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today is the day mike will come here in california we waited on the airport i have a bright smile on my face that look like I'm the one who's in a relationship with him but I tried to hide it and reminded myself that we can't be together since he's with Jane and not me I was cut off my thoughts when Jane ran up to Mike and kissed him it kind of hurt but I just shrugged it off and walk to him for a hug but it came out awkward since he just patted my shoulder " oh what's that? " Mike said while looking at the painting I'm supposed to give him " oh it's nothing just a painting I've been working on" I said with a little weak smile " oh cool " he said then we walked on the way to the van but on the way when no one was looking I crumble the painting in my hand .

On the way home I just listened to music ignoring Mike and Jane beside me talking ignoring them like I'm the only one in the van while looking on the window when we got home Jonathan helped mike on his suitcase and pointed at the direction of the guest bedroom which is next to mine I just walked into my room and sketch for a bit while still listening to the song now playing should I stay or should I go .

When I finished sketching and turned it into a drawing I went down the kitchen and grab a glass of water and drank it before I went upstairs to go to my room again the telephone rang and I answered it " hello? " I said " hello will? " Oh that voice " oh hello Damian I see you've recovered from your fever why'd you call me though? " I said well let me explain Damian is the first friend I met when I well I mean we moved in here in California he's kind to me and been there when I need here same I do the same thing to him " u-um are you free tomorrow since it's Saturday? " He said well Jonathan and argyle well they will do they're business and Mike and Jane..well they would have a little date at the park tomorrow so..." Mhm yeah I'm free tomorrow " I reply " well I kinda made a picnic plan for us and don't worry Im in charge on the drink and food too " he said " Damian that's a lot you've done everything? Maybe I could bring just like the drink even if you already planned it " I said " no no don't worry it's nothing really " he said " but Damian..... Okay fine " I said " okay so I'll pick you up tomorrow at 11? " " Mhm see you tomorrow! " I said " okay I have to go now bye will " he said " okay bye " I said as he end the call .

I said to my mom that me and damain will have a picnic tomorrow and she said yes since mom know Damian well I noticed mike had a expression on his face I just shrugged it off after dinner I helped cleaning the dishes after that I walked into my room and got ready to sleep hen I hear giggles on the next room it sounded like jane and Mike are in the same room I just lay down and tried to sleep since I have a picnic with Damian tomorrow.

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