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Hello! Hope you're enjoying it! I'm open to suggestions and feedback in the comments- always looking for ways to improve!

Hope everyone's having a nice day, will write more soon!

Night is falling.

The sky is becoming darker and I can see a few stars beginning to twinkle in the sky.

I jump as a grinding sound rips through the air, the sound of stone on stone. I look around frantically, and almost have a heart attack when I see that the doors leading out of the Glade a closing. The massive blocks of stone slide over the ground, rods reaching for holes in the opposite side. The sound is so loud and comes from every direction, but I just sand and watch as the rods fit perfectly into the holes, the doors slamming shut.

Everything is silent again, which doesn't seem right.

I turn to the pile of supplies beside the box opening and sit down against a crate labelled "UHT milk."

"Well," I say to the supplies, "looks like we're locked in." Great, now I'm taking to bags of food.

I yawn, then settle down on the grass, looking up at the sky with all its stars but no moon. I'll sort it all out tomorrow, for now I need to sleep. My eyes drift shut, and I breathe deeply, the smell of the grass calming me. Maybe it isn't all that bad.

Then I hear the first sounds.

Horrible moans and mechanicals clicks, thuds and whirring of machinery. My eyes snap open and my heart thuds in my chest. What the hell is it? Crunching of stone and an awful wet oozy sound join the mix too and I sit up, searching the darkness for anything.

The walls. The walls must be what's keeping whatever is making those sound out. Just to be sure, I grab a hefty stick and creep from behind the supply pile, quickly making a circuit of the Glade. Nothing in here, although I occasionally catch a little flash of red light.

Assured that there's nothing inside the walls, I go back to my pile and lie down again. But sleep isn't coming easily.

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