Monday 2nd of October 2017
Emilia made her way towards them, to tell Joni that she was ready to go home. Just as she walked passed the entrance door it opened and in walked a couple of familiar faces. Her heart dropped and her knees grew weak... He closed the door behind them as she continued to laugh at something he had just said before they walked in. Emilia stopped in her tracks and looked at her as she suddenly saw her face too. The both of them, just staring at each other for what felt like years...
"Rose" she whispered through a sudden lump in her throat...
Richard closed the door behind him and stood there, wondering if he should open it again so that they could make a quick escape. Rose looked at Emilia and smiled. "Hey there" she said through a smile as she removed her jacket. Emilia's heart was literally, almost about to beat through and out of her chest. It was going at least one hundred miles an hour. Joni stood up and walked towards Emilia. Emilia looked at her then back at Rose and smiled. "Do you want a drink?" she asked as she pointed at the bar. Rose looked back at Richard who looked at her and nodded his head. "Sure" she said as she walked towards her. Joni wondering if she should stand between them, and or, leave them be. Emilia smiled her beaming smile and held her hand out in front of her. She didn't really know why she did that. However, it was done and yes, she did look like a little bit of an idiot. Rose smiled awkwardly at her as she walked passed. "Great!" She said as she smiled back at her, the both of them making their way to the bar. "Hi" Joni said as she held her hand out to shake Richards. "Hello there" he said as he shook her hand, with a smile on his face. "How have you been Emilia?" Rose said as she took a seat on the stool in front of the bar. Emilia taking a seat next to her. She actually, really didn't know how to answer that. She felt as though she was treading on 'ready to shatter at any moment' glass. "Tired! So tired!" she admitted. "Work is just crazy and I've hardly had any time to catch my breath if I'm being totally honest" she blurted out uncontrollably. Rose nodded her head and laughed a little too. "That's you though! You've always been a busy little bee, even when we were filming Thrones" she said as she took a sip of her red wine. Emilia looking back at her curiously. Rose knew that Emilia was wondering why she was so, normal about their entire situation.
"Look. I want to apologise" she said as she watched Emilia's eyebrows knit together, something she's admired about her for so long. "Really there's nothing to apol" Emilia began before she was disrupted. "Yes there is. Of course there is! It took me a while to realise it, and yes I was so fucked off, don't get me wrong, but Richard helped me through it, actually" she said as she looked at the smiling man looking back at her. She looked back at Emilia and leaned on the palm of her hand. "It was always the two of you..." she took a deep breath as Emilia's eyes began to fill with tears in the fire lit room. "He always talked about you... I was stupid to think otherwise" she said as she realised that she didn't need to say much, that Kit had probably told her everything. To which she was right. She took a drink of her red wine and looked back at her, once, best friend. "I'm not happy how it happened. The timing was really bad. But, I am happy that it happened. I hope you're happy and content with the decisions the both of you have made" she said through a smile. Emilia nodding slowly. "I am. We are. And I am so SO sorry about the timing Rose. You're right, it was a shit thing to do!" she began, before Rose shook her head. "I don't want an apology Emilia" she said as she pushed her drink towards her. "I'm happy for you. For the both of you" she said as she watched Emilia drink the rest of her glass. Joni bringing the both of them another one, and a line of shots, to which they gladly took and drank.
After a while, some laughter and a few shots too many Rose and Richard were preparing to leave, Joni had in fact, already called their taxi and he was sitting outside of the pub, waiting for the both of them to climb in. "I meant what I said Em" Rose said as they stumbled hand in hand out of the pub, the morning breeze hitting their faces like icicles. "I am happy for you" she said as Joni opened Emilia's door. Emilia falling in and looking up at Rose... "Just don't get married" she said as Emilia focused on what she was saying. Her eyes squinting at the sudden hope. Rose moved on her feet and continued to speak. "I don't think I'd be ready for that" she said honestly. Emilia looked back at Joni, who looked at her, and shook her head. Joni closed the door before her drunken, best friend could tell her that she was in fact, engaged. "Good night Rose" Joni said as she leaned on the taxi. Her eyes fixed on Rose and Richard. "Good night" Richard said as Rose looked back at Joni curiously. "They're not going to get married. Are they?" Rose asked curiously. Joni took a deep breath. "Honey, I had only just found out tonight that they were seeing each other. I have no idea" she lied as she opened the front door of the taxi and fell into the passenger seat. "Good night!" she said they drove away... Emilia, looking out of the window, with nothing but worry and concern on her face...
