Pearl could fit anything in her gem. She had done it multiple times, from holding bubbled gems for her diamond to storing weapons for Agates and Citrines. So why not try something bigger? she had always thought about it, but she had never gotten the chance to do it. She died before she could. Fortunately, you were not her. You had gotten another chance. You had been reborn into this world, and wouldn't let a single opportunity go to waste. You wanted to live this life to the fullest. But as to where you had gotten a four story building...
It was a dark, stormy night... JK actually it was brought and sunny that day, eight years ago. You were seven or eight. The sun was shining brightly and practically anything that came in contact with the pavement melted. The floor was practically a glorified frying pan.
You had been out for a walk, since the orphanage didn't have a heater, or air conditioning. It was even hotter inside the depressing little building, so you had decided to search for water you could freeze into ice. You hadn't wanted to use your wings, since villains were so common, you needed a way out if an attack occurred.
Along the way, to somewhere, perhaps the creek in the nearby forest, or to the icee cream place around the corner, you noticed a construction site. A building was being demolished, but it seemed that the construction vehicles had broken down. You had wandered in by chance, when you noticed a short girl your age with round eyes and a brown bob-cut sniffling, with a few tears in her eyes. She was sitting under one of the vehicles.
"What's wrong?" You had asked her. You were quite the expert on sadness. "Why are you crying?" You crouched next to her in the shade of the vehicle. It turned out it was a wrecking ball.
"We need the money for this j-job, but!" She sniffled. "I was playing on the machine, and it stopped working! Now we won't be able to have dinner t-tonight!" She seemed sad. The water of her tears actually looked quite appealing and you were wondering if it would be weird to try and drink them...
"Oh, is that all?" She nodded sadly. "Very well. What's your name?" You stood up, and she looked at you in confusion.
"Uraraka Ochaco..."
"Well, Uraraka-san..." You offered her a hand. "Wanna see something cool? But you have to promise to keep it a secret!" You smirked mischievously, and she tilted her head in confusion, but took your hand.
"Okay?" You put a finger to your lips.
"It's a secret, though. Promise not to tell?" She nodded, eager to know what this secret was. She reminded you of Pink, almost. You gave her a soft smile and looked to the building.
"Watch this!" You grabbed the building and concentrated hard as you slowly pulled it into your gem. She squeaked in happiness and amazement.
"S-So cool!"
So that's the story of where you had gotten the building. You had sort of zoned out while reminiscing, and now that you were snapped back into reality, you were quite confused with what you saw. The zero pointer was coming crashing down, but below it, were tons of students!
"Aw, fuck!" You spread your wings and reverted to Blue Diamond's original size, which was about two stories tall. You took the hits from the stray rubble as you contained the damage with your clouds and pulled the majority of the wreckage into your gem for storage.
"Phew... that was wild..." You looked down to see the children underneath you looking up in awe, thankful for the save. Except for two.
"OÍ!!! You goddamn extra!!! I could've handled that!!!" The red eyed boy screeched at you. You rolled all four of your eyes, but as you were about to shrink back to your original size, the other of the two, a short boy with purple spheres attached to his head launched himself at you, drool flinging out of his mouth. You narrowed your eyes in disgust and slammed him into the ground with the back of your palm, before shrinking back into your normal size and making your way to the tents a few robots had directed you to, apparently to make sure you were alright before sending you home.
As soon as you got to the tents, an elderly woman wacked you on the head with her cane.
"Foolish girl!" She snapped. "You most likely overused your quirk! Let me check you up... hmmm... HMMMMMMMMMM... what are your quirk's drawbacks?" To be fair, you didn't have a quirk. You were a gem. But... it would be extremely suspicious not to have any drawbacks, so you had tp make some up.
"Umm, dehydration...." Total lie. "Feeling stiff or sore..." Sorta true, but that had nothing to do with your quirk. "And, uhh, I think that's it?"
"You think? YOU THINK?! I swear to god kids these days..." She muttered before pecking you on the cheek. You instantly felt better. "Anyway deary, you've earned yourself some gummies!" She dropped you some lint covered gummy bears. You hid a grimace, but chewed on them anyway, enjoying the sweetness. Homeworld never had anything like this.
