[~Happy Holidays!~]

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Shut up, it's still Christmas in my heart damn it.
(Art above is made by me ùwú)


"Shh. Just leave it to me, Ell."

"You're in too deep..."




"What in the world is going on here?" Edd barges into the living room, wondering why the 2 girls were taking so long.

"(Y/N)'s stuck after trying to clean the fireplace..." Ell explains, gesturing to your bottom, your upper body was deep inside the huge chimney. Inaudible curse words came out of your mouth as the twins grabbed your legs in an attempt to pull you out of the chimney.

After 15 minutes went by of failed attempts, they were finally able to pull you out, but then you were immediately sent to the bathroom to shower by Edd, in fear that you might scare the caroling children in the neighborhood.

You take a quick shower then changed into your Christmas sweater. The rest of the gang was up in the living room or kitchen, preparing everything for the upcoming party.

That will occur in 2 days.

"Uh...remind me again why we have to prepare this early?" You ask Matt as you help him decorate the tall Christmas tree.
"I don't know really. The decorations are usually the most important part when it comes to Christmas. It doesn't really feel like Christmas if you don't see your stockings hanging near the chimney, or the wreath at the doorway, the random ugly Christmas sweater hanging in the backyard, or even the mistletoe hanging under the kitchen doorwa—" Matt pauses.

The ginger-haired boy then spent a solid 3 minutes, glaring at the small plant that hung under the doorway, then went back to hanging the decorations on the Christmas Tree, not saying anything else to you.

"Okay then..."

After a few more minutes, you and Matt take a break when you suddenly see a good amount of snowfall from the sky. This immediately tingled your child-like senses and you immediately dash to your room, putting on everything that helped you keep warm in the winter cold.

"I'm out to play in the snow!!" You announce before rushing out.

Ell's eyes lit up. "Oh my god, snowball fight?" The brunette tugged her twin brother's sweater. Edd turns to her, holding a bittersweet grin, "Snowball fight!"

The look that they gave each other was enough for them to remember the fun memories they shared when they were kids. Especially that one time when Grandmother Susan was somehow used as a shield for the intense snowball fight they were having. They even remember how they were told off by their adoptive parents, saying that she wasn't an object and whatnot.

Hearing the loud cheers made Tord groggily stand up from his comfortable position near the fire and looked out the window to see you rolling huge rounded chunks of snow and he immediately remember the time Grandmother Susan helped him make his first perfect snowman after so many failed attempts even when it was freezing.

Tom finds himself turning down the volume of the TV as he yawns, hearing the distant laughter that came from just outside his window. He was about to resume the movie that played on the TV when he suddenly heard a loud bang on his door.

He groaned, "Matt, go away!"

"Please! You don't even have to play! Just lay down on the snow or something! It doesn't feel complete without you!" He hears the muffled sounds of his youngest brother from just the other side of the door.

The eyeless male takes a good look at the snow outside and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he remembers a memory from when he was still a kid. He remembered being super mesmerized by how cold yet soft the snow was under him, adjusting to his figure perfectly as he sunk deeper into the snow. It was a rather comforting experience after a tiring day of school. He was just about to fall asleep when suddenly...


The panicked cries of his Grandmother jolted him away from his sleepy state. He remembered that he was just about to sit up when he suddenly felt strong arms lift him up bridal style. "Tom?! Tom, are you okay?!?" The voice of his adoptive father rang loudly through his ears,

"Yes, dad! I'm completely fine! I was just enjoying the snow before Grandma ruined the moment!"

And before he knew it, Tom was grabbing his coat, wrapping the scarf around his neck and putting on his earmuffs.
"I'll meet you outside!" Tom yells,
"Alright!" Matt responds, his footsteps making loud thuds as he runs out the door.

As soon as the ginger-haired boy steps foot into the snow, he was already attacked by a white blur, making him stumble a bit. "Headshot!" You and Tord high five each other.

