Lavender Quartz Returns... Again

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You are now ten. Major time skip, I know. I couldn't rly think of anything while writing for your previous age, so I decided to have some fun~

You walked down the degraded kinky~ alleyways of the city. You glanced around warily. This place was a hotspot for villains and heroes alike, neither of which you cared for. The reason you were there was to find something to eat. The orphanage you lived at was... inadequate to say the least. They barely fed you there, and since you were now part human, it was necessary to consume food. They also gave your gems strange looks sometimes.

As you scavenged through the filthy alleyways for something decent, since you lacked the money to buy food. You rummaged through the nearby trash cans. Nothing.

This gave you time to think. You were a fusion. A forced, but successful fusion, unlike Yellow's cluster.

You miss Yellow. She... was your everything after Pink was shattered.

Never mind that, it's getting too sad. You have to control yourself. Blue Pearl didn't have a weapon, although she loved to draw, and she also had loads of knowledge. She was good with technology. Lapis Lazuli had domain over all forms of water, including snow and ice. She could also use it to fly.... And she could alter its density.... Very useful. Blue Diamond could manipulate all emotions but focused mainly on sadness due to Pinks shattering, and could project blasts of energy. She could also send people to sleep and make clouds. This information was very valuable to you, it could help you understand your gems better. You most likely had a weapon, you just had to summon it somehow...

Someone grabbed you from behind and slammed you into the hard brick wall of the alley. As they pinned you to the wall, you saw magma seeping out of their skin, a very dangerous quirk. You looked behind you, and to your surprise, you saw one of the older children from the orphanage.

"Heheh... I'll finally get out of that hellhole!!! You damn mutant... do you have any idea how much money I can get from you?" The older boy grinned menacingly, and pulled out a switchblade. Your eyes narrowed. What was this human talking about? As you struggled, he began to secret more molten rock. "Don't move, whore." What the hell did that even mean?! He flipped you around, and angled his knife around the gem on your chest. "Diamonds sell for a lot~" You were horrified by this statement. Were there other gems on this planet, being sold into slavery!? The boy inched the knife closer and closer, until you had had enough.

"Silence, human." You threw him off you with the flick of your finger. Gems would and always will be superior to humans, no matter the world. You summoned up a blast of energy, and flung it at him. The boy screamed in pain as a crushing feeling of pain engulfed him.

"Sleep." The boy passed out. You kicked him harshly. "Filthy humans don't know their place." You gave the boy one last shove, before leaving to resume your search for something to eat. You were hungrier than ever.


As you entered the grocery store with some change you had managed to find on the ground, you reached for some cheap fruit, to examine the price. Too expensive. Your stomach growled. You looked around for something, and then something caught your eye. There was a box of crackers that looked affordable enough. You pick up the package and nod your head. Affordable enough. You also made sure to grab some hand sanitizer, because of how filthy your orphanage was. The caretakers there did absolute nothing.

As you went for the bottle, another gloved hand brushed against yours. As soon as your actual skin came in contact, the hand recoiled.

"Don't touch me, filthy brat!" A boy with molten pools of gold for eyes stared at you in hatred and disgust. He shoots you a glare and snatches the hand sanitizer. You seemed disgusting to him, and seemed extremely sick. Mutants were the most diseased of all. He'd have to have Chronostasis prepare a bath for him when he returned, after he discussed some matters with Pops. Apparently Pops had a granddaughter now.

"Oh, my apologies." You look up at the older boy, who seems about sixteen to eighteen, and he wore a mask. He blinked at your rather formal response, before responding.

"Just watch where you're going next time, brat." You walked off with your crackers. He examined his wrist in disdain after you left, and then his eyes widened.

"No hives... that can't be possible. They're a mutant..."


"Hitoshi-kun, are you ready?"


The two of you dance in a way that seems graceful, but also haunting. The warm light emerges, and the familiar face of Lavender Quartz pops up. She now appears to be around fifteen, and her hair is fluffier than ever. She has gained heavy eye bags as a result of Shinsou's insomnia and your 'quirk'.

"Ahhh... it's been a while!" Her personality is a lot different now. She's more laidback and sarcastic. (Think of Sans from Undertale)

"Woah!!" Lavender turns around, to see an unfamiliar figure around [Name]'s biological age. He has freckles, and green hair that sticks out. "You look so c-cool!!" The boy stutters out. Lavender grins.

"Ya like that, little guy?" The boy nods his head eagerly.

"What's y-your quirk?" She realize this boy thinks that you are one person.

"O-Oh, it's nothin' special." Lavender smile lazily. "Whats yours?" The boys smile drops into a sad little frown. Pink Pi N K

"O-Oh... I don't have one... I still want to be a hero though..." He looks down at his shoes.

He's probably been bullied.

"Oí, kid, what's yer name?" He looks up at Lavender, the cool older kid. Older kids are so cool. Just like Kacchan...

"M-Midoriya Izuku, Ms-" He's practically shaking in his booties.

"Listen, ki- Midoriya-chan, you can be a hero. If you work hard enough and keep dreaming, anything is possible. Anything. You're going to number one hero someday, surpassing even Allmight, I'm sure of it. I can feel it. And when, not if, that time comes..." Izuku looked up at Lavender in confusion, awe, and wonder. Tears begin to pool in his eyes.

"I'll be right here, rooting for you." His newest hero, the mysterious teenager, told him he could do it. His first time someone believed in him. Not even his own mother said he could be a hero, and now... he finally understood. If Kacchan could do, so could he.

"T-Thank you, Ms!!" He sniffled. He had always been a crybaby.

"Lavender Quartz. My name is Lavender Quartz." Lavender smiles at him, and ruffles his hair.

"Thank you, Lavender-san!!!"

"No problem, kiddo." A Cheshire grin spreads itself across her face. "Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise, m'kay?" Izuku nods eagerly, happy to finally have at least one supporter.


"What was that?!" Shinsou whisper shouts.

"I told him he could achieve his dream!!"

"He could get himself killed trying to be a hero! He's quirkless..." Shinsou sighed. "There's no going back now, let's just hope you don't send him to an early grave." He sighs, yet again. "Want to go and get some food?" Your eyes shine. There's so much to Earth that you want to see.



Pink was right. Earth wasn't so bad. There was so much more to it. It was full of life. It was beautiful. Shinsou often thought you were silly for getting excited over such little things such as flowers. Roses were your favorite, bittersweet, in a way. Pink's favorite flower. Pink's murderer. It was so hard to believe that none of it mattered anymore. No more Diamond Authority, no more Crystal Gems. Nothing. It was sad. You missed Yellow Diamond, something about her was so... strong.

You wonder how she's doing

It's decided. You've made up your mind, here you are, you've come so far. You slowly come to love this world. You are going to be a hero, and be this world's savior.

It's diamond.

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