Kit Harington - Friday 22nd of October 2017
E: What time do you fly in? Where are you?
K: Sitting in a limo with the rest of the cast on our way back to the hotel. I fly in tomorrow morning. But don't worry about picking me up. I'll catch a taxi home. You're at home right? My house?
E: No. I miss you. I'll come and get you. Hi to everyone...
K. I get in at 3am. It's your birthday tomorrow. I'll never forgive myself if I'm the reason you're up so early... even though, I fucking miss you...
E: You have no idea...
E: Wait. You remember my birthday?
K: Of course I do.
"Kit. What times your flight?" Liv asked as she looked up from her phone. "In a few hours. When is yours?" he asked through a smile. "In a few hours" she said softly. "I think we're on the same flight" she said curiously. Kit nodding as he looked down and smiled at his phone.
E: I love you. Ring me when you get to your hotel.
K: I love you too darling. FaceTime?
E: Yes fucking please! 🙏
Kit put his phone into his pocket as he looked out of the window and thought of nothing and no one, but her. "Emilia Clarke" he thought to himself. It had been over 20 days since he'd left her. Time felt as though it was dragging on forever, they hardly kept in touch. He missed her. It was times like this where he missed filming Thrones. Season eight will begin production soon and so shall their time together commence. It was at least another 45 minutes to their hotel and he could feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, since he wasn't texting Emilia to keep him awake...
"I had a dream about you" he said as he blinked slowly and smiled quietly to himself. "You did?" She asked excitedly. Emilia holding her phone on her ear, her grip getting tighter in the hope that she would not miss what he was saying. "I did, I did" he repeated. Signal wasn't strong enough for FaceTime, so normal conversation just had to do. Kit was walking towards his room and in a couple of hours he would board his plane, to go to her. "You were a bird" he said as he made his way towards the elevator. Kit loosening his tie as he pushed the number to his floor, his phone leaning on his shoulder. "I was a what?" She asked as she leaned on a door. A big smile on her face. "A bird Emilia. You we're a bird, flying through the wind. And then I woke up. I just had it now actually. I fell asleep in the limo" he laughed as the elevator doors opened to his floor. Emilia laughing her loud, unusually echoed, contagious laugh. Kit stepped out of the elevator and made his way to his room. "I'm interested to know more about your dream" she smiled as her voice echoed once more. Kit looked down and frowned at his phone as he walked to ensure that it wasn't on speaker. It wasn't. He thought it was the change from elevator to the hotel corridor, but it wasn't that either.
He then looked up and near dropped it on the maroon, heavy duty carpet.
"So, what sort of bird was I?" she asked as she smiled back at him. Kit just stood there, looking back at her, as if he was still dreaming. Emilia hung up the phone and pushed it into her back pocket. "Happy birthday to me" she said as Kit moved on his feet. He couldn't believe it. "Em" he sighed as he threw his phone into his pocket and walked towards her. He didn't even hesitate. He wrapped his arms around her. He was so surprised he couldn't even speak. "Kit" she whispered as she ran her hands through his hair. "I can't believe you're here" he said as he held her close. Emilia laughing into his shoulder. His scent filling her nostrils. "I needed to see you" she said as he leaned into her so much, her back was against his door. "I want to kiss you" He said as he moved his face in front of hers. His hand coming up and caressing the side of her face. She was absolutely flawless. Her eyes beaming back at him as she too held his face between her hands. "I couldn't wake up on my birthday, without you there" she admitted. Kit just smiled back at her and closed his eyes. Going in to kiss her. "How did you know where I was?" he asked as he kissed the top of her nose. His mouth aching to kiss her full lips. "I've been talking to Liv" she said through a smile. "Open this door already. Let's go inside" she moaned. Kit laughing as he finally let go of her and pulled the key card from his pocket. He pushed the door open, the both of them, holding eye contact, Kit making sure that he did not look away from her. He leaned down and picked her bags up, Emilia finally breaking eye contact as she turned to walk into the hotel room. Kit closing