You didn't know what to think at first. Your caretakers had tried to force you to consume 'food', and it was the most disgusting thing you had ever experienced. The warm mush sliding down your throat was too much to handle. The disposal part was the worst. You shudder just thinking about it. You had been homeschooled so far, and you hadn't interacted with many children your age. You also learned to get used to food, although it was still gross. Your parents were both quirkless, which was supposedly quite rare for this society. You did enjoy playing with blocks, however. That's what you were doing right now, in fact, in the middle of a bright green field. The playground was several feet away and children's shrieks of joy could be heard from where you sat, criss-cross applesauce. You were playing with blocks, and then a child supposedly your biological age came over. He kicked your blocks over and laughed. You felt angry. How dare a filthy human destroy your colony.
"HHAHAH!! Go ahead and cry, loser!"
That's the day your quirk developed. You sprouted two extra sets of arms, your skin tone became a shade of blue, and your pupils became diamond shaped. You developed another pair of eyes. Water wings, and... oh my goodness. Your gems!!! You were a a full fusion!!! You stood there angrily and punched the boy in the face.
That's the day he permanently lost the ability to walk.
You utilized your powers from your past life. You had centuries of experience. Ice shards zoomed through the air and you let off an intimidating aura, making the bloodied toddler overwhelmed with crushing sadness. You were so furious that you didn't realize the other children around you started to sob from the effects of your power.
"Weep! Weep, insolent raisen cookie!!!! Weep, you fool who wears socks to bed! WEEP!!!!! Cry!! Suffer!!!"
It's a good thing your parents had a good lawyer.
After the incident, children began to call you names, but you didn't mind. You were a villain eyes. You didn't give a shit. You couldn't care less about what humans thought of you. You started going out by yourself more. You started ignoring your parents. It didn't matter anymore. You were a diamond. You still received hate for being someone possessing a mutant quirk. You did try to infuse but it didn't work. You were stuck.
"Mother, I'm going out for a bit." You stood in front of her confidently, to which she replied,
"No, dear. You aren't allowed outside by yourself, you're still too young." I have mixed feelings about her. She's like White in a way. I storm off, radiating an angry aura which causes Mother to collapse in pain and struggle to stand up.
The Diamond authority wasn't perfect, no matter what White said. Each Diamond has her own flaws. Each Diamond was but a piece of a greater puzzle.
Paragon. Paragon Diamond was the creator of home world. She was a goddess. She couldn't manage her empire all at once so she split into smaller bits. Each Diamond was a part of her gem.
White. Mind. Controlling, sly, clever. The leader.
Yellow. Body. Powerful, strong, headstrong. The muscle.
Pink. Heart. Loving, caring, bright. The empathy.
And Blue Diamond. The Soul. Angry, sorrowful, and bitter. The emotional spectrum.
Together these transcendent beings were the strongest in the universe. Everything was perfect. Everything was how it should have been.
You snap out of your thoughts. You were contemplating this for a certain reason. If you were the emotional spectrum..... you had domain over all emotions. Not just sadness. You hummed thoughtfully as you slipped out of the house stealthily. You skipped down the pavement, then entered the city, singing to yourself a tune that Pink had loved. You continued to stroll along merrily, not noticing the stares of disgust directed at your mutant self. That's when you saw it. A young boy, a few years older than you biologically, sitting by himself in an alleyway. He had shaggy black hair with white streaks in it along with chapped lips and blank red eyes.
"Hello." He jumped, startled, and gazed into your eyes. He scurried back and shivered. "I won't hurt you. Is everything alright?" You wanted to be like Pink, as a way of being close to her. He shook his head and mumbled.
"I killed them... dead.... All dea...elp me...." He muttered incoherent sentences, and you felt a pang of empathy. You lightly touched his shoulder and he tensed. "Get away!! I might kill you!!!" He shook fearfully.
"It's ok. You couldn't shatter me if you tried." You pull him into a gentle embrace and he clings to your shirt with his fingers curled inwards as not to touch you. "Listen closely to me."
"N-No!!! P-Please!!! Help!! No!!" Tears trickled down his crusty face. You put your quirk to the test and generate waves of calming gentleness.
