Chapter 5: Welcome.

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"O-oh my god it is..." Alice felt like crawling up into her brother's arms and sobbing until she had no tears left. "The one thing they told us not to fucking do Alex! The one thing!" Alice's eyes shine with the tears that spilled onto her cheeks.

"Who told you not to what?" Lucas snapped sternly. He was more confused and scared than anything. His fist clenched, his hazel eyes darkened. Tracy had been in a few classes with Lucas before, and he was hothead, she knew that, but of all the times that he'd gotten angry at teachers...he'd never looked like this before.

"O-ok, let's think about this rationally ok...? Alice, Alex, who told you what not to do?" Tracy placed a hand on Lucas' chest to prevent him from moving any closer. Tracy had always been good with her words and actions, from her mother of course. She constantly needed everything to be calm and collected, she wasn't sure why.

"M-mom and dad told us before we we couldn't go to this- this haunted house...thing. W-when you guys wanted to go in, we- we were hesitant but we didn't think...that was the house they were talking about." Alex ran a hand through his ginger hair, his other arm tightly wrapped around his sister. 

Abby stared at the twins in shock. She was angry, everyone could tell. She may be the smallest of the 5 but she was scary. "You what?! They specifically told you not to go and you did?! And now we're stuck here with- with that thing?!" She pointed to the unknown creature on the floor, black ooze spilling from the puncture wound made by Alice. "Hey at least I killed it?!" Alice yelled back at her. None of them were thinking straight.

"Every one shut the fuck up!" Tracy screamed over the top of them, her face slightly red. All their heads turned abruptly in her direction. "Here's a fun idea! How about we get the fuck out of here before more of those things come back! Huh?! What do you think?!" Stacy's chest heaved, she brought of her hands up to her chest and closed her eyes, taking deep breathes. Lucas' eyes widened slightly in shock of the new side of Tracy he'd never seen before. He didn't think it was bad, it was actually kind of nice to know that even the kindest person he knew could get that angry.

They all stared in Stacy's direction. Nodding slightly in agreement. They put heir shoes on. Alice quickly removed the shoe from the creatures head, gagging at the sight. They went out the door, Alex bringing Aiden's pocket knife with him just in case. And left the room. The halls were silent, no cleaners, not air conditioners, no heaters, nothing. It was eerily quiet.

The 5 huddled close together. Two facing backwards, One facing the front, and another two facing the sides. Alice took a breath as they kept waking to the end of the hall. Alex, who was facing the right, kept  the pocket knife close to his side, his knuckles going white form his tight grip on it. Abby, still slightly pissed off, was silent, the only sound that came from her was the rustling from her clothes, you couldn't even hear her breathe. Tracy and Lucas slowly took steps backwards.

At the slightest feeling, even if Lucas' clothes brushed against her skin, she would grab onto Lucas' hand. Simply for comfort or support. He didn't mind though, in fact he couldn't care less. He practically melted whenever she laughed, imagine how he is when she holds his hand.

"Ok, we're are the door. Does everyone have their makeshift weapons?" Alice turned her gaze to the rest of the group. Their weapons weren't great. Abby was holding onto a plastic slingshot she had gotten at some point and forgotten to take it out of her bag, Tracy had a necklace she could maybe strangle something with, and Lucas had said her knee how to beat some one up, so he was good.

Alice pushed open the door with her foot. "There's no one here..." Alex muttered. "Yeah no shit dumba-"
"Abby can down." Tracy mumbled through gritted teeth. Abby only rolled her eyes. They left their protection circle and stood in a small cluster.

They had spent a good 4 hours looking around the foyer of the hotel and calming down a bit, talking with each other. It was clearly empty (as stated previously by a very panicked and still pissed off Abby Hernandez). Lucas stood up from his spot next to Alex in the floor.

"Listen. We've been waiting and sitting around for a good couple hours. I say we go out there and see if we can get any answers." He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "He has a point...I mean, what's the point of staying here when we can probably find an answer out there?" Tracy muttered from her little corner. The twins looked at each other, and then at Abby. They all seemed to agree.

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