"Hey! That's not fair! I barely even got to prepare!" Matt complains.
"Well, you should've thought more carefully before you stepped into the snow, Mattie!" You say, already preparing another ball in your hand."

You all hear the door swing open again to reveal Tom.

"Alright! The gang's complete! We can do a 3v3 round now! Loser team does what the Winner team says, so everyone pick y—"

"TORD AND ELL ARE MINE!" You practically yelled, wrapping your arm around Ell's waist, pulling her closer to you as you tighten your grip around Tord's wrist.
Ell laughed, "Well, the rich girl has spoken." She shrugs as if she had no other choice. "The warmup round really had my adrenaline pumping! Jehovah's Witness will be my one and only target!" Tord began to crack his knuckles, eyeing the team on the other side.

"Okay! I'll take Edd!" You announce playfully, putting on your childish persona.

"Then I'm left with Matt!"

"OKAY, EVERYONE! Before things get too violent here, There should at least be one person who'll play support for each team, the one who will be making snowballs and defenses!" Edd says, like the peacemaker that he is.

Ell turns to look at you, "Matt seems like he's gonna go for support so I'm gonna be support too! You and Tord just focus on kicking some butt!"

"Alright!" Your team fist bumps the air.

"You missed a spot, jerkwad." Tom points to the corner of his room where a tiny speck of dust laid.

"For crying out—that wasn't even noticeable! Gimme a break!" Tord complains.

"Did I order you to speak?" Tom says, taking a gulp of his bottle.

The blue-hoodied male then turns to Ell, who was wiping the windows very quietly, in fear of being scolded.

"You. Move faster, you Ninnyhammer! I don't have all night!" Tom's loud, slurred up voice was enough to startle her, making her drop the towel she was holding.

"Right! Sorry, sorry!" Ell apologizes frantically.

Matt and Edd watch from the background, letting Tom take charge of bossing their siblings around. Honestly, all they wanted was for the losing team to make them hot choco or something after the cold snowball fight, but it seemed Tom had other plans...

The eldest then went out to the backyard, looking for the last member of the losing team. You. Unfortunately, you were nowhere in sight, and it was cold and dark too, where could you have gone?

The eyeless male then hears some giggling from the bushes. Tom groans, slipping on his boots to go out in the snow. He pulled aside the bushes to see you on your phone, completely slacking off of your job.

"Hey. What do you think you're doing?"

Tom's deep voice surprised you and you could swear your heart was ready to yeet itself out of your chest. "AHH! TOM! DON'T STARTLE ME LIKE THAT, I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK JEEZ!" You exclaim.

Yet the face of the male looking down on you held no emotion.
After a hot minute of having a staring contest with him, Tom fixed his posture.

"Get in the house."

"Hah...Nah." You decided to play with him. After all, he gave you the hardest job to do! Shoveling out the snow from the backyard? Seriously? That was more of something that Tord should do! Not you! Not poor you!

"Get in," Tom says again, and once more, you say,


"Get in. Now."

You huff, "Make m—"

Tom quickly pulled you up from your sitting position, making you stand. Once he had you in his hold, he covered your mouth.

"Trust me, that's a sentence you don't want to finish."

[sexual innuendos up ahead!!]

"Thanks so so so much for coming with me for a shopping trip today, (Y/N)!! Everyone else is always too lazy to come with me whenever it's for Christmas shopping." The ginger-haired boy says, grabbing your hand and began to swing it back and forth as you two walked.

"No problem, Matt. I had nothing else planned today, anyway." You give him a small smile.

"Okay! So I've made a list of the gifts I want to give everyone for Christmas. Uh, it's mostly consisted of clothes. The style that everyone likes. You wanna see?" Matt hands you the list he made.

"Oh...I didn't know Ell was into Gucci? What an expensive girl." You chuckle. Skimming and scanning the rest of the list. You give a nod to Matt and he takes this as a green light.