the door behind him with the back of his foot. He dropped the bag beside him, leaned forward and pulled her back into his arms. The both of them leaning on the front door. "This is the best surprise and it's not even my birthd" he began before his words were cut off from her kisses. Kit closing his eyes and moaned into her mouth. His hands coming up, caressing the side of her face as her hands rested on his chest. "Twenty three days is too long" she whispered through their kisses. "Is that how long it's been?" he asked as he removed her jacket. "It felt like forever" he said as they walked backwards, allowing him to guide her to the nearest seat. He couldn't stop kissing her, and vice versa. She fell back onto the settee, laughing as he began to remove her clothes. Emilia shaking her head. "No" she said as she kicked her shoes off. Kit nestling himself between her legs as he lay on top of her. "I just got off of a 36 hour flight Kit" she said as she looked up at him. His curls hugging his face. "SO?" he said as he leaned down and kissed her. Kit pushed himself into her so that she could feel his hardness through his trousers. "I missed you" he said as he leaned down and kissed her neck, Emilia giggling as she held her hand on the back to his curly head of hair. "I need a shower Kit" she said as he continued to try and remove her clothes. "No you don't, you smell magnificent" he said as his fingers ran down her now, bare hips. His hands moving to the front of her ripped jeans. Kit successfully removing the button and the zipper. Emilia looking up at him. Defeated. "You have a plane to catch" she reminded him as he looked down at her, puzzled. "What?" he asked. "You have a plane to catch" she repeated as she moved her head slightly to the side, her eyes beaming back at his seriousness. Kit pushed himself up and looked at his wrist watch. "Are you coming with me?" He asked curiously. "Pft. No" she said as she too sat up. (Her plan had worked). "I just came from London. I want to see what the streets of New York have to offer me, on my birthday" she said as she looked back at him. Kit resting his body weight on the back of his feet. His hands now resting on his thighs. "Emilia, I'm not leaving you here. I'm not flying anywhere without you" he said through a serious frown. Emilia bursting into laughter and jumped up from their seat. "You better bloody not be Harington!" she laughed as she made her way through his hotel room. Kit face palming as he looked down at the spot where she once lay. "You got me" he whispered to himself. His heart and gut, filling with love. Emilia's laugh echoing through his room. "Well, are you coming?!" she asked as she stood in his hallway, her clothes already removed as she walked towards his bedroom shower. Kit stood and followed her. Removing his clothes on the way...
They spent the rest of the night to the early morning together, on his bed, clothes less and enjoying each other's company. Room service food surrounding them. She can't remember a time where she felt so relaxed. "Em, I missed you so much" he said as he ran his fingers through her blonde head of hair. His body was spent. They spent the majority of the night, 'catching up on lost time'. She was half asleep in his arms. He kissed the top of her head to try and wake her up. "Emilia" he whispered. "Hmm?" She said sleepily. "Wake up. Talk to me" he whined. Emilia smiling in her sleep. "What?" She said as she opened her eyes, looking back at him. The sun, streaming through their bedroom window.
"Happy birthday Emilia" he whispered as he leaned down and kissed her lips. Emilia kissing him back with love. "I love you" he said as she ran her hands through his hair. "Get up. Let's go and make a day of it" he said as he sat up. Emilia rolling over onto her stomach, throwing a pillow over her head. Her bare back turning from him. "Noooo" she sighed. "I'm exhausted" she moaned. Kit removed the pillow from her head and dropped it. Emilia turning around, giggling as she did so. "Wake up" he whispered as he leaned down and kissed her neck. "Where do you want to go Kit? It's so early. Where are we supposed to go?" She asked as she rolled into his arms. Kit holding her close. "It's New York Em. The city that never sleeps. We could go anywhere. I would go anywhere. Anywhere. As long as I'm with you" he said as she made herself comfortable. Laying there, with her head on his chest. "Well come on then" she said as she climbed out of bed. Kit smiling as he followed her into the bathroom to get ready.
