Comfort cuddles - ZH

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A bit of background information - you work at a coffee shop.

*Monday evening

Your POV:

I open the door to Zach and I's apartment and let out a sigh. Today has been a long day. I kick off my shoes and put them in the shoe box by the front door and I take off my coat and hang it up on the coat rack above. Zach finished early today so I assume he's in our bedroom playing on the Xbox.

I walk into our bedroom and, as I guessed, I see Zach in his gaming chair, playing on the Xbox. "Hey Z" I say softly, closing the door behind me. "Oh hey babe" he replies, not looking away from the tv. I take my hair out of this painful ponytail and let out yet another unintentional sigh. "How was your day?" Zach asks. "Meh" I reply. "Meh? Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. "I am listening, I just need to finish up this game." "Okay" I say and go to sit on his lap. I wrap my body around his and rest my head on his shoulder. There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Zach asks "what happened today?" "I don't whether it's because it's Monday or because of the bad weather but the customers were quite rude today." "Oh really" "yeah, this one guy shouted at me when I said we weren't doing the drink he asked for right now." "He what? How old was he?" Zach asks slightly worried. "I don't know, maybe like 50" "it's okay though, i remained calm and so he calmed down." I explain. "Okay good because I was about to beat someone's ass" Zach says and we laugh a little. "It was really busy too" I add. "Aw I'm sorry baby" he says before talking off his head set and setting down his controller. He plays with my hair gently. "Anyways, how was your day?" I ask. "It was alright, the usual" he replies. "Good. I'm hungry, are you?" I ask. "Always" Zach replies and we chuckle. "How about we order a McDonald's" Zach suggests. "Yeah! Good idea" I say before getting up to get my phone. I sit back on his lap and order our food. "I'm going to take a quick shower before the food arrives" I say before getting up. "Okay, I'll wait downstairs."

Fresh out of the shower, in some comfy clothes, I walk downstairs and join Zach on the sofa. "Whatcha watching?" I ask before sitting next to him. "Brooklyn nine nine" he replies, opening his arm for me to lean in. We cuddle and watch tv until the food arrives.

A few minutes later there's a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Zach shoots up and goes to answer the door as I head into the kitchen to get some sauce. "Mm smells good" I say as he brings the food to the table. "I'm so hungry" Zach adds as he sets out the food.

10 minutes(+) later:

"That was so good" I say, leaning back in my chair. "It was!" Zach adds before taking a sip of his drink. "I think I'm ready for bed" I say whilst getting up to clear the table. Zach helps, "me too. I have to be in the studio by 7am tomorrow." "We better had go to bed now then" I say.Β 
Zach walks up to me in the kitchen and puts his hands on my waist. "Are you feeling better now?" "I am, thanks to go" I smile and peck his lips. He smiles too. "Come on" he says whilst grabbing my hand and we head back to the bedroom.

"Goodnight Z, I love you" I say before turning over to get some sleep. "I love you y/nn, sweet dreams" he adds before turning off the bedside lamp.

AN: Short and sweetπŸ₯°
I hope you enjoyed! Please don't forget to leave a comment and vote!

Have a good week <3

Published: January 25th 2021

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