Hi guys! Its five year anniversary for the Halloween Larry hug. Also, a very sad day for directioners. As today is a special day for Larries I decided to post the fic I wrote based on a Larry proposal dream I got months ago. Don't worry lots of Captain Niall is involved ;D
Please leave votes if you like the fic :)
Hope you enjoy it <3
Thanks for my sister ot5ismyhome for being my beta reader.
Louis' fingers traced an old picture of a 16 year old boy, dramatically asking out his 18 year old self. The younger boy was on his knees with a beautiful white rose clenching its long green stem with his fingers. He has never met such a cute person in his life; those perfectly curled locks were still bouncing in front of his eyes. He can still remember that moment like it was yesterday. A small happiness spread across his face seeing the old memory. Louis can't believe it's been 6 years since he and Harry went on their first date. Even now, he gets those chills when he looks at those emerald green eyes or the bottomless dimples.
The moment Harry caught the bouquet at Zayn and Liam's wedding Louis knew what he wants, he wants Harry, he wants to spend the rest of his life with Harry, and he wants to ask Harry to marry him. But every time he thinks about that he gets nervous and his palms sweat like a 12 year old approaching his crush. Once he came across engagement rings online, just looking at it made him forget himself for a minute and he sat there like the groom who got cold feet at his wedding. He just can't understand why he gets these crazy knots in his stomach even though he knew for 100 percent Harry will say yes. Louis let out a big sigh which he didn't know he was holding in. He slides the photo back into the album when he heard his boyfriend calling him.
"Are they here yet?" Louis shouted back.
"Yes, we are, why don't you move your lazy ass off the bed to help your boyfriend " shouted a familiar voice.
"Like you help your husband by sleeping all day, Zayn?" Louis sassed.
Louis waked to Zayn and punched him playfully on the shoulders. He turned to his boyfriend and gave a peck on his cheeks making Harry blush like it was the first time Louis ever did that.
"Aww that's cute Tommo but we didn't come here to watch you guys go Steve and Bucky, remember there is lot on the list for tonight." reminded Liam.
"Shut up Liam, Barbecuing was your dumb idea all I wanted was to drink beer and watch Netflix" replied Louis giving Harry another peck.
Harry gave Louis the list of stuffs to buy and kissed him before Louis left with Zayn.
"Damn six whole years uh?"
"Are you nervous?"
"I don't know, but I am kinda worried that it will freak him out. I know Louis is the one for me but... its... just...what if he says no? Asked Harry worried.
"Come on Harry you know he won't."
"I know, But... do you remember the time when I took a puppy to his apartment along with me after our 4th date for dog sitting, he was all freaked out saying he is not ready for kids yet and returned only back for dinner. It was his house for god sake" Harry replied.
Liam thoughts for a second and said, "Yeah that's possible".
"Liam!" Harry said angrily.
"You are the worst best man ever!"
"I am no- wait what?"
"Of course it's you, Zayn will be Louis and you can be mine like I was yours"
"Oh Harry!" Liam beamed and opened his arms for a hug, but Harry looked back at him with narrow eyes waiting for a reply.
"Oh! He will definitely say "Yes" don't you worry about it, now come on let's hug it out so it's easy for me to hide my tears behind your back" said Liam with puppy eyes.
Harry raised his eyebrows but finally smiled pulling Liam into a hug.
Harry went to their bedroom and came back with a small velvet box in his hand.
"Oh. My. God." squealed Liam in excitement.
Harry opened the box to revel a shining band. Liam eyes welled up but this time he didn't even try to hide it.
"Dude, you got the exquisite taste in rings. A hidden piece of stone inside the ring has its own value. That is so beautiful. Where did you get it anyway?" asked Liam still gleaming at the ring.
"Well it's my granddad's, my nana was one bold woman in the 60's. She asked my granddad's hand in marriage. And my mum gave it to me when I came out to her." replied Harry with small smile.
Liam gave the ring back and said "Oh cheer up mate it gonna be alright, come on it's you of course he is going to say yes" cheered Liam seeing the smile fade away from Harry's face.
"By the way how did you manage it?" questioned Harry.
"I didn't, I left it to Zayn and he did it just like I imagined well not just like I imagined he pulled a Chandler there trying to convince me that he is not marriage material but I found out he was messing with me" replied Liam with a goofy smile.
Harry smiled knowing the real story from Louis, that how Liam was to in the edge to cry and throw a tantrum until the second Zayn was on his knees and pulled a ring out of his pocket. Harry found that so cute. He almost cried when he heard the story for the first time.
Thinking about a proposal really did not help him. His mind again flooded with confusion. He sighed looking at the ring.
Noticing Harry's face Liam tried to change the conversation, "What bout Niall? Who's best man is he going to be?" asked Liam. It took him a second to realize he was stupid to ask a question about the marriage. But lucky for Liam it somehow took Harry's mind of proposal.
"Well I was thinking maybe he can officiate our wedding" replied Harry with a cute smile. "Once he consoled us during a fight by acting as an officiator. I don't even remember what we were fighting for but I bet it was something stupid and poor Niall got stuck between us. So, he did a little ceremony and asked us do we want to be bond to each other as boyfriend and boyfriend as we both are sorry and want to forgive each other. He even made us say 'I do'. And later we found out he did it 'cause he wanted to order pizza and it would be awkward to bring it up when we were fighting" he cherished at the memory.
It truly cheered up Harry. He knows this is what he wants, his dream, Louis, and everything fits like puzzle pieces. An image of him walking down the aisle passed through his eyes. His lips turned into a wide smile and said "I am gonna do it"
"That was quite a change, gosh Harry that moment must have meant a lot for you" Liam replied in a cheerful tone.
"Yeah it was, Niall made him say once. I bet he can do it again, and what's the worse could happen if I propose? End of the world? I don't care! We are meant for each other I am sure he is going to say yes" gleamed Harry. It was like all his crazy thoughts which made him nervous before are vanished the second he saw himself and Louis being a perfect couple in this wedding.
"That's awesome Harry I can't wait to hear your engagement news" said Liam feeling a lot happy as he didn't mess things up by raising a question related to marriage. Instead he kind of helped his best friend to bring up his hidden courage out.
"Speaking of Niall where is he anyway?" asked Liam.
"He said he had plans to play golf with a friend so he will be here by dinner" replied Harry.
"Ok let's start arranging the things in the yard it will be perfect when the guys return" suggested Liam.
Harry agreed and joined Liam with the work after placing the ring back at its box.
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