"Everything will be all right. Trust me." A bright glow appears, and he sinks into it. You feel a warm pulling sensation and a strange giddiness washes over you, before sparkles and ash fill your vision and everything goes black.
When you wake up, you feel different. Scared, sad, alone, happy, hungry, tired, calm. These mixed emotions feel so weird. As you struggle to stand, you notice the ground seems further away. You look down to see soft black locks cascading down your shoulders and yet another pair of arms.
"Who... am I? You, me, why- fusion! How did I know that? Gems, homeworld, Pink, w-what? These memories aren't mine!!! Calm down, who am I? I am that boy in the alleyway, but I'm also that little kid who came up to you-me-someone! Is this their quirk? It feels... nice..." Without thinking, you extend your watery wings and glance at them for a chance to see your reflection, and giggle at the sight of it. "Man, I'm starving... let's go find something to eat!" You run off in search of food, which you find a food cart. You order some dango and place your order, before sitting down to wait.
"Order name?" The vendor raises an expecting eyebrow at you.
"T-Their name, no wait, my name is.... Umm, K-Kyanite!!" How did I know that? You blush and stutter. To the vendor, you look about ten, since the fusion combines biological age.
"Alright, Kyanite! Here's your dango!"
Kyanite POV:
I'm handed the dango, which looks delicious. They haven't, no I haven't, eaten in days? I'm not sure. I feel good though after I've eaten. I look around, and sigh. I feel so, whole. It feels... empowering. Amazing. I never want it to end. It feels great to be me.
"Excuse me, would you like to pet my dog?" A sickeningly sweet voice sounds from behind me and I turn to face a large, middle aged man holding a strong looking sack of fur. Its eyes are glassy. The man grins toothily and steps closer. I tense. Mother warned me about this.
Who warned me? I can't remember. Are these the little boy's memories? No matter. I'm Kyanite now. I won't let anyone hurt me ever again.
The man steps closer and extends a hand.
"Don't you wanna pet my dog, little kiddo?" Upon closer inspection, the dog isn't even real. It's a stuffed animal. A toy.
Pink loved those
"N-No thank you, sir." The man scowls and goes to grab you.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice."
There's that itch again. Kill him. Shatter him.
I reach out with my deadly fingertips extended, when something strange happens. Everything turns blue, and a soft but harsh f/c ball of light shoots out of my palms and hits the man square in the chest.
This is the other child's quirk, isn't it?
The man collapses and tears well out of his eyes.
"Pain is a part of the emotional spectrum. You just have to learn to live w-with it." I turn away. "This is what you deserve."
I find myself back in the alleyway as the sun sets. I touch the strange gems on my chest.
"How odd...." I murmur
"It is odd, isn't it?" I whip around, so startled that a bright glow begins to engulf me. The man who spoke wears a suit, and his face looks slightly like a baked potato. He grins eerily.
No no no no. I don't want this to end. No.
I can feel myself falling apart and submitting to the f/c light.
Baked Potato Man's POV:
I was just returning from searching for the last Shimura, when I find a strange child being harassed by a man, a pedophile no doubt. The child easily disarms the man, but what interests me is their powerful quirk. When I see a quirk I find interesting, I just can't help myself.
I follow the mutant child, and then something strange happened. The child glowed and fell apart. I decide to watch for now..... hidden....
Your POV:
The little boy screams and cries as we fall apart.
"Noooo!!!!! I wanna go back!!" His gaze snaps to me, his savior. "Do that thing again!!! Please!!!" I sadly shake my head.
"Fusion isn't something that can be forced." He cries and trembles.
"I WANNA BE KYANITE AGAIN!!!!" I grab him by the shoulders and stare him in the eyes.
"Everything is going to be ok, alright?" He freezes, coming to his senses, sniffling.
"It's not gonna be... I could kill you!! I-I have to go!!!" The boy runs away desperately into another alleyway, but by the time you find him, he's disappearing into a purple haze with some strange man...
When you got home, you saw police cars surrounding your house. It turns out your parents called the cops.
Boy disappears into portal with strange obviously dangerous man:
You: *proceeds not to give a fuck* WeLP iMmA gO hOmE!!!
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