You both went into a very well known department store. It was simple enough, help Matt pick some clothes that his siblings would like and that's it. He also said that you could pick some clothes that would catch your eye and he'd pay for it. This was basically a huge opportunity to...

seduce him?

No, no...you wouldn't put it that way.

Maybe tease him just a little. Poke fun on his hormones.

With all these thoughts going through your head, you find yourself smirking.

"Mattie! I think I'm content with these! Would you mind going with me to the dressing room?"

Matt's head jerks up, eyes wide and reddened cheeks, "G-go with you where?!"

You playfully rolled your eyes. "The dressing room. I'm just gonna try on the clothes I chose and you just tell me what you think of it! Get your mind out of the gutter." You giggle, you honestly didn't even try yet he's already flustered.

"B-but isn't that something like a boyfriend would do?" He tilts his head to the side like a lost puppy as he walks by your side to the dressing room.

"Yeah. You're a boy and you're my friend. I don't see the problem here." You said, failing to hide the smug smile that was constantly growing on your lips.

The redhead sighs.

You let yourself in a vacant dressing room as Matt sits on one of the empty seats.
You then started to slip into a cute one first that you saw.
It had a very simple design. You didn't want to surprise the male right away.

You get out of the room, dressed in a nice oversized Pikachu hoodie and denim shorts that stop just above your knee. "So? What do you think?" You ask him.

"It's casual! I like it! But it wouldn't be very fitting for winter I think..." He says, and you nod, going back into the room to try for more new outfits.

Next, you come out wearing a plain white dress shirt, a black ribbon tied neatly around the collar and leggings that tightly hug your curves.

"You look like an office lady with that...but whatever suits your taste!"

Okay...guess that type of thing isn't his style.

Time to bust out the big boys.

You slowly open your door once more. Wearing a short, sleeveless black dress that stops at your mid-thighs. "I plan on this as my sleepwear, though. I don't want to go out in public looking like a prostitute." You chuckle.


"Hm? Does it look ugly on me?"

"No! Not at all! Everything looks good on you b-but..."


"Never mind! It looks great. If it's comfortable too then that's perfect for sleeping!" He says, giving you a thumbs up but then immediately looking away from you, covering his nose and mouth. Damn, his whole face is red.


"YEah?" His voice cracks. Matt proceeds to force his eyes to look at you once more.

You struggle to hold back a laugh,

"Are you a virgin?"

His indigo eyes widen and he looks away again.


You bring your face closer to his reddened face. You had no idea where this sudden confidence came from, but you're a sucker for his flushed face. It's so cute.

All Matt could do was give a hum as a response while nodding his head a "yes." He gave up on trying to find words, submitting to you.
You then ruffled up his hair, giggling.

"That was a counterpunch to the little scheme you pulled on me with the 'would you actually date me?' BS from a while ago." You said, putting on a smirk before heading back into the dressing room, leaving the poor boy alone with a flushed face

...and tight pants.


"Edd! Heyy! Whatcha doing?" You pop your head into the kitchen, curious about what the brunette is doing on a wonderful afternoon. You let yourself enter the room, seeing familiar baking materials settled on the kitchen island.

"I'm practicing my baking skills by making gingerbread cookies. Ah, could you get an egg from the fridge, please? Only one." He asks as he continues to check every ingredient to see if they were the correct measurement that was in the book.

"Oh, sure!" You respond, looking through the fridge, grabbing one then bringing it over to the male. "I wanna help! Do you need me to do anything else? I'm not really experienced in baking myself but I could try!" You chirp.

Edd surprisingly ignored you (which he never does) and grabbed a sieve and started to sift together 6 cups of flour, and a tablespoon of baking powder, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon.

"Um, Edd?" You call him out and this time, he finally turns to you. "Ah, sorry! You were saying?" He asks.

"I want to help. Is there anything else you want me to do?" You ask him once more.
"Oh. Well, can you mix these ingredients for me?" He asks, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh, sure!" You reply. Edd grabs a medium-sized bowl.
"It says here, you have to mix together the shortening, molasses, brown sugar, water, egg, and vanilla." He says, handing you a whisk.

