Lost - DS

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{ plot - y/n has a miscarriage }



Third person POV:

"Good morning," Daniel turns to face y/n in bed.
"Morning," she groans.
Daniel looks at her confused, "what's wrong?"
"My stomach hurts" she replies.
Daniel softly places his hand on her larger than usual stomach.
"Maybe it's the baby," he says with a smile.
"Maybe," y/n repeats with no expression as she is not convinced.
She gets up from the bed to go into the en-suite bathroom.
Meanwhile, Daniel remains laying in the bed and begins to play on his phone.
The room is silent for a few minutes.
Suddenly, y/n screams loudly from the bathroom.
Daniel jumps up and runs to the door.
"Baby, what's wrong?" he asks frantically.
There's no reply instead the flush of the toilet.
Y/n slowly opens the creaky door and reveals herself.
"I just bled... I think I started my period" she says in a monotone voice before looking from Daniel's left eye to his right eye for some sort of advice.
But, Daniel doesn't say anything he just stares back at her.
"We need to go to the hospital right now," y/n says in a more panicked voice as she rushes past him to get changed.

Daniel drove to the hospital as quick as he could and they arrived within 10 minutes.
They sit in the quiet waiting room for a short while.
Daniel notices y/n's leg begin to shake so he places his hand on her thigh and strokes her with his thumb.
"It'll be okay," he whispers to reassure her.
Y/n looks at him with a small smile and instantly back at the floor.
"Y/n y/l/n," the nurse calls out.
Y/n immediately looks up from the floor and stands up.
Due to covid restrictions Daniel was not allowed to go in the room with y/n.
Daniel also stands up and grabs y/n's hand.
"I'll be right here."
Y/n nods and walks towards the nurse leaving go of his hand.

A few minutes later, y/n walks back out into the waiting room and Daniel jumps out of his seat.
Y/n looks at Daniel and simply shakes her head from left to right.
Daniel could tell by her glossy eyes and limp body that they had lost their baby.
Y/n could see that he understood so she folded her arms and walks past him and towards the exit.

The drive home was silent.
Daniel drove anxiously as y/n looked blankly out of her window.
Daniel turns to her and looks at her with sadness and sympathy.
He gently places his hand on her thigh to which she flinches and ignores his gesture.

They soon arrive home and words remain unspoken.
They both walk into the front room and remain stood like statues, staring into one another's eyes.
Daniel walks towards y/n and opens his arms to hug her.
But, y/n quickly shakes her head 'no' and crosses her arms over her body.
Daniel looks both confused and shocked as he takes a small step back and lowers his arms to his sides.
"I- I, I just don't want you to hold me," she stutters as she anxiously twiddles her fingers.
"cause if you hold me I'll start to cry," her voice begins to shatter.
"and I don't want to start crying."
She takes a deep breath before continuing.
"Because if I start crying I-"
"I will not be able to stop, I will never be able to stop," she explains as she frantically looks between Daniel's eyes.
He remains still as a statue as one tear rolls down his face.
Y/n looks down with shame.
"Okay" Daniel whispers.
She quickly looks up and repeats his words to solidify the agreement, "okay."
"Whatever you need," Daniel begins.
"I'm here."
Y/n sighs and tears start falling down her face.
"Did I tell you it was a girl?" y/n asks weakly.
"We were having a girl," she repeats.
They walk towards each other, forgetting the agreement made.
Y/n intensely wraps her arms around Daniel's torso and lays her head on his chest whilst he holds her body tight and cradles her head close to him.
"It was a girl" y/n repeats as she sobs.
Her knees go weak from her internal pain and so she collapses to the floor.
Daniel falls with her and they sit on the floor, holding one another tightly.

Y/n looks up to him clueless of what to do next.
He wipes her tears with his thumbs and places his hands on her soaked cheeks.
Then, he kisses her forehead through the remainder of his bitter tears.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this one even though it's very sad.

On a brighter note, Why Don't We can release music again! I'm so happy for them!

I hope you all have a nice weekend <3

Published: 18th September 2021

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