Wish Spells

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Wish Spell to Diana

You may use this only three times in between the new moons.

While gazing at the moon, repeat the following:

"Moon, moon, beautiful moon,
brighter than any star,
Goddess of light and love,
Diana if it might be,
pray bring fortune unto me".

A sign that the spell worked would be coins doubling in the purse or pocket, or seeing a hare before dawn. Note: The spell won't work if done with evil intent.


With the exception of love-magick, wish-magick is perhaps the most popular form of white magick practiced in modern times. it is relatively easy to perform, and can be as simple as wishing on a star, breaking a wishbone, or dropping a coin into a fountain or wishing well.

Many magically minded folks firmly believe in the power of the seven-knob candle (or "wish-candle" as it is sometimes called) to make wishes come true. It is a magickal tool especially popular among practitioners of hoodoo folk magick in the southern regions of the United States.

Seven knob candles are easily obtainable in most occult supply shops and are available in a variety of colors. When used correctly, they can work powerful magick, but be careful what you wish for, as the old expression goes, because you just might get it!

To perform the following wishing spell, you will need a blue seven-knob candle, myrrh oil, and a consecrated athame. Write your wish on each of the seven knobs of the candle. Anoint the candle with the myrrh oil and say:

I consecrate and bless this candle
in the divine name of the Goddess
Let all negativity and hindrance
be cast forth hencefrom.

Pick up your athame with your right hand. Place the flat side of the blade on top of the candle and envision magickal energy as a white light flowing from your body through the athame and into the candle. When you begin to actually feel the energy flowing say;

I charge thee now
With magickal power
In the divine name of the Goddess

Charge the candle for at least five minutes, return the athame to the altar, and then light the top knob of the wish candle, Say the following incantation seven times;

Seven magick knobs of blue
Make this wish of mine come true.

As the candle burns, concentrate upon the thing you desire and visualize yourself already in possession of it. Extinguish the candle after the first knob has burned down, and repeat the entire spell for the next six nights in a row, burning only one knob of the candle each time.

Birthday Wish Spell


Your birthday



Flower plant

On your birthday, write your wish on a piece of paper and keep it under a flower plant or plant a seed and put your wish there and as it grows it will manifest your desire.

Angel Spell

The Angel Spell can be done anytime. It's very effective. Repeat it often for best results.

State your intention, then say the following:

Ariel begins it.
Baradiel guides it.
The Chalkydri sing it.
Devas manifest it.
Elohim wills it.

The Fravashi better it.
Gabriel brings it.
The Hafaza watch it.
The Ischim balance it.
Jael guards it.
Kadmiel births it.
Lahabiel aids it.
Michael raises it.
Nebo ministers it.
Ofaniel sees it.
Patron angels devote it.
The Queen of angels speaks it.
Raphael inspires it.
Sandalphon prays it.
Thrones sanctify it.
Uriel strengthens it.
Vrevoil reveals it.
Watchers protect it.
Xathanael patrons it.
Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it.
Zodiac angels seal it.
And Spirit brings it through time and space.
So mote it be!

Make a sign in the air of an equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.

A Simple Quartz and Candle Spell

Choose the appropriate color candle and with your boline, carve a symbol representing your magickal goal, focusing on that goal while inscribing the candle. Charge a quartz crystal with the same goal and place next to the candle and put both by your bed. Every night, light the candle and meditate, focusing on the intended outcome. Repeat this ritual every night, for 7 days, or until your goal is reached.

Simple Wish Spell

Items Needed:

3 Candles

A plate


Put three candles in the highest place you have at home, inside a plate with sugar all around the candles.

Light the candles.

Ask for three wishes to the angels St. Rafael, St. Michael, and St. Gabriel.

Ask one wish for business/money, one wish for love or healing, and one wish for whatever you need most.

Publish this spell on the third day after you requested the wishes (by emailing or texting it to another person, posting it on Facebook, or announcing your thanks to the saints in an Internet forum or classified ad) and see what happens on the fourth day...

Spell to Bring You What You Need

You need:

A candle to represent the need

A card to represent yourself

4 cards to represent your need.

Light the candle.
Lay the card that represent you on the altar and say:
"May this card represent thee"
Pick up the rest of the cards and say:
"As I place these cards at the quarters shall my need be seen"
Lay the cards at the quarters as you go say the card's name and the need. Then say:
"Fulfill my need as quick as can be
by the power of three bring the (need) to me, so mote it be"

Cairn Magick Wish Spell

This is something that can be done, alone, on a walk in the countryside, with no extra magical tools or paraphernalia. It is simple magic and down to earth paganism. It can be applied for any need, but is particularly suitable for 'earthy' needs, such as money, housing, jobs, healing.

Take one stone, and speak (or 'think') into it your need. Place the stone firmly on the ground. Take another and repeat, until you have a fair sized mound, or Cairn. As each stone is placed, imagine that the magic is building and that your need is getting nearer to being met. If you have no stones, you can still do this with imaginary stones, or pebbles, or whatever else seems right at the particular moment.

Very Simple Wish Spell

You need


1 fully grown leaf

Write or draw on your leaf a word, picture or letter that represents the thing that you want.
Afterwards, place your leaf outside underneath a stone or throw your leaf into running waters.
As the leaf whithers, it takes your desire to the Earth.
In thanks, Mother Nature will grant your wish!

Wish come true Spell

lye down in bed close your eyes dream of something small you want and then say "I wish I wish I wish I had (small thing you want)

Magnets' Wish spell

you need:

2 magnets (preferably one of them was flat, but not required)

1 sheet of white paper

1 box of crayons (colors)

1 white candle

One of the magnets (smaller) put on yourself. You can put it in a bag and put it on your neck or wrist, wrap the thread and attach to a belt, put it in his pocket. In short, it must be your magnet, for it is to him you will attract your desire.

As part of an organized ritual space (on the altar, or being in a circle) light a white candle. Looking at it, visualize your wish, let the candle will help you see its clear, clean, uncomplicated by other thoughts. Concentrate on it, look at its implementation, feel the joy of being accomplished that desirable.

Thinking about the accomplishment of his plans paint a leaf, choosing the right color pencils, depending on how you see your desire. Do not remember the color matching, even if your choice will be dictated by intuition. Draw the image of fulfilled wish vividly as possible. You can paint whole leaf, shade the field, the wish to identify any symbols.

Once you have fixed his wish on the paper, wrap the paper that the second (flat) magnet. Now he is your wish that you only pull. Take the magnet, which until then was with you, saying, "I see what I want. I know what to pull." Think about the performance of wish and slowly hold a magnet wrapped in a paper to the fact that he had just got. The closer the magnets come together, the more clearly you have a wish to render, painted on paper. When you feel that you can see it very clearly, hold the magnets together and allow them to connect.

The magnets can be kept at home (to keep the altar or in a special box, etc.). But even better to carry around, especially in places associated with the implementation of the wish (on the job if it was on the service increase, to a party, if the goal - to meet and attract the attention of the right person, etc.).

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