Cassabell Academy

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London was a beautiful city and I couldn't help but admire it. It reminded me a lot of New York. London was large with shops and avenues everywhere. People went about their day eating, talking and laughing. The skyscrapers smudged against the grey sky as the taxi wove in out of the lanes.

I kept checking my watch. Occasionally we'd stop a few minutes in the traffic and every time we did, I shifted restlessly.

The driver was very friendly and begun talking to Robert, who started a conversation with him. I was too nervous to partake in the conversation. I only replied when a question was directed at me.

Finally we left the bustling city behind as the roads and buildings gave away to lush green fields. The academy according to the taxi driver was another 20 minutes away. For now I just enjoyed this scenery.

The sun peaked out behind a cluster of grey clouds, bathing the countryside in its warm glow. In the distance the hills rolled away, rising and falling in soft green waves. Houses and fences replaced the large buildings and occasionally I'd see mini farms.

The drive seemed to take forever when finally the driver slowed down and took a right and drove down a dirt road. Trees covered both sides of the road creating a shady arch as we drove down the road towards a pair of gates in the distance.

A large sign beside the gate read; Cassabelle Academy. A man waved at us and pulled open the gates. The taxi driver waved and we drove down the road towards a large house in the distance.

Close up I realized it was a mansion and right beside it a few feet away stood a very large and grand stables. Large fields with white fencesĀ  dotted the entire mansion and a even larger gate surrounded the entire property which seems to stretch on for miles. Tress surrounded the property blocking it from outside view.

This place was like a mini park and I couldn't but gape. "Well here you are," said the taxi driver but I wasn't paying attention. Something had caught my eye.

Galloping across one of the fields was a black horse. It reared onto its hind legs and let out a shrill whinny. Two people stood by the gate watching the horse. I'd know that whinny anywhere and before I knew it I had opened the taxi door and was racing towards that field.

I heard Robert call out to me but I continued to run towards the field. The horse whinnied again and reached the fence and vaulted myself over it ignoring those girls protests.

Nothing and no one else mattered. I'd finally found Spirit.

~Kate finally found Spirit but do you think she'll be able to take him back

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