The Promise

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Fire. It's all you saw as you looked around desperately. You had woken up to flames surrounding your house and screams coming from outside your bedroom. You bolted upright and glanced around, looking for a way out. As the smoke filled your lungs, you coughed and gagged. A support beam from the ceiling fell, crashing in front of your door. You tried to summon Lapis's power, but there was no moisture in the air. You looked to the window, before looking back to the door.

Screams. That's the first thing you heard that was recognizable. Your parents were in there. They hadn't been the best to you, but they were still yours.

"Mother, Father!" You kicked your door down with your enhanced strength. You were a diamond, and you got what you wanted. You raced through the burning house, looking desperately for them. Your eyes landed on them, in the middle of the kitchen, your father with a piece of wood impales in his neck, and your mother crying, curled up in a ball next to her dead spouse.

"Mother! We have to go!" You called out desperately, pulling on her shoulders.

"Not without your father!!!" Mother tried to pull his carcass with her, but wasn't strong enough. You knew there was no saving your sperm donor.

"Mom, he's gone, we can't save him." Your face was solemn, as you watched her scream and sob as she begged the dead body to get up.

"Honey, please!!!! Get up!!!" She was practically falling apart, your egg donors skin was burned and peeling off, with a shredded arm. She wasn't bleeding, as the fire had cauterized the wounds.

"Mom! Mom! MOM!!!!" You began to pull her away by force, but the ceiling started to crack and you shivered in fear.

No, not now. I already died. There's so much I haven't done... NOT YET!!!!!

Time seemed to slow as the blazing house, your new homeworld, came crashing down onto you and your mother. Shrieks could be heard along with sirens and shouts from heroes as they fought off the villain responsible. Your neighbor's voices reverberated off the walls as they grieved over their loved ones and shouted in terror.

Not yet... no... please....

You desperately tried to grasp at some form of water, but were too late. You noticed cracks forming on your skin, with a blueish mist seeping out. You grasp your mother tightly as your body fell apart and slowly unraveled into mist. You buried your face in the her h/c hair and closed your eyes for what you thought could be the last time, before you heard a distinct poof! And everything faded into darkness.

Policeman POV:

The villain got away. So many lives were lost, and the few survivors were traumatized and mentally unstable. My fellow officers and I sifted through the rubble to search for evidence, when something caught my eye. A shine, illuminating from a part of the ruins that looked like it used to be a kitchen. Mist wafted through the air as I approached. I tenderly picked up three gems, that seemed separate, but were actually fused together at the tips. Three strange blue crystals I couldn't recognize since I'm no geologist. One was similar to a pearl, another tear drop shaped. The last was stunning, but radiated sadness. I tuck the gems into an evidence bag and get into the truck headed back to the station.

-Timeskip: One week later-

I sat at my desk, finally having the time to examine the evidence. I took a scalpel and some tweezers, and picked at the gem, before it began to shine brightly. One of the other officers aimed their pistol at the gem, and watched carefully as it floated upwards, and began to take on more humanoid proportions. A feeling of intense misery filled the room as the figure sprouted two more sets of arms, and another pair of eyes. Wings made of water bloomed from its back, and the figure let out a choked sob as the sad aura intensified. All the officers fell to their knees in tears and had to struggle to even look at the figure. When the glowing stopped, the figure before us was a little girl, hugging seemingly air. She was one of the people whose corpses we couldn't find and labeled 'missing'. I recognized her from the case files.

"M-Mom! Where is my mother!?" She seemed so young but already battle hardened, and her eyes shined with looked like years of experience.

"Your mother is dead. I'm sorry." Her reaction was brutal.

For weeks she wouldn't speak, nor interact with any of the officers that approached her. We couldn't even get near her, her quirk was crushing us emotionally every time we even entered the same room as her.

Eventually, we managed to get her into an orphanage. She was silent as she got into the car that would take her there. She didn't say a word the whole ride.

When she got out of the car, she squinted slightly from the glaring sun. She entered the orphanage, not noticing the greedy looks directed at the gems on her chest. Diamonds were quite valuable, after all. So were pearls.

I watched as the child took their first steps toward their new life, before getting back in the car, and shutting the door.

-One week later-

You stepped through the door of your classroom and walked over to Shinsou. You threw your arms around him and squeezed. He blushed and began to stutter.

"[Name]? W-What gives!?" He began to to desperately find a way out of your embrace. You were too close!!! This proximity was too intimate, reserved for only lovers!!!! (Although he wouldn't mind)

"Sorry... I just really needed this. I... I-I, they're g-gone, Shinsou!! W-What do I do!? M-My parents!!!" His eyes widened and he pulled you closer, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He rubbed his hand up and down your back, avoiding your gem, in a comforting way.

"Don't worry. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you." He murmured.

"Promise?" You mumbled, your voice being muffled by his hair.

"I promise."

That's when a soft glow enveloped the two of you. A sad, soft, comforting glow. The light was a lavender-blue. The other children in the classroom whose faces were originally full of scorn, morphed into shock and fear. What was going on? The teacher gasped, and ducked behind her desk.

The light grew arms and took on more humanoid, bipedal features. Beautiful eyes opened and blinked, glancing around. The light dimmed and there stood a transcendent figure that looked to be about ten years old. (Remember the kids are still in kindergarten, and the fusion combined their age)

Smooth lavender skin and soft, fluffy h/c hair tinted purple cascaded down their shoulders. The figure looked around, and they began to speak.

"I am Lavender Quartz. Don't try to... break me... apart... I'm my own being... this fusion will wear off eventually..."

The teacher halted at the mutant, but returned to the lesson. "If it's a part of that mutant child's quirk, then there's nothing I can do." She went through the lesson and class started back up again. Lavender felt whole, and amazing. She didn't want this to end.

-Later that afternoon-

"What was that?" Shinsou questioned, to which you responded,

"That... was fusion."

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