Jachary - blind love

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A/N: I did way to much researched for this. But I learned a lot about blindness. I found out I had used 'the stereotypical blind person' in the beginning, so I changed a lot of things to make it more realistic. I know Zach and Jack sung a part of superstition in meet and greet I think two years ago, does anyone know if it's on YouTube? I couldn't find it.


Zach works in a coffee shop. He was cleaning the counter at this moment as he had nothing better to do. The shop was located somewhere in the not so busy streets of New York. The location made the shop not to well known. Zach liked working in the shop. He can work but only with a small amount of customers. He depended on his hearing the most if the time, and big groups don't make that easy.

Zach threw the paper towel away and sighed.

He let himself finally focus on the music as there were no customers. Or so he thought.

"Sorry I've been standing here for a while now, can I make an order" a male voice asked.

Zach cursed himself, why didn't he hear him come in. He walked back behind the cash register and looked up at the man.

"Sorry I didn't notice you standing there I was just listening to the music. What can I do for you today?" said Zach while looking down searching for his notebook and his pen.

"Uhh... I would like two dark coffee, two iced coffee and a chocolate milk to go please."

Zach hummed while scrabbling the order down. "My colleagues will prepare your drinks, you can sit down if you want."

Zach turned around and lightly touching the wall before finding the serving hatch and pushing the small piece of paper trough it.

Zach turned around and smiled toward the customer. He hadn't heard him moving so he must be at the same place as before.

"Sorry can I ask you a question" the man asked again.

"Yeah of course" answered Zach a little bit too happy.

"Are you blind?"

"Wha-what how did-?" stuttered Zach.

"Easy, I'm shorter that the average guy. You looking above me. Your shearching for a pen and paper while you are looking down. Someone that could see wouldn't have done that. And for the serving hatch goes the same. It also explains why you didn't notice me entering the shop. And why you don't make the drinks yourself while there is literally no one here. It could also be the reason why you didn't recognized me" explained the man.

Zach sighed "I'm blind indeed, what about it? Also why should I know you from?".

Jack stared at him for a second before realizing he probably doesn't have a phone.

"Sorry if I offended you with my question. But I've never seen a blind person working in a shop. And that's something. I travel all the world with my four best friends. We make music. The name's Jack Avery."

Jack leaned forward and drummed with his fingers on the counter. He looked the man up and down. He surely didn't look to bad. For a blind person he looked neatly.

Zach moved a little. If Jack was a singer indeed it would explain the fact that he recognized his voice.

"I might have heard a song of yours but I'm not sure. You didn't offended me with that question. But the most people tell me, when they find out I'm blind, that I shouldn't work in a shop. I just don't get why? I'm human you know, I may not be able to see but I can do other things I'm not invalid."

The fact that Zach can't see made him miss the admiring took in Jack's eyes.

"You completely right about that, I hate people that think that they are better than others. I mean look at Stevie wonder. He's blind too and is really talented." said Jack while leaning on the counter.

"I hate those people too. Stevie Wonder is amazing, his music is so good. I want to be able to play the piano like he does. He is my idol for sure."

Jack was just about to ask another question but a 'ding' from a bell made him shut his mouth.

"Your drinks are ready" said Zach while turning around and searching for the tray with the drinks.

"Yeah I see, wait let me help you" said Jack. He quickly walked around the counter to take the drinks out of Zach's hands.

"Thank you." Zach blushed lightly, Jack was really kind to him.

"Don't worry..." Jack looked at his nametag "Zach". "It was nice talking to you, have a nice day. I'm going to bring these drinks to my friends. Jonah and Eben can't live a day without their coffee. They will kill my other friends if I don't go back."

"Haha, have a nice day Jack. I hope I'll see... uhm meet you again" laughed Zach.

Jack laughed at Zach's small joke. "Bye."


Zach smiled brightly, he liked Jack. He was kind and didn't judge him. His voice sounded also pretty attractive.

"So you're gay too, you really are a freak."

