1 hour.
I can't stop crying. Why them? Why? Why? WHY?
2 hours.
Regret. If only Sakusa and I didn't butt in... they could be here with us right now.
3 hours.
4 hours.
Why can't I cry anymore? I have no tears left to cry....
5 hours.
Please wake up. Please be okay. Please come back...
6 hours.
I think I'm going insane. Why aren't they awake yet?
7 hours.
Food? It's not the same without my piggy here with me...
8 hours.
Why is it taking so long? They should be okay.......... right?
9 hours.
It's morning? Shouldn't they be waking up now. Stop sleeping in.
10 hours.
I love you Osamu.....
"Guardian of Osamu and Atsumu Miya?" The surgeon walked out of the operation room.
Sakusa and I immediately ran towards the man.
"HOW ARE THEY SIR?" Sakusa yelled
"ARE THEY OKAY? PLEASE TELL ME THEY ARE OKAY?" I practically demanded.
"Boys... would you like to hear the good news or bad news first." He asked.
"Just tell us if they are okay or not" Sakusa said.
"Guess we're going with the good news first then... Osamu and Atsumu survived but.... they are in a coma and it is unknown when they will wake up." He said.
I was glad they survived. I felt relieved but I was still upset that they were in a coma.
"Can we see them doctor?" I ask.
"Right this way."
We opened the door to room 711. There Osamu and Atsumu laid next to each other but on separate beds. The room was covered in white. The walls, the floor, the curtains, the bed, their bandages. My eyes trailed towards Osamu's face. He looked peaceful.
I walked over and sat on the chair by his bed.
"Piggy... please wake up. You are so strong. Don't leave me... I love you so much." I said. No response. I sighed and held onto Osamu's hand. "Once you wake up, we'll be together, always. I'll buy you as much food as you want. I'll take you to all the places you haven't been to yet. I'll play volleyball with you again. I'll love you forever." I cried. It hurt. It hurts so much. My heart heart.
I walked into the hospital room and saw Atsumu... my Atsumu... my Atsu laying in bed almost lifeless.
I hesitated when walking to his bed. I never wanted to see him in a hospital bed again. The last time we were here, we didn't see the twins for months. They changed completely and now we're here again. What's gonna happen?
I slowly made my way to his bed. Each step felt heavier than the last.
"Atsu... you said you wouldn't leave me... come back okay?" I said.
"I-I love you."
Day after day went by. Everyday, Suna and I went to the hospital where we sat and talked to our boyfriends. Our boyfriends who have been through hell there whole life. Our boyfriends who lived and survived through hell. Our boyfriends who were stronger than anyone in the entire world.
It's been a month now. A whole month since I last heard from Atsumu. A whole month since I last hear his voice. A whole month since he called me Omi...
I missed him so much and I hated how I could do anything about it. Is this what it means to feel weak. Is this how Atsumu and Osamu felt when they couldn't do anything but just take it in? I feel like I finally understand now.
Another month goes bu in the blink of an eye.
"Boys if they don't wake up by next month, I'm afraid we are going to have to pull the plugs.."
That's what the doctor said. No matter how hard Suna and I begged, it didn't change anything. They had one month left. One month to wake up. One month to come back to us. What am I gonna do with him? Was is life so cruel to us. Why can't we just be happy? I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Atsumu and now , now I probably only get one month.
"Atsu... I love you and I'll stay with you forever." I whispered before kissing his forehead.
Day after day after day. Still no signs of waking up.
"Suna how many days left." I was tired. Tired of everything but Atsumu buy he wasn't here.
"3 fucking days."
Suna was in a pretty bad condition as well. He had eyebags and I would always catch him crying at night. I am sure he didn't sleep much.
We made our way to the hospital once again.
We walked through the same doors, down the same halls and walked right into room 711 to see Atsumu and Osamu laying on the same bed only this time...
This time...
Atsumu and Osamu weren't laying in bed.
They were sitting.
They were back.
"Atsu?" I called out. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Piggy?" Suna called out. "I'm not dreaming right? Sakusa I think I'm going insane."
Both Osamu and Atsumu gave us a big grin.
"We're back!"
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