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I woke up still feeling sleepy but I got up from the bed and stretch a little bit I looked at my clock 6:02 am huh that's unusual I always wake up at 7:30 or 8:00 am I just go to the bathroom and brushed my teeth after that I just draw since I'm still not hungry after sometime I finished it I turned to look at the clock and 7:10 I got up and head downstairs I saw mom making breakfast I noticed it's only her on the kitchen so I said good morning to her and helped her making breakfast after that Jane came down soon followed by Mike looking like he still hasn't slept then Jonathan came down well let's say I still haven't prepare the table so I did that while mom give them the breakfast she cooked

I got next to Mike since Jane whispered at me that could we switch seats since she doesn't feel to sit next to Mike so here I am eating awkwardly between Mike and Jane with some sort of tension again well Mike really looked like he hasn't slept buti just continue to eat I finished eating before anyone else so I out my plate on the sink and washed it then head to my room and get myself ready for the day.......... After I got dressed I decided to listen to some music for a bit so I did but on the middle of the song I heard someone knocking " oh come in " I said letting the person in my room then that person is Mike he looked kind of better since he got showered obviously since his hair is wet and he looks fresh " um can we talk for a bit will? " He said why would he want to talk to me ? I just nod and he sat on the edge of my bed


I'm on wills room sitting on his bed well I just want to talk to him and hopefully I don't mess it up or for it to sound rude well here I go " are you ignoring me? " Please say I don't sound rude " huh? Ignoring you? No I just don't know how to start a conversation with you ...I guess" he said well he really been ignoring me well except when he offered me an apple yesterday " sorry about the tension between me and Jane on the breakfast table earlier....I seems to bother you " I said relaxing my shoulder" oh that it's fine what did you guys fight this time now anyway? " He said while he turned his head to the window " oh it's nothing just um... couple stuff " no not really we fought because I can't say that I love her we fought because of that " oh okay " he said I stand up " well I'm gonna go for a walk now um.." I said and he just nod and said goodbye to me

When I head downstairs I told Joyce that I'm going for a walk then left the house I walked in to the library nearby and when I got there I just grab a book and pretend to read while in reality I'm gathering my thoughts why does will choose not to talk to me well we just talk like a while ago but I some what feel jealous over this Damian guy when when will mentioned that him and will go into a picnic I don't understand since I don't know I'm kind of lost on why I feel like that over a guy that I don't know hanging out with Will and I've noticed that whenever I see will I'll feel the same butterflies I got when El/Jane become my girlfriend.....

( Will's POV )

Well I'm bored now I looked at the clock and it's 12:40 now yes Ive finished my lunch then mom called me saying Damian called on the phone I rushed downstairs and mom gave me the phone then return to her office " hey Damian" I said since mom can hear what I would say since the phone is literally outside her office " why hello love wanna come into my house? " He said " mhm yeah wouldn't like your parents would mind it? " I said " no actually they're out on a date this afternoon now " he said I looked into the clock and it's 1:02 now " oh well sure! I come into your house " I said " well I'll wait love " he said then end the call I put the phone back and looked through the door " mom can I go to Damian's house mom? " She looked at me " oh sure but be back before dinner alright? " She said " Mhm of course mom ! " Then I head out

I knocked into the door and couple of second it open revealing who opened the door it was Damian he let me in and we spent our afternoon together cuddling and watching a movie I had a good time even if it's just like a normal hangout then if time for me to go home I said goodbye to Damian and before I opened the door he kissed me on my lips and feels like butterflies started to fly inside my stomach in lasted for a few seconds then when we parted his face have deep blush on it and I know that I have the same red face as him he smiled at me and said he'll walk me home so he did I'm glad that there's only few people on the street like when I said few people I ment you can count them with only your one hand so Damian had a chance to hold my hand and took it when I got Infront of the door of my house I quickly gave him a peck on the cheek causing him to blush and we said goodbye to each other

The rest of the night just went fast right now I'm in my bed trying to sleep then there it goes I fall asleep

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