funny Kate. Now let's go home." I remained standing with my arms crossed. Whatever he saw in my expression made him paused. Realization dawned on him as he realized I was serious. "No. Absolutely not. Kate do you have any idea what you're saying?"

"Yes dad. I know what I'm saying. Spirit is my horse and that man had no right selling him. I need to get him back." Robert turned to Ned who was watching us quietly. "How do we even know this information is true?"

"We'll look into it but I doubt he's lying. A man like that wants everyone to know it was him. I'll give you an answer tomorrow," said Ned.
I turned to Robert. "Dad please we have to go."

Robert sighed. "Alright Kate here's what we'll do. We're going to wait for Ned to get back to us. They'll look into it." I sighed. I would have preferred it if we'd left now but I guess this was better than nothing. I nodded.

We left the station and that night I couldn't help but smile. I was one step closer to finding Spirit. The next day I constantly asked my dad if the station had called. This 5th time this happened Robert set down his newspaper and sighed. "Kate when they call me, I'll call you. Why don't you go for a ride?"

I ride was a good idea. I decided to take Phantom out. We rode out in the fields behind our barn for an hour. Riding Phantom bareback helped me relax and I enjoyed myself immensely.

I got back home just before dinner. After washing and feeding Phantom I walked back inside. Alison looked up at me. I ignored her as I walked towards the living room where my father sat. I was probably acting childish but she had no right to wear my mothers ring, just as my father had to right giving it to her in the first place.

It bugged me how easily my father seemed to accept Alison, as if mom never existed. I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to think of these things. Robert sat on the couch watching tv.
I sat down next to him. "Any news?" Instead of answering Robert held up two plane tickets.
"We're going to London."

~Kate and her father are finally going to London to get Spirit back. Do you think Ms Williams will give him back?

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