Zach's smile immediately faded, It was his coworker. His coworkers seemed to hate him. Zach doesn't know why. What's wrong with being blind and still wanting a job?

"I-I'm not gay" mumbled Zach. If his boss would find out he is gay too, he would definitely get fired. His boss wasn't too happy when Zach asked for the job. But he needed more employees so he hired him.

"You blushed, don't tell me you're not gay. I know your type, they're all freaks."

Zach nodded and looked down. He hates the way they treated him.


Zach grabbed his white cane and walked out of the shop and turned to the right. He felt with his cane for the ribbles on the street. He would follow the tactile paving all the way home.

His route home wasn't the safest for a blind person. He had to cross six streets. He lived in New York which means big groups of people who were waiting for the traffic lights and a lot of cars. It could be very dangerous when he was tired. Not being able to focus completely on the sounds and the movement around him.

Zach was exhausted after his workday. After Jack, a lot of customers entered the shop. For some reason was Monday the most busy day of the week. Besides that the words from his coworker couldn't leave his head.


'Blind freak'

Zach shook his head, now wasn't the time to let his thoughts get dark. He had to focus on the ticking from the traffic lights. Unfortunately he couldn't completely focus on the ticking, he was standing in the back of the waiting crowd. A lot of people had gathered around him. He heard all type of languages, some business calls, and very lightly the ticking.

Suddenly the group began to move. Zach quickly started walking, not wanting to hold up the group of people. Zach was always nervous while crossing the road. The 'what if' question filling his mind.

What if a driver doesn't stop for the traffic light. He wouldn't be able to see that.

He took a deep breath when he felt the tactile paving on the street again. He made it to the other side of the road. Only five lights to go. He walked the same route every day but never he was not nervous.

The next three lights went the same as the first light. The amount of people seemed to slink as he walked farther away from the busy streets. Zach couldn't wait to be home. He really craved a good bed and a book with some coffee.

The last part of his way back home is the trickiest. The tactile paving on the streets ends there. And the traffic lights don't make any noise, he just had to listen if there were any cars driving close to him. Zach yawned, he was lightly drifting away. 'I definitely need to go to bed more early' thought Zach. He shot awake by a car horn. And a loud bang.

"You've got eyes, so use them asshole" a man screamed.

"Can't you see the light is red, or are you color blind you bitch!"

"I don't see your wife here!"

Zach focus back on the car sounds. He groaned when he heard a loud jackhammer. He couldn't focus on the cars at all. He groaned why did this have to happen at this moment?

Zach felt someone walking past him. So he decided to cross the road.

"Zach wait" a hand pulled on his arm harshly which hurt him. Zach recognized the voice immediately.

"Jack what are you doing?" zach asked the loud breathing jack.

"The... the light... is still red"

"Oh" Zach realized that person that had walked past him could also have walked around the corner. He slapped himself mentally. How could he be so stupid?

"I'm sorry I just..." Zach couldn't find the words, he felt like crying.

Jack seemed to notice "Hey, hey take it easy" he said while rubbing Zach's back.

"I'm just tired and those men were very loud, I thought I felt someone walk past me and I.... what are you even doing here?"

"I was just walking to be honest, wanted to clear my mind. I saw you walking and decided to say hello. I'm so happy I did."

Zach could almost feel the light smile on Jack's face. He lighted Zach's mood in a matter of seconds. It's crazy what effect that boy had on him while he didn't even know him for a day.

"Do you mind if I walk you home? I don't want to see a flat Zach because he got run over by a truck" joked Jack.

Zach nodded and laughed lightly. He felt Jack take a hold of his hand. He blushed and felt a little squeeze. (I know this isn't the best way to guide a blind person, always offer your elbow. It's only for the story)

"You're cute when you blush, come on we can cross the road." said Jack.

They crossed the road together, Zach felt save. He only ever felt save with his mom.

"You tell me when we have to turn or whatever right?"

"Yeah, it isn't that far anymore. Also, please don't mind my apartment. I know now that you're famous and stuff. I'm not the richest boy out there" Zach grew shy, Jack probably had a big house and an expensive car and Zach had none of that. Just a small cozy apartment.