They were walking the busy streets of New York. It was the afternoon. They had spent the entire morning sight-seeing and taking photos. No, not on their phones, no. That was not allowed. Kit's rules. All of the photos were taken on his ridiculous camera. The duo were eating and laughing as they caught up on the business they got up to whilst they were apart. Stopping every now and then to take photos with their fans. The majority of them not even batting an eye that they were together. Their presence together had just become somewhat, normal.
"Hey, you didn't tell me how you met up with Rose at the pub" he said as a red head walked passed him, which triggered the memory. "Yeah that's right!" she laughed as she took a bite of the apple in her hand. "It was good to see her. It was a surprise, let me tell you" she laughed. "I bet it was. But, the photo you sent me was great! It took my breath away, to be honest" he said sheepishly. "I forgot I sent that" she said as they made their way to the bar. Kit had organised something for Emilia. He wouldn't tell her what they were doing. All she knew was that they were going to a bar, and then to the theater. She pulled her coat off and wrapped it around her waist. The both of them sitting on their privately booked booth. An entree already waiting for them, a note on her plate, making her laugh out loud. Kit couldn't help but capture the moment on his phone. Emilia noticed. She leaned forward and hit his chest.
"You said no photos on our phones" she said as she leaned back into her seat. "I want this for my Instg" "Do not say Instagram!" She roared through her laughter. "Instagram" he said cheekily. "Kit. No. I cannot be the fourth picture. Your Instagram is just full of... ME!" she said as she grabbed the wine list, scrolling through the choices this bar/restaurant had to offer. "Kit, don't" she said as he clicked away. "But, It's a good photo" he said as he put his phone face down on their table. "But if you say so" he said in defeat. "Thank you" she said as she leaned forward and caressed the side of his face. "You're welcome" he whispered lovingly. "So we have to be out of here in an hour" he said as he looked up at the bar. "Then we'll be heading off to the theater" he said as he checked the time. "What are we going to watch?" She asked curiously. Kit leaning back into his seat, his eyes not leaving hers. "Kit?" she asked as she took a sip of her water. "The disaster artist" he whispered as he watched her face change from a smile to a frown. "You're kidding?" she blurted out. "No I'm not" he laughed. "Kit" she began. "He's not going to be there. We're just going to watch his movie" he said reassuringly. Emilia shaking her head as she consumed the rest of her drink. "I know you wanted to see it, before I was a real dick last year. So, I thought that since we're here. We may as well go and see it. The ratings are through the roof. It's apparently, really good" he said as he stood. "Come, let's go and order" he said as she stood with him. "This sounds like a night to remember" she said sarcastically. "Well, it is your birthday" he said as he followed behind her.
Emilia stopped suddenly and turned to face him. "So you're taking me to a movie that you know I have wanted to watch for a while, that stars a man that you do not like, just for me?" she asked as he looked at her and laughed. That is exactly what he was doing. 'I would literally do anything to make you happy' he thought to himself.
"No" he denied at once. "I want to take you to his movie, so that you could see how shit he is at acting" he joked. Emilia roaring with laughter as she placed her hands on his chest. "Thank you" she said as she looked into his eyes. Wondering why it took them so long to love each other this fiercely. He looked back at her with love. "Don't thank me Emilia. I'm doing this for my own personal gain. You are going to see how much of a shit movie it is, and you are going to thank yourself that you did not go home with him that night! You just wait and see!" He began as she rolled her eyes and turned to make her way towards the bar. "Those reviewers don't know that they're talking about" he joked as the both of them waited in line. "Shut up" she said as she pushed her shoulder against his softly. Kit smiling quietly to himself.
They continued to chat quietly, as did the people around them. It wasn't until it was almost their turn where she noticed who was standing in front of them. "James" she whispered as she placed her hand on the back of his shoulder. James turning around to face them. As soon as he saw her face, he smiled. "Emilia" he said weekly as they leaned in and kissed each other on the cheek. James bringing her in for a hug. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he held her close. Emilia giggling in his arms. "We're here for tea" she said as she pulled herself out of their embrace. "Tea?! Of Emilia my little Brit" he joked. Emilia looking back at her Kit. "James, you remember Kit?" she asked as she took a step back next
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