What the FUCK!?

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The last thing you remember was lunging at the nomu creature, and forcing it into a fusion with you. The light enveloped the creature and you, who hadn't dodged because it hadn't been ordered to. The light was a strange color though. It wasn't black. It wasn't blue. Or even a mix...

It was green. Lime green. A darker shade of green colored wings sprouted in the place where the arms should've been, and... the brain had disappeared, along with all the muscle. In its place stood a green bird, with cheerful, but soulless eyes. It looked around, and then back to Shigaraki, its former master. The creature was a demon, a god amongst mortals. Everyone shuddered in fear, paralyzed in terror as the creature opened its shirt beak and spoke in perfect Japanese.

"So, little Tomura-chan..." It's nonexistent lips somehow curled into a sinister, sickening smile with edges as sharp as knives.

"Have you done your daily Spanish lesson? Don't try to lie... I'll know if you do. Daddy-Duo knows everything about anything, after all."


Safe to say, the day was saved. Tomura had tried to kill the bird monster, but failed. Kurogiri and he had barely managed to escape by begging for their souls in Spanish. It had been a massacre, a bloodbath. Luckily, you had managed to unfuse with the beast, and had fainted due to exhaustion. It was all over the news. The Duolingo owl was real, and... it could find you. There was no hiding.

Oh yeah, and the whole U.S.J being invaded by villains and shit, but no one could focus on that. They were... apparently either making demonic sacrifices, committing war crimes, or prepping for the Sports Festival.

You were currently hanging out with your new friends, since you had recently gotten a phone and wanted to get some of your gal-pals together.

You had all went to the mall. This group consisted of Toga, Ochaco, and Mina. The two latter had been creeped out at first by the first, but grew accustomed to her once they learned of her quirk. It wasn't her fault that she had an unwilling obsession. They even let her have some, well, not Mina, since her quirk... was too risky, and you hadn't wanted Toga to have her throat burned from the inside out, which is kinky as hell by the way-

So the four of you had just headed around the mall, occasionally seeing a few classmates, like Tokoyami, who had hidden himself away in Hot Topic, and Bakugou, who was at a Korean Barbecue.

"Ne, Toga-"


"Himiko-chan, look over there! Isn't that hat cute! Do you, umm, want me to buy it for you?!" You stuttered out. She was, uh, kinda cute, and this is what humans did for their potential mates. In fact, almost everybody you had met so far was... attractive. Toga's yellow eyes glimmered in excitement and curiosity as she looked to where you were pointing.

"It is cute! I would love that, N/n-chan~"

"Wah, I want some toooo!!!!" Mina whined, while Ochaco blushed towards you. "Let's get married, [Name]-chan!"

"W-WhaT!!!???" Ochaco's voiced raised an octave. She shoved Mina out of the way, blushing. "I think my [Name] can do better!" She teased.

"Your [Name]?" Mina spluttered, while Ochaco flushed bright pink. Toga giggled.

"Eheheheh, why do that, when we can all get married!!!???" They all started to agree, when you stopped them. Gems were never very educated on human culture, and neither were you. You had centuries of experience with gem folk, but not little flesh bags.

"What's, ah, marriage? Is it your form of courting?"




You ended up just lying and saying Japanese wasn't your first language.


Sorry, this is rly short. Ive been having lots of mental health problems and need some time off. I might be a few weeks, or days, whenever I feel better. Please try to understand. I'll get back to writing as soon as possible.

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