"You said the f-word. I don't like to call myself that. You are famous when everyone knows about you. That's definitely not the case."

"And Before all of this I lived in a small town in Pennsylvania, I never had a lot of money before I was part of this band. I won't judge I promise" Jack added quickly, trying to make Zach feel better about himself. And it worked, it did made Zach feel better about himself.

"we're here" said Zach.

He took his keys out of his pocket and let go of Jacks hand. He felt the key opening and pressed his thump to it. He felt with his other hand for the key and moved it towards his thump. he took away his thump and the key slid into the opening and unlocked the door. This happened in only twenty seconds.

Jack was impressed, it took him always hours to open the door and Zach couldn't even see.

"Come on" said Zach when he didn't feel Jack presence.

Jack walked into the hall and followed Zach to the elevator. Jack saw Braille on the buttons in the elevator. Zach's hand immediately went to the fourth button. A minute later they arrived at the fourth floor.

"here we are" mumbled Zach.

He took his keys out of his pocket and let go of Jacks hand. He felt the key opening and pressed his thump to it. He felt with his other hand for the key and moved it towards his thumb. he took away his thumb and the key slid into the opening and unlocked the door. This happened in only twenty seconds.

Jack was impressed, it took him always hours to open the door and Zach couldn't even see.

"Come on" said Zach when he didn't feel Jack presence.

Jack walked into the hall and followed Zach to the elevator. Jack saw Braille on the buttons in the elevator. Zach's hand immediately went to the fourth buttun. A minute later they arrived at the fourth floor.

"here we are" mumbled Zach.

He again took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door from his apartment.

Jack was in awe when he walked in. It was cute, cozy and just... perfect.

"So this is where I live" said Zach when he closed the door behind Jack.

"It's perfect, did you decorate this?" asked Jack. he looked around the apartment. A crème couch and a grey ,really comfortable looking, chair stood onto a fluffy carpet. A grey table was settled in the middle and a television hung on the wall. The fluffy pillows and the blanket on the couch didn't go unseen.

On the walls hung pictures and a few lp's. Jack immediately recognized them as Stevie Wonder and The Beatles. In the right corner of the apartment a white piano stood in front of the big window. And besides the piano stood a guitar and some funny little plants. His whole apparent was clean and neat, yet cozy.

Zach took off his coat and hung it on the coat rag, so did Jack. He left his cane next to his umbrella and took of his shoes and placed them right next to his beaten red all stars.

"No I didn't, my mom did. I just told her what I wanted in my living room. I really like the texture of the couch, the pillows and the carpet." Zach said and let his hand slide along the couch. "I always wanted my own piano, I started saving up money from my tenth birthday. I had enough money to buy one a few years ago but I thought it would be better to buy one when I'm living on my one. My mom said the white piano matched the best with all my furniture and it sounds beautiful so that's the reason why it's there."

"Can I play?" asked Jack.

"Sure, but wash your hands first" answered Zach.

Jack smiled and nodded before realizing, while walking into the small kitchen, Zach couldn't see him. "Will do, tell me about those lp's, are those your favorite or..."

"They are, I used to listen to them all day when I was younger, Abbey Road is definitely the best Beatle album. And like I told you Stevie Wonder is my idol so I had to add Songs in The Key of Life to it. I already planned on hanging them on the wall together with some family pictures. When I moved out my mom gave me a copy of the lp's so I could still listen to it. I listen to lp's most of the time it makes me feel nostalgic. And there are less buttons on a turntable."

Jack hummed and dried his hands. He walked over to the piano, sat down and pressed a key. A clear jet warm tone filled the room. "It sounds beautiful indeed."

Jack started to play a happy tune, "I see a guitar standing there, do you play more instruments?"

"Drums a little, and I sing a little" answered Zach when he also went to wash his hands.

"You sing?" said Jack happily "Can you sing a little something for me?"

"I'd rather not, I'm not very good at singing." said Zach sitting down next to Jack.

"Ahw come one, I bet you're not bad at singing" said Jack when he poked Zach's side jokingly.

"Maybe I will, but only if you sing first, show me your skills"

Jack hummed in response and chanced the happy tune to superstition by Stevie Wonder. That made a big smile appear on Zach's face."Very superstitious, writings on the wall,
Very superstitious, ladders 'bout to fall,
Thirteen-months-old baby broke the lookin' glass
Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past"

Zach was honestly surprised, Jack was really good at singing, how did he not know him?

"When you believe in things that you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition ain't the way"

"Come on, it's your turn" said Jack wanting to hear Zach sing. And so he did, the beautiful notes that were leaving his lips stunned Jack.

"Very superstitious, wash your face and hands,
Rid me of the problem, do all that you can,
Keep me in a daydream, keep me goin' strong,
You don't wanna save me, sad is my song"

"I'm not very good at singing my ass, this is so good" said Jack in disbelieve, almost messing up the cords.

"When you believe in things that you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition ain't the way, yeah, yeah"

Zach and Jack both enjoyed the little instrumental, moving with the music. Jack looked at Zach, he had his eyes closed and a big smile on his face, he looked breathtaking. Jack knew he just met Zach today but the boy made him feel... different.

Both the boys sang the last part together, Jack naturally singing a little higher than Zach. Their voices blended so good together. Both of the boys were surprised, it almost looked like their voices were made to be heard together.

"Very superstitious, nothin' more to say,
Very superstitious, the devil's on his way,
Thirteen-months-old baby broke the lookin' glass,
Seven years of bad luck, good things in your past

When you believe in things that you don't understand,
Then you suffer, superstition ain't the way, no, no, no"



Zach had invited Jack to stay for dinner. Jack had really enjoyed his stay for so far, him and Zach got to know each a lot more. They were even talking about their embarrassing stories, something that mostly happens after a few dates.

"What would you like to eat? I don't feel like cooking to be honest" said Zach.

"Pizza is always good" that made Zach laugh.

"Pizza it is,I'll order some domino's" said Zach and grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"Wait you have a phone, how do you use it?" said Jack curiously.

"You can ask siri to tell you what you are touching on your screen" said Zach while he moved his pointer finger slowly over the screen.

"Instagram... Snapchat... Youtube... TV... Camera.... Mail..." sounded from his phone.

"I thought the app was on the left side" said Zach a little dissapointed that he could find the app. He swiped to the right and stated again

"Uber Eats... Domino's"

"There it is" said Zach happily and clicked on it.

Jack watched with amazement how Zach used his phone and ordered the pizzas.

"Done" The younger boy smiled happily. Jack mentally cooed at him.


"I have a few questions about blindness, if you don't mind" mumbled Jack. He wanted to know more about the boy, and more about blindness in general. But he was scared he would offend the boy.

"Just ask, I love to educate people about blindness" said Zach smiling, hopefully, towards Jack.

Jack took a deep breath before asking the first question. "You can't see a thing right"

"I'm born with only a little sight. But it's not enough to be able to see so I identity myself as blind. I am sensitive to light. If you'll stand in front of a window in a dark room I may be able to see you faintly because of the difference in light"

"So, you don't see colors"

"I can't see colors but when you say blue I know that it is a cool color, that the sky and the sea have that color and so on. People always think that if you're blind you see black. But that isn't true, I see nothing. It's weird to describe."

"How 'bout dweaming" asked Jack while he stuffed some pizza in his mouth. Making Zach laugh.

"Ah, the famous do you see while you're dreaming question. The answer is no. When I have a nightmare I wake up feeling scared and maybe a bit sick, no more than that."

"That's so weird" said jack when he tried to imagine seeing nothing, of course not succeeding.

"Not for me, like I said I've been blind my whole live." said Zach with a light laugh in his voice.

"Then how do you know how you look like, how I look like?"

"I don't." Zach said simply

Jack looked at him with open mouth.

"I always ask people to describe me, or themselves."

"So, you don't feel faces" blurred Jack out.

Zach had

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