Earth was quite beautiful, in it's own way.....
When you arrived back 'home' Hana was standing outside with a maniacal expression.
"Hey, [Name]-chan!!! Oiiii!!!!! How'd you do!!! Are you tired!! I am!!" She didn't seem tired, based on how she wouldn't stop bombarding you with questions.
"Oh, it went well. How'd you do? You seem quite cheery..." Hana blinked, and grinned.
"It went great!!! I kicked the shit out of those robots!! I was like, amazing!!! Studying Mirko's techniques ahead of time was really helpful, actually!!" She smiled, and then paused. "I couldn't do a thing against that zero pointer, though. Heroes are supposed to save people, so why couldn't I take down just one robot?"
"Don't beat yourself up... that thing was designed for that purpose."
"Okay... anyway, what should we get for dinner? I doubt that week get any food here." She glared up at the orphanage.
"Want me to burn it down?"
"We are TRYING to be heroes, N/n!"
"I know, I know," She shoved you playfully. If only this could last forever.
The two of you had sat down at a little cafe for dinner, since it was all you could afford.
"Hiiii, wow, you two are so cute~" A girl with messy blond hair put up in two buns approached the both of you. Hana grinned and waved to her, blushing.
"Himiko-chan!!! I had no idea you were going to be here!!" Hana beamed at her and the Himiko girl smiled, her sharp fangs protruding.
"Ara Ara, who's this, your.... girlfriend~!? I must say, I'm quite jealous!" Hana laughed and shook her head.
"No, she's my sister!" Himiko tilted her head.
"But I thought you were, y'know, an orpha-"
"No, I am, but we're honorary sisters. We live at the same orphanage." Himiko smiled at this.
"Really? So she's single then?" You're confused. Is this human trying to court you? Didn't humans first offer a ring? How peculiar.
"What? It's just a question..." Himiko whined. She turned to look at you. "So, stranger-san, what's your name?"
"Oh, my name is L/n [Name]. But you can just call me [Name]"
"Ooh!! So cuuuute!!! Can I keep her, Hana-chan, can I!?" Hana giggled.
"Not a chance. Anyways, [Name]! This is Toga Himiko! My best friend!! Besides you of course!"
The rest of the evening was filled with laughs and giggles(mainly from Toga and Hana), and during this time, you realized that you had come to love certain humans among the other, blander humans. Shinsou, Hana, those heroes from long ago... Toga, and even that Ochaco girl and that broccoli boi...
Screw colonization. I will protect this planet until my dying breath.
Even though gems don't need to breathe.
Pink Aura Quartz skipped through the streets happily. She loved being herself. It felt so good. Hana and [Name] didn't fuse often, since they didn't want to get addicted, and PAQ (Pink Aura Quartz) could see why. The experience felt like a cool glass of water in the desert, or the first rose buds blooming in the spring, or maybe even water lilies opening up their petals to the world, showing colors that would go by so fast you had to make sure to savor it.
PAQ had two sets of hot pink eyes with bright blue diamond shaped pupils. Her skin was tinted a nice rose, with splotches of magenta mixed in.
"Oi, Aura, having fun?" Shinsou smirked, walking beside her. She absolutely hated being called Pink. When asked, she wouldn't be able to respond, or even unfuse. Hana and Shinsou had figured it was a part of [Name]'s past that brought on bad memories, so they avoided the topic altogether.
"Yup, Shinsou-chan!!" She appeared to be in her late twenties, and was how [Name] and Hana planned on getting into U.A without the orphanage getting involved. "I finally managed to summon a weapon!" She pulled out a spork with a flourish. Flower petals somehow magically appeared and rained down around her, casting an almost ethereal glow on her figure. Shinsou deadpanned, not amused.
"That... you just stored it in your pearl and pulled it out of your pearl..."
"Damn... I can never manage to trick you, huh?" Shinsou chuckled and rolled his eyes and PAQ pouted. At least she tried...
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