The male begins to put in the necessary ingredients into the bowl. He moves ver efficiently, pouring every single ingredient in there like it was liquid. He said he was only practicing, but damn, he looks like he's working as a baker full time.

"...but all you have to do is just gradually stir it." He says, the feel of his chocolate brown eyes gazing up at you brought you back from your tiny fantasy. "Think you can do that?" He asks, giving you a cute smile.

"U-uh!! Yeah! Sounds simple enough!" You scratch your neck, taking the whisk he gave you and began to stir the ingredients together. You looked back at the brunette as he began to set up the counter, putting something to cover the counter. He looked so attractive this way, so calm and collected.

Feeling a pair of eyes digging into him, Edd cocks his head towards your direction, and surprise fell on his face. "Ah! (Y/N)! Not like that!" He says, grabbing your hand to make you stop. You didn't notice the mess that you've created until you finally paid attention to your surroundings.

Pieces of the unmixed ingredients were scattered all over the counter, and some fell onto your clothing and the floor. "Oh my god! E-Edd! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention..." You frantically apologized.

All Edd did was heave out a deep sigh, which you totally understand, but then you see that contagious smile once more, and your heart did a backflip. "It's fine. Here, I'll show how it's done." He walked up behind you and gently grabbed both of your hands. He placed your left hand to hold the bowl and took your right hand with the whisk and began to guide your hand as it did a continuous circle.

"Nice! Okay, just keep doing that, and I'll start to add the dry ingredients!" He says, his warm hands completely letting go of yours. You felt a bit weird and bubbly inside when he technically just wrapped his arms around you from the back. It was so different from his usual hugs...it felt nice.

You kept stirring at the same pace he taught you as he began to add in the previously mentioned ingredients that he sieved. You continue to stir it until it was starting to look a bit like dough. Edd looked over your shoulder, "Alright! That looks perfect! You can rest your arm now." He chuckles.

Your stirring came to a halt and you sighed in delight.

Edd began to divide the dough into 3 pieces and pat down to 1 and a half-inch of thickness. "(Y/N), could you hand over the plastic wrap please?" He points behind you. You quickly oblige and gave him the plastic wrap.

He began to cover the dough in plastic wrap then put them in the refrigerator. "Okay, it says to leave the dough to freeze for at least 3 hours...uh...what do you wanna do in the meantime?" Edd asks right after he closes the refrigerator.

In the end, you and Edd played Uno until you heard your timer beeping, signaling that the 3 hours were up.

You preheat the oven to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

You made your way to Edd, who was lightly pouring flour on the surface. Edd then took out a rolling pin and began to smoothen the dough to about one-fourth inch of thickness. The brunette then takes out a cookie cutter in the shape of the familiar gingerbread man and started to cut out the dough.

You helped place each one of them on a cookie sheet and put them in the preheated oven to bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

"Oh! (Y/N)! It's time for your favorite part! Decorating!" Edd says after hearing the timer beep. You immediately jump up from your seat and went straight to the kitchen.
"You know what? I'll take about 5 gingerbread men to decorate and you take the rest since you're so excited." Edd chuckles at your excited attitude towards decorating.

"Heck yes!" You cheer, grabbing the already-prepared colorful icing set on the counter.

Edd felt his heart jump a little as he watches your beautiful, smiling face. It was a sight he wishes he would see for the rest of his life.
Having no control of his actions, his hand suddenly grabs your shoulder and began to slide down to intertwine his fingers with yours.

Your heartbeat began to quicken as his face inched closer and closer to yours. You closed your eyes and unknowingly puckered up your lips, preparing for what's about to come.

All of that and yet all you felt was a warm sensation on your left cheek.

Your eyes shot open, your heart still jumped around and about your chest despite the moment already being over.

"(Y/N), you're so pretty."



Thanks so much to people that left a question! I'll try my absolute best to answer them!

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net