"There's something wrong," Haven stated, looking down into the drink she had been sipping on.
She glanced up at Stiles, then peered around the party. She tried to scan for Scott, but Haven and Stiles had wandered away from him in search of food. She realized that perhaps that wasn't a good idea on a full moon, but she was sure he was able to stay in control.
She reached for Stiles, feeling a bit woozy. "Stiles, there's something wrong."
When she looked at him, he was gazing elsewhere sadly, like he was in some kind of trance. Tears started to form in his eyes, and she grabbed onto him when he flinched, hiding behind a pillar for a moment like he was dodging something. She grabbed onto his torso, wrapping herself around him to help support him from falling backwards.
"Stiles?" she questioned, looking up at him as he blinked away the tears and looked around frantically. "Stiles, what's wrong?"
He just shook his head, wrapping one of his arms around her as he breathed in and out.
"I'm fine, it's fine," he reassured it. "I'm fine."
"This isn't fine," she shook her head. "Something's wrong."
She started to notice how insanely drunk everyone looked, more so than usual.
"We have to find Scott," Haven said, putting her cup down, grabbing Stiles' arm and pulling him with her. "We have to find Scott, Stiles, c'mon."
When she finally found Scott, she felt Stiles' weight shift.
"And I'm going down," she groaned as she toppled over, almost dropping her best friend.
"Hav!" Scott yelled, running over.
"Something's happening," they said together.
"I think it's in the drinks," Haven told him, and he nodded, holding a water bottle to Stiles as they propped him against the wall. "C'mon, Sti, you gotta sober up."
A girl walked over, "What do you think you're doing? You want to sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it."
"You can do better?" Scott asked.
"I can do best, boy," she sassed, grabbing Stiles and dunking his head into the pool as Scott and Haven gasped.
When she let Stiles back up, he was gasping for air and sober.
"How do you feel?" the girl asked him.
"Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl," he said sarcastically.
"He's sober," she nodded before leaving.
Haven reached over, grabbing his face in her hands as if that would help with the water at all.
When all the betas had gotten out of control, Isaac was able to regain his and help Derek subdue Boyd.
"Think you'll be okay now," Derek told Isaac as he restrained him once again, the taller wolf sitting still as he looked straight, still in wolf form and his eyes glowing golden. "Looks like you found an anchor."
"My father," Isaac nodding, turning to face Derek. "I was really hoping it'd be Haven instead."
Derek paused for a moment, seeing the disappointed look on Isaac's face, the dirty blond muttering, "He gives me nothing at all my entire life, yet he's still everywhere."
"That's okay," Derek told him. "Whatever holds you to your control is all that matters. Your father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you."
"He didn't use it," Isaac said with a small smile on his face as he remembered what little good memories he had of his dad.
When Isaac left the subway car, Lydia was there in front of him, blowing wolfsbane in his face.
Haven watched as Allison ran past them, tears in her eyes. She looked at Scott and Stiles, both of them nodding as her to go after her.
"Find Lydia," Haven told them before rushing after Allison.
"Alli!" she yelled as she chased her down the driveway. "What's happening?"
"It's my dad," she said. "He said my mom's—That my mom's..."
Haven had a feeling what she was going to say at the way her mother had acted the morning before and the way Allison was acting now.
"Give me the keys," Haven said, holding her hand out.
"Haven, you don't have to take care of me right now, I—"
"Allison Argent, hand me the damn keys you are not driving in this state," Haven said sternly. Allison sighed, handing them to her. "I'm your friend, we'll get through this part together. Now, let's go. Hospital?"
Haven sat in the passenger seat of her mother's car, sniffling as she had just stopped crying. She had to watch Allison find out that her mother was dead.
"Haven, are you guys getting in way over your heads?" Merced asked, looking at her daughter as she parked in front of their house. "It's not your guys' jobs to fix everything in Beacon Hills."
"Of course we're in way over our heads," breathed back Haven as she unbuckled herself. "But someone has to fix it."
"And that someone doesn't have to be you guys," Merced said, following her daughter out of the car.
"Then who, mom? Because at the rate we're going, we're all going to end up orphans!" Haven yelled back, the winds around them moving gaster. "No one in my friend group but Lydia has both parents now. It's just a matter of time before what's left of you guys is gone."
Merced looked worried for a moment, but her eyes focused on something behind Haven. She turned around again, seeing a figure on their porch. She felt calm as she walked up, seeing Isaac sitting there.
"Hey," he greeted her with a small smile. "How did the party go?"
Haven chuckled for a moment, but the chuckle turned into laughter, and before Merced and Isaac knew it, Haven was sobbing into her hands, covering her face. He shot up from the porch, standing in front of her confused. He looked at Merced in search of answers as he pulled her into his chest, letting her tears soak into his shirt.
"She's had a long night," Merced said, patting Isaac's shoulder. "Let's get her inside, yeah?"
"Where's Scott and Stiles?" Isaac asked her, sitting her down on the couch next to him.
"They went to find Lydia, I went home with Allison. I'm sure they'll be fine," she shrugged between sobs. She put her feet up ont he couch and laid down so that her head rested in Isaac's lap, and he started to comb his fingers through her hair, humming softly.
Merced looked at the two of them, and there was one thing about her daughter that was clear to her. She had two anchors. One in her best friend, and one in her boyfriend.
· sorry for another short chapter, just wanted